Members Pics

westie, moz would approve :)
Deleted.... wrong thread to post
No it was my own picture...
I had that thread opened to find the link to my own picture to use it in the cakevpie thread I started. You will see it over there. I wanted to copy the link and paste it over there.

When I was replying to the House on Maudlin Street with a Wu Tang Video I clicked the wrong screen to paste in the youtube link and combined it with a repost.

this is me - on the right, drunk at a wedding

i dont usually smoke huge cigars but it was a special occasion!

Aren't people afraid these days of what kind of negative occurrences and situations can happen if one posts a photo of themself on the Internet?

I mean, people could obtain personal documentation, post slander & discriminate, for one. Or, it could be "doctored" up negatively using one of the photo types of programs.

The Internet is just plain "scary" you have no idea (unless you've met or talked to the people via in person from previously) whom you're talking to and how they'll be toward you. It could even be an undercover cop, a child, a psychopath, stalker, etc.

Be careful people...
Aren't people afraid these days of what kind of negative occurrences and situations can happen if one posts a photo of themself on the Internet?

I mean, people could obtain personal documentation, post slander & discriminate, for one. Or, it could be "doctored" up negatively using one of the photo types of programs.

The Internet is just plain "scary" you have no idea (unless you've met or talked to the people via in person from previously) whom you're talking to and how they'll be toward you. It could even be an undercover cop, a child, a psychopath, stalker, etc.

Be careful people...


Everyone who posted their photos knew the risk and danger.
Thank you very much.
Nice joke but, trust me...I'm all 100% woman, mate. (straight at that)

That was a good one though...

Phewwwww, what a relief! :p You reminded me of a Hungarian poem, so, let me post it for you. It was written by Dezső Kosztolányi, in the 1920s (!). Still so true.

They've entered me in books of every kind,
I'm registered and checked in every way.
I'm kept in musty, ink-stained offices,
in folders that are growing grizzly-grey.
Oh, gnashing of teeth, oh, humiliation,
that I am captive till my dying day,
that they dispose of me from top to toe,
that I am just a record, filed away.
I'd much prefer to live in the Sahara
or rot beneath a mound of heavy clay,
for I am kept in books of every kind,
and registered and checked in every way.
"The Internet is just plain "scary" you have no idea (unless you've met or talked to the people via in person from previously) whom you're talking to and how they'll be toward you. It could even be an undercover cop, a child, a psychopath, stalker, etc. "

Ep,this does not have a bearing on our relationship obviously :)

Although,i do have the mind of a 7 year old boy

Liked your Hungarian poem too
Slowly. I'm giving it another go. :mad:
(Effing long hair.)

It might be easier if you weren't typing at the same time ?

Or you could put your head out the window?

Or you could play Morrissey REALLY REALLY REALLY loud,place your head in front of the speaker et voila !

Or think dry thoughts...?

How was your hearty meal last night ? yum yum ?
It might be easier if you weren't typing at the same time ?

Or you could put your head out the window?

Or you could play Morrissey REALLY REALLY REALLY loud,place your head in front of the speaker et voila !

Or think dry thoughts...?

How was your hearty meal last night ? yum yum ?

Meet me at the bad mood thread and I tell you about it.;)
*ga23 lose *the chin thing babes! ban benandrus beards r cool cute people piss me off dazzak <3 dazzak come home ebola>>>robby flattery&that fuck me good the bad and the ugly im a abused tag immodesty=ugly no flirting tnx showusyourrack skinner is hot stfusuperhans ydw nekkid pics
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