Everyday Is Like Sundae


It's all good
From today's Guardian Weekend Magazine. Those doing the Bigmouth Bikes Again event at the SLC last year will have been very grateful that the van (& Kate) were there.


mmmm...ice cream
you can find kate & her lovely vintage van
beside the midland hotel
on the prom in morecambe
[the seaside town they forgot to bomb]
eek... cannot possibly organise it alone
dunno if it would be as good as the first one
it was so special
also if it gets big we need marshals & police ok
there's s'posed to be an auction that the scottish contigent were helping with
i know the lads club got some fab donations...
something big from merck
anyway don't forget to take a day trip to morecambe to visit kate on the prom
eek... cannot possibly organise it alone
dunno if it would be as good as the first one
it was so special
also if it gets big we need marshals & police ok
there's s'posed to be an auction that the scottish contigent were helping with
i know the lads club got some fab donations...
something big from merck
anyway don't forget to take a day trip to morecambe to visit kate on the prom

Yes agree with Ms L Dyke (about to become Mrs L Dyke:))
We had a thread elsewhere on 'what to do this year' and I personally wouldn't be keen on the same bike ride. It was indeed a special occasion and I fear we'd be riding around saying 'It wasn't as good as last year' etc like I do at every Manchester v Cancer gig.
I recall one of the ideas was doing something to do with ice skating under the 'Rink' title.

Any other suggestions?

Jukebox Jury
i think the suggestion was actually roller skating with lucy meacock?
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