Liverpool - Moz walks off stage

Re: Moz walks off stage

one time it was riddled with criminals and low lifes such as yourself?
Ive just viewed the oxford crime figures for 2008/2009 and they are shocking above average, there increasing! probably thanks to people like you.
So I'm a criminal and a low life?
I just so love people who abuse people on the internet.
Oxford crime figures high?
So you think that means there's more crime?
Or did you mean reported crime?
If you wish to debate fine.
If you want to abuse I won't respond.
The majority of Liverpool especially the estates where they moved everybody out to in the 60 & 70s are a mess.
A nice pretty city centre does not in my mind make it a "city of culture"
A few art galleys and the Beatles story does not change my mind.
To try and compare Oxford with Liverpool is a waste of time.
I'm not that keen on Oxford myself.
Just for the record I have worked with quite a few Liverpudlians in the course of my life.
As I said I don't find their brand of humour funny at all.
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Re: Moz walks off stage


Nick Peet on the Morrissey arena debacle

Nov 11 2009 by Nick Peet, Liverpool Echo
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BOOZING at the ECHO Arena seems to be the topic of the week again after one spilled drink at the weekend found its way on top of Morrissey’s head.

The incident throws up tons of issues about our incredible new world class venue but also singled the artist out for exactly what he is; a boring old wet drip.

Is there an alcohol access issue to be tackled at the King’s Dock venue? Undoubtedly.

Is it a really such a big problem? Hardly.

Plastic beer cups and the odd smuggled plastic bottle are frequent overhead projectiles when you go to rock concerts the world over.

A combination of sheer excitement and being in a state of intoxication can send the happy person in all of us into overdrive as the opening chords of a favourite song turns you into a one-man fountain leaving everyone around you showered in your warm beer.

Of course, this only happens up front in the standing section naturally. It’s a state of mind only found acceptable when you are shoulder to shoulder with sweaty students with shirts around their heads and whistles around their necks.

Spraying drinks certainly wouldn’t be feasible up in the gods for instance, where the guy next to you has miserably sat throughout the best gig of your life so as not to crease his club blazer.

But it’s a variation of this unspoken rule of gig conduct that made last weekend’s Morrissey incident so hard to fathom.

Don’t get me wrong, if I were dragged along to a Morrissey concert myself I’d throw something. Not my beer mind that would be the only thing numbing the pain of his depressing back catalogue. But certainly a shoe or a mobile phone or even a small first year student perhaps!

But Morrissey fans are hardly your head-banging, beer swilling crowd.

A bunch of 40-something old romantics; it shouldn’t be difficult to find the beer bottle distributor – after all, he was obviously the only one drinking beer amongst a field of soppy red wine sippers.

The other factor to remember is that Morrissey himself has set a new precedent for attendees of his future shows. If he’s c**p then simply chuck something at him and he’ll head for the exit quicker than an MP with a blank expenses form.

Both the Arctic Monkey’s and Kasabian have concerts planned for the ECHO Arena later this week and I’d bet both bands would be somewhat insulted if a couple of beers didn’t get sprayed about the place.

The only fear for the venue is that is escalates out of control like it did towards the end of the Kings of Leon gig earlier in the summer, as there was content far more sinister than beer in some of those plastic cups.

But the regulation and sale of booze at the ECHO Arena is just a toothache on a sensational first 12 months of trading.

And if dreary Morrissey chooses not to return then real Merseyside music fans should all stand united and buy last weekend’s beer chucker a replacement pint.

Re: Moz walks off stage

I was there at Liverpool, as I was at Brum for the first night of the tour, and at the RAH.

This tour has been a disappointment. Symphony Hall in Brum is one of the finest acoustic auditoria in the world. The songs were not chosen with that in mind, neither were the arrangements. The RAH set was identical, no effort was made to play to the grandeur of an iconic concert hall, some two and a half times bigger than Brum. How much has his heart been in it? ( Think of the care, and set lists for his Earls Court and M for Manchester shows).

The Liverpool Arena is different again, a soul less bear pit, would the set have been altered to acknowledge that? We will never know.

Mozza's fans lie mainly in the 45-55 age range. The sweaty, beery, mosh pit is becoming a thing of the past for the audience - and maybe the same is true for Mozza. If you are going to play a 10,000 gig in Liverpool with loads of standing, playing a " die hard fans" set to the faithful you are going to expect the odd plastic bottle and cup, it comes with the territory. Cancelling is crazy.

Just maybe this tour will represent a tipping point.And just maybe a more thougtful, relaxed Mozza will re-emerge, enbling him to play dates and venues as and when he wants with the care to the music and the fans that all deserve.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Was very sad and disappointed when gig was over, both because we'd travelled a long way and also because we were in front.. Bad flashback to the Oslo concert earlier this year when I saw him got hit and thought to myself 'this time he's not coming back on..'.. Can't say I don't understand him though, had someone thrown something at me when I'm doing my job, no way I would continue.

Anyway. No point thinking about that now. Met great people there and loved Liverpool! Lovely Beth, too bad we didn't meet for a drink later! Lovely two Finnish girls - would love it if you would send me pics from the concert (I know one of you is in here :lbf:).

One can hope for a refund or a new date, but doubt I'll be able to travel from Scandinavia to Liverpool again anytime soon. :(
Re: Moz walks off stage

But Morrissey fans are hardly your head-banging, beer swilling crowd.

A bunch of 40-something old romantics; it shouldn’t be difficult to find the beer bottle distributor – after all, he was obviously the only one drinking beer amongst a field of soppy red wine sippers.

Nick peet knows nothing about morrissey fans the cheeky squirt, theres another guy giving a review in the echo called paddy ? (cant think) and at least he gives an honest account
Re: Moz walks off stage

Re; The Liverpool Echo "story" - I tweeted my disgust at them a few hours ago and got a response back stating:

@GlasgowChivas Will pass your view on to the writer - you could also respond in the Reader Comment box if you wish?

I can't imagine he'll take anything on board from this but I did enjoy giving them a piece of my mind
Re: Moz walks off stage

The writer of ther Echo piece is right about one thing....Morrissey has set a precedent and if anyone with a screw loose wants to stop a gig and spoil it for everyone else, all he has to do is lob a bottle at Moz and its game over
Re: Moz walks off stage

First day back at work after the heart breaking incident in my home town Liverpool...November 7th 2009 :(:(

Came to the office to find my desk diary had been added to :lbf: You have to laugh and I did (a bit):p

Re: Moz walks off stage

The writer of ther Echo piece is right about one thing....Morrissey has set a precedent and if anyone with a screw loose wants to stop a gig and spoil it for everyone else, all he has to do is lob a bottle at Moz and its game over

i agree, thats what i wrote when i came home from the concert.
Re: Moz walks off stage

The writer of ther Echo piece is right about one thing....Morrissey has set a precedent and if anyone with a screw loose wants to stop a gig and spoil it for everyone else, all he has to do is lob a bottle at Moz and its game over

Not necessarily. People forget sometimes that performers are human beings and therefore are (and should be allowed to be) inconsistent. If that bottle had hit Morrissey on another day his response may have been totally different. It depends what mood you are in to start off with how you react to events like that. Morrissey has been hit by things before and not walked off, the last time it happened he walked off for 10 minutes until the guy was ejected and returned once it had been sorted out. I remember it because it was on the Word blog and he was getting slagged off on there for even leaving the stage for that long.
Re: Moz walks off stage

Because your from Liverpool?
Or was it was it for being amusing?
Your on the wrong site for getting things shoved up your arse.
As for being amusing?
That's a matter of taste.
I have never found Liverpool people funny.
In my experience I find them too far up their own arse.
There's that arse reference again.
They seems to be a patten forming.
Liverpool people and arses.
Maybe because you live in shitholes.


Liverpool bashing, wow thats original!!!
the psychology link was the only interesting thing you had to contribute and even that was arrogant

eyes wide shut more like

Are you a fan of stan? Because if you are that would be the only good thing about you
Re: Moz walks off stage

yes, i was shouting at the tv:blushing: when the girl at the end was speaking
(being unkind to Moz
Glen Tilbrook (squeeze) said Mozz is a delicate soul and when he was on Jools Holland just stared at the floor and didint make eye contact but isnt Mozz just a bit shy?

ahh... I just want to cuddle him

Bloody hell Ive changed my tune havent I!!!

funnily enough my friend and I were having a very similar gab tonight about him, she saw the programme I didnt. I saw him on jools tho he seemed to be being quite pushy with moz
Re: Moz walks off stage

Bloody hell Ive changed my tune havent I!!!

& you is stuck with the 'exfan' username now:thumb:

I quite like Liddypol, i have a picture of myself by Billy Fury's statue and i got a nice Beatles keyring.

the derelict house around Anfield are a wee bit depressing though!

but used to watch this as a little chap:

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Re: Moz walks off stage

Because your from Liverpool?
Or was it was it for being amusing?
Your on the wrong site for getting things shoved up your arse.
As for being amusing?
That's a matter of taste.
I have never found Liverpool people funny.
In my experience I find them too far up their own arse.
There's that arse reference again.
They seems to be a patten forming.
Liverpool people and arses.
Maybe because you live in shitholes.


Befor The smiths were famous wasn't it people form the north west including scousers who followed them around, bought there LP's and attended there concerts?

You can;t just slag an entire city off because off jokes/stereotypes you have heard.

It's predjudice [sp?]

And even though it seems harmless it can cause so much trouble.

Predjudism Was one of the main reasons of the holocaust and NO im not comparing to something THAT dreadful, but Im just saying that it seems harmless but It can lead to terrible stuff.

I hope you take this statement as critiscm and use it constructively rather than take offence :)
Re: Moz walks off stage

"I Bum This Lady Loads"

What's that all about?
beer=good4hair diva fit drama queen duck & cover malvatwat northernidiots pbr me asap raincoats? saddening
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