Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Yes, I agree, you’ve absolutely nailed this with your post. I think I can remember VC saying
that she had met her intellectual match in
But, her with generous bust, and beautiful looks, and him with his …..
Errr, Writing talent.
I just wouldn’t have ever put these two
Could you ever imagine them two
Having sex?
Me neither 😂

Yeah, I can see she’s more good-looking than him - but it could be intellect and the life of the mind to her is more important than looks … and while he’s not a looker he’s sweet looking and very funny and being funny can be very,very attractive. Lots of comedians are no beauties but still seem to be found very attractive by more beautiful people. Haven’t myself tried to imagine them having sex though I must say…. Maybe they prefer playing scrabble, each to their own … 🤔
I think they enjoy poker the most. Or she does as she’s a world poker player and has made over a million Quid at it.
Anyway, as you say it’s not about looks,
I mean you must have seen my olde chops on here, not the best, but amazingly
Good crack over a pint or three 😁😁
The dark secrets of TV personalities .
Can’t we all just agree to not interact with her? She ruins every thread.
Malarkey is a strong contributor, even if you don't always agree with what they say or how they say it. The feeling is most likely mutual. Anyway, how come you re-appear whenever they do? :unsure:

Welcome back to you and your utterly non-existent sense of humour.
You can hardly boast a laugh-a-minute record yourself, though like Malarkey, you regularly share worthwhile insightful material directly germane to the topic. Humor is not a requirement of posting, though fortunately is in quite frequent display around here. You should consider giving blindfold archery a go - you don't know what you're missing :straightface:
this is a forum open to eveyone,if someone doesnt like someones views then scroll on by.
this is a forum open to eveyone,if someone doesnt like someones views then scroll on by.
It's hard though when whole threads become subsumed with nonsensical conversations between malarkey and whoever. The problem is she wants attention: the more she dominates the board with her inane posts the better, as far as she is concerned. If she really had a valid argument she would lay it all out in a few paragraphs and leave it at that; instead she posts purposefully opaque one liners as bait to keep the ball rolling and to make the conversation go on forever. All she cares about is the space she takes up, not what she's actually saying.
Morrissey looks great in the picture. I'm sure if he was unhappy with it, a) he wouldn't have had it published in the first place and b) would've asked Jesse to take it down. Chill your beans and try not being so negative for once, just once!
Nope. You should chill your beans too.
Nope, yourself! 'He' should be before a) because b) needs it too!
And the problem with THAT is that actually well-thought-out, thoughtful posts might get lost amongst the rubbish
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