Jesus of Nazareth, known as "J-dogg" by some

What is your opinion of Jesus?

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Can’t we put this Jesus thread to rest already? “Allah wills it” is no different from what Christians believe: that everything that happens, happens according to the will of God—even Islamists winning elections in England. God permits evil in order to bring about a supposed “greater good.” The Lord giveth and he taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
allah wills it


As we see above, only people are evil.

There is NO God,

there never was,

there never will be.

Unfortunately you're just a human. No human has the final say on whether God exists or not.
And yet so many think they do, just by believing. Pure imagination.
willy wonka and the chocolate factory GIF

The nature of God is such that he justifies his own existence.

Unfortunately you’re just a human, what do you know about a ‘nature of God’ besides the one that humans have invented?

There can be no self justification of an existence, because ‘he’ doesn’t exist in the first place.
I like you, k-ket, but I find you kind of obnoxious on this topic. So I COULD respond to your post, or I COULD just wait a few minutes and you'll do your typical thing where you delete your post and then I won't have to bother. I think ill go with the latter!
I like you, k-ket, but I find you kind of obnoxious on this topic. So I COULD respond to your post, or I COULD just wait a few minutes and you'll do your typical thing where you delete your post and then I won't have to bother. I think ill go with the latter!

it’s a win-win for both! :thumb:
Yes, it does all end in paradox, but the traditional view is that God has both an active will and a permissive will. A right hand and a left hand. God could prevent evil, but he permits evil to occur in order to bring about an alleged “greater good.” There are dissenting theologies like Calvinism and Jansenism, or the recent development of “open theism,” but this is the main one as far as I know.


As we see above, only people are evil.

There is NO God,

there never was,

there never will be.

You can’t know that for sure can you - it’s just a subjective opinion - but you can think you can know for sure I suppose.
Yes, it does all end in paradox, but the traditional view is that God has both an active will and a permissive will. A right hand and a left hand. God could prevent evil, but he permits evil to occur in order to bring about an alleged “greater good.” There are dissenting theologies like Calvinism and Jansenism, or the recent development of “open theism,” but this is the main one as far as I know.
Yes, it’s all very complex and endless - all the theology, the sects, the endless schisms etc

Likely much of it tells us a lot more about the theologians, thinkers, philosophers, leaders and others devising and extrapolating from all the theory than it does about any putative God, first mover, divine being etc

I think much traditional Christian thinking would say that yes, God, being, conceptually at least, omnipotent, could prevent evil if he chose - but chooses not to do so in order that humans can have freedom to choose their path in life, to choose to be good or ‘evil’, as, as you say, this is seen as leading to the ‘greater good’, the schooling of the soul etc
And the idea is some choose evil and that in turn leads to the idea of the devil, the fallen angel etc

In the end it isn’t really logical, as it involves God both being omnipotent but at the same time not being omnipotent because he can’t make it all ok and a ‘greater good’ and do without evil, pain and suffering in the world - so he/she is therefore necessarily limited, by definition.

But maybe that’s all just language creating an illusion. All these words are man-made. ‘A’ self-evidently cannot be ‘not A’ so to speak - and to say God if he was omnipotent could make it so is an inherently misleading and nonsensical hypothesis because that is impossible by definition, definitions that humans created. And anyway it can be argued the subject of logic is itself devised by humans and therefore limited and not the ultimate truth which humans can’t fully grasp etc etc

Religion of some sort has I suppose been pretty ubiquitous in every age and civilisation it seems. It’s a small percentage of all the billions of people who’ve lived on the planet who have rejected it. Of course many would probably be just going along with the herd and in any case it was, and still can be, often unwise to question religion which was/is promoted and used by governments etc to control and coerce people.
Was it Nietzsche who said if God didn’t exist we’d have to invent him?

I suppose God appeals to a need many experience to surrender and let go and reach out to something greater than oneself, which provides protection and solace and comfort and meaning and an answer to the suffering and pain people generally experience, and providing something eternal and somehow morally more reliable than the limited nature of individuals and finite human societies and the seeming mess of the world and life. And that’s referred to as God.
Doesn’t prove it’s objectively true though.

Someone once told me to that in India for example to most people it literally makes no sense to question God’s existence, it is just nonsensical to ask it as God just self-evidently is, self-evidently exists. Not a matter of belief so much as just how it is.

Maybe that brings us back to definitions again ….? Oh dear 😅 The endless labyrinth ….
You can’t know that for sure can you - it’s just a subjective opinion - but you can think you can know for sure I suppose.

Agree, the same as you can never know for sure that a God exists.

God is just an idea, the belief a God exists could only ever be a subjective or personal opinion. The belief that God does exist is only true within a belief system. And no, I won’t ask for proof that you can never produce, because as I said before, even a belief in the imaginary can have positive benefits. And as long as you are not using that belief system to harm others, then I wouldn’t take away that right from you to believe in anything that helps

You can’t know that for sure can you - it’s just a subjective opinion - but you can think you can know for sure I suppose.

Yes, I can’t know that for sure, but more importantly, I can live fully and peacefully as I always have with that uncertainty. It’s not a problem.
There is nothing that makes me question that there might be a God, because I don’t need there to be a God.
I live happily without a God. I’ve lived my whole life without a God, and I know deep in my heart, that I have nothing to fear at death.

‘ … it’s the dream that so many have, that somehow, something out there is going to transform us and make life beautiful ….
people find out that there’s nothing in life
but you.’

I’d like to reply ….. but seeing as there’s only me that exists who am I replying to? And as there’s only you …. theres’s no one for you to hear. Not sure solipsism has all the explanations either….. so lonely …. but each to their own of course 🤔
Agree, the same as you can never know for sure that a God exists.

God is just an idea, the belief a God exists could only ever be a subjective or personal opinion. The belief that God does exist is only true within a belief system. And no, I won’t ask for proof that you can never produce, because as I said before, even a belief in the imaginary can have positive benefits. And as long as you are not using that belief system to harm others, then I wouldn’t take away that right from you to believe in anything that helps

Yes, I can’t know that for sure, but more importantly, I can live fully and peacefully as I always have with that uncertainty. It’s not a problem.
There is nothing that makes me question that there might be a God, because I don’t need there to be a God.
I live happily without a God. I’ve lived my whole life without a God, and I know deep in my heart, that I have nothing to fear at death.
I have no doubt at all that there are 'beings' or 'entities' that exist outside human perception. Or 'normal' human perception at least. But maybe I took too much magic mushrooms and LSD as a young man? Every culture on the planet has believed in such entities. It seems to me rank arrogance to assume now that our scientific culture knows better.
Some of these entities are benevolent and some are malevolent. Some are beyond earthly and human notions of 'good' and 'bad'. Whether one of them is 'in charge' or 'top dog / god' is open for debate. Polytheism and paganism have always attracted me much more than monotheism, and seem to me the much more 'advanced' theory, philosophically speaking. Monotheism is for children, and people who want certainty.
christianity edith sitwell jesus religion
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