Fiona Dodwell interview - Felten Ink (Jan. 30, 2020)

On Mozza: "He is an absolutely outstanding artist, entirely in a league of his own"

I saw interview on Fiona dodwell about her writing and they ended asking some questions about why she likes Mozza and why she would still support him, and I think it hits the nail on the head for a lot of fans who still stand by Morrissey, so thought worth sharing

Link to the full thing is here


I have to ask you about Morrissey, after all, you drew my attention with your interviews and I’ve been following you on social media ever since. What do you think that’s so divisive about him among people?

I think Morrissey is seen by some as a “divisive” figure because there simply is no one else out there like him, being so truthful, so open, so willing to discuss things that others won’t. He doesn’t pander to the press, he doesn’t bind himself to the apparent “boundaries” that other artists apply themselves to (out of fear of being controversial or opinionated). He is a rarity, a non-conformist, and because of that, people are sometimes shocked. Wow – a singer with an opinion? Aren’t they just supposed to stand there and inoffensively nod along? No, Morrissey has never been like that and it’s one of the reasons I admire him. There are few like him out there, we should treasure the braver souls amongst us.

What was the initial attraction for you?

First and foremost it’s about the music. That’s the main thing. He is an absolutely outstanding artist, entirely in a league of his own. I know I have spent many years with his music as the “backdrop” to my daily life and so his lyrics, his albums, are very special to me. Then, as we discussed above, there is his confidence and willingness to be bold and strong in the face of some really bad treatment from the mainstream media. That’s something I admire, more than I can express. I get bored of people who try to blend in, or who baulk at the idea of standing-out. It excites me when I see somebody who is willing to go against the grain, and let’s face it, Morrissey does this often. Alongside all of this, I’ve always admired his stance on animal rights.

Why do you think certain elements of the press now take such an unfavourable stance towards him?

I think it’s a combination of lazy journalism, lazy thinking and the hunger to be seen as “politically correct” in a climate where being offended is the fashion. Rarely does the mainstream press actually stop and examine why Morrissey says what he says, they just seem to take a line or two and then run away with their own story.

I find myself agreeing with him more than anything else, but I’d be appalled to be labelled ‘far right’…

It’s the names and labels that do the most damage. If you call somebody “far right” or “racist” then you have blocked the debate at hand, and stopped people examining the specific issues that are being discussed. Plenty of times, Morrissey has made valid points or issues that are relevant, yet what he says isn’t dissected, it’s people’s opinions about what he says that are instead dissected. Why are the mainstream so afraid of actually discussing what he says with level-headedness? Why does everything have to come down to name-calling, immature headlines and mud-slinging? Nobody needs to agree with what another says to at least respectfully hear them out.
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Another desperate attempt at attention seeking. If you wanted to ignore the person all you had to do was ignore them. Not you! You have to let everyone know that you were ignoring them. Have you any idea how desperate that makes you look?

Your actions also speak to your character. In the few short months that you joined this forum you have paraded yourself like a male peacock. Relentlessly posting comments, aggressively challenging the opinions of others and displaying a considered lack of communication skills. There's a certain air of immaturity masquerading as mature. When you are challenged you become hostile. This seems contrary to your claim of enjoying social discourse; or do you only enjoy social discourse when people agree with you?

I think you're deluded enough to think that posting the users IP was a clever, final act of revenge. There was nothing clever about it. It was merely nasty. IP addresses on this site can be obtained for any user, using any device, in any location but you went out of your way to publicly display this information. Your petty act of revenge has outed you as the aggressive bully that you are.
Nice! Karen/Nerak or whatever or whoever he or she is has now been tagged. Well said. :thumb:
When 'challenged' I reply. When all the poster is doing is attacking me personally then I ignore them or make a joke out of it.

Pfft! How can you reply to a 'challenge' you don't know exists because you have 'ignored'/blocked the person? Look how many times you have attacked others personally. One rule for you it seems.
IP hashes are useless outside the bounds of this site and are, by design, a methodology that masks any real IP address.
They are visible to all registered members to help reduce confusion when replying to anons.
You can opt to ignore all or none of the anonymous posters, but that is the full extent of choice currently - anything else requires visually scanning a post's IP hash and scrolling past it.
Pfft! How can you reply to a 'challenge' you don't know exists because you have 'ignored'/blocked the person? Look how many times you have attacked others personally. One rule for you it seems.

I ignore someone if it's not possible to have a proper conversation with them. And I've never said anything mean about anyone unless they've been attacking me in post after post.
I don't think Dodwell is on Morrissey's payroll. Why would he pay her? She's just a nobody who loves Morrissey. Of course she hasn't said even one interesting thing about Morrissey, but that's beside the point. He just wants to be blindly loved. Once upon a time Morrissey used to court legendary music scribes like Paul Morley and Charles Sheer Murray, now he gravitates to Fiona f***ing Dodwell.
I don't think Dodwell is on Morrissey's payroll. Why would he pay her? She's just a nobody who loves Morrissey. Of course she hasn't said even one interesting thing about Morrissey, but that's beside the point. He just wants to be blindly loved. Once upon a time Morrissey used to court legendary music scribes like Paul Morley and Charles Sheer Murray, now he gravitates to Fiona f***ing Dodwell.

Do music journalists like Morley and Sheer Murray still exist ?
Lucky IP Hash: 2127ad6a33. Me next, please!

That's an interesting communication style you have; if challenged you hit ignore. You're just another trolling bully unable to make your points coherently.

If I notice you, I will ignore you.
Another desperate attempt at attention seeking. If you wanted to ignore the person all you had to do was ignore them. Not you! You have to let everyone know that you were ignoring them. Have you any idea how desperate that makes you look?

Your actions also speak to your character. In the few short months that you joined this forum you have paraded yourself like a male peacock. Relentlessly posting comments, aggressively challenging the opinions of others and displaying a considered lack of communication skills. There's a certain air of immaturity masquerading as mature. When you are challenged you become hostile. This seems contrary to your claim of enjoying social discourse; or do you only enjoy social discourse when people agree with you?

I think you're deluded enough to think that posting the users IP was a clever, final act of revenge. There was nothing clever about it. It was merely nasty. IP addresses on this site can be obtained for any user, using any device, in any location but you went out of your way to publicly display this information. Your petty act of revenge has outed you as the aggressive bully that you are.

This is what trolls like Nerak do. They attempt to claim the moral high ground but in reality behave like spoiled children. Nerak couldn't get her way so she blocked somebody. I have no issue with blocking - in certain circumstances it's a necessity. However, her need was such that the act of blocking on it's own wasn't enough she also had a need to announce it. Further, she then posted the users IP address. Whether that IP address divulges any specific information about the user is somewhat redundant (I don't pretend to know how secure data is on this site). The question is why did she feel the need to announce the block and then post the IP? As she had already blocked the user what was to be gained from announcing it? I'd suggest, as with all trolls, it was her attempt to take back control, control she had clearly lost within her dicussions, to silence someone who challenged her poor behaviours and as with all power hungry trolls she needed to have the last word.

Nerak has claimed that her character was being attacked. A quick glance through her posts show her to be no stranger at meting out regular character attacks which leaves an overwhelming whiff of hypocrisy.

I'm aware of Nerak from her earliest posts. Initially I thought she could be a breath of fresh air. I was soon disabused of that notion as the air quickly turned rank with each passing post.
IP hash = a code given by this site to identify anon users of the forum - an indirect form of screen name if you like.
This is the only thing visible to registered users here. Nothing to do with Internet IP addresses.
IP address = a code given by the Internet & your ISP to identify their users via device and location.
Registered users can only see IP hashes.
That information (IP hash) in itself means nothing in terms of the wider concept of identification in an Internet sense.
The only individuals you can block/hide are registered members or all anonymous posts.
You can not block a specific IP hash.
When someone says they have blocked an individual anonymous poster - what they are actually saying is: 'I am choosing to ignore any post by a certain IP hash as I can identify the poster via that hash and don't wish to engage with them.'
I'm interjecting here as some of the terms being used and what they might imply are incorrect and need clarity.
I don't think Dodwell is on Morrissey's payroll. Why would he pay her? She's just a nobody who loves Morrissey. Of course she hasn't said even one interesting thing about Morrissey, but that's beside the point. He just wants to be blindly loved. Once upon a time Morrissey used to court legendary music scribes like Paul Morley and Charles Sheer Murray, now he gravitates to Fiona f***ing Dodwell.
And who is she? Why should anyone listen to what she says? What past and authority does she have?
And who is she? Why should anyone listen to what she says? What past and authority does she have?

She's someone who has 'published' answers to pre-approved questions posed by Morrissey on a remote basis.

People should listen to what she says because she set herself up as the official unofficial Morrissey spokesperson and fan.

Her past is largely skewed by self publicity. She refers to herself as a journalist rather than content selling blogger.

She had no authority but like many that stalk forums and platforms she believes she does.
IP hash = a code given by this site to identify anon users of the forum - an indirect form of screen name if you like.
This is the only thing visible to registered users here. Nothing to do with Internet IP addresses.
IP address = a code given by the Internet & your ISP to identify their users via device and location.
Registered users can only see IP hashes.
That information (IP hash) in itself means nothing in terms of the wider concept of identification in an Internet sense.
The only individuals you can block/hide are registered members or all anonymous posts.
You can not block a specific IP hash.
When someone says they have blocked an individual anonymous poster - what they are actually saying is: 'I am choosing to ignore any post by a certain IP hash as I can identify the poster via that hash and don't wish to engage with them.'
I'm interjecting here as some of the terms being used and what they might imply are incorrect and need clarity.

Interesting info. Although it seems the action is what is being questioned rather than the IP data. Useful to know though.
I'm just saying- if Morrissey wants to cut me a check I'd be willing to go on public record saying his pathetic unimaginative BORING new single is actually very good. Revolutionary, actually. A stunning pop masterpiece blending genres effortlessly and sure to go down in history as his finest work, with a suave confidence and musical fluidity that makes The Smiths sound like RANK amateurs.

But it won't be cheap because it's f***ing awful.
Says mr 17,000 Posts.

Lol...17k posts & still the world won't listen. Skinny's so f***ing dumb he hasn't even twigged yet that most of us have him on ignore 99.99% of the time. :lbf:
His words wasted. Muppet.
And who is she? Why should anyone listen to what she says? What past and authority does she have?

Ask these questions about yourself, Pierre.
Will it stop you posting?
I know which one I prefer listening to, & it ain't you.
I've never said anything mean about anyone unless they've been attacking me in post after post.

The above is a bare faced lie worthy of Trump. Have you no shame? Are you so easily provoked?
fiona dodwell
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