Do you like 'The importance of being Morrissey'?

How do you put stuff on youtube? I have the doc on a vhs, if I'm given simple instructions I might be able to re-upload it for you?
How do you put stuff on youtube? I have the doc on a vhs, if I'm given simple instructions I might be able to re-upload it for you?
You have to register at youtube. Then you can upload videos, it's quite simple. The actual uploading doesn't take too much time, but you'll have to wait a few hours before the video shows up.
I think its good for a fan who will ignore the annoying voiceovers and celebrity opinions and just wants a glimpse into the private world of Morrissey, whcih we do get a little of.

Reminds me of the Michael Jackson documentary where it seemed to portray them in a negative light but did give fans a look at their more private moments.

If you mean the same documentary that I saw (the one where Michael Jackson was interviewed at Neverland), I'm not a MJ fan at all and I watched it out of curiosity. And from the point of view of a largely indifferent non-fan, It's confirmed my impression that he has huge psychological problems, but it it made me feel sorry for him more than anything. And since I saw it, I've been less inclined to believe that he has actually abused children (at least in the sense of any actual sex taking place).

I don't think it was similar to TIOBM. TIOBM didn't really offer anything particularly controversial, or any new revealing comments by Morrissey about himself - it was far less revealing than many other interviews he's given over the years. Whereas Jackson talked at length about his childhood and adolescence, Morrissey didn't in TIOBM, while he had done in many times in the past. And the Jackson doc was entirely focused on the interview with Jackson himself, TIOBM was a sort of 'beginner's guide to Moz' with interviews with celiebrities that were meant to give people an idea of Morrissey's public persona.
It could have been so much better tbh. Parts of it are good but most of it like people talking about him got annoying. By all means throw some stuff like that in but i've heard it all before
I love it. They should definately have called it 'The self-importance of being Morrissey' though...:p
Like many I first saw it on Youtube. I liked it, I liked his tour of the house, I liked him walking through the streets of LA. I agree when saying that there is really no point in interviewing Bono and JK Rowling. The one person that I really appreciated their comments was Linder Sterling. Besides being his best friend she always has the most truthful, friendly comments about him and I really like that. I found it funny how he went out with some friend and he was saying that many times he doesn't know what to say, so he was just sitting there with some guy and all the guy could say was,"How have you been doing." Morrissey just looked so bored. I found it very funny when they took him to the burlesque club. He looked so innocent and just kept blushing, it was adorable. Despite some of the unneccessary celebrity interviews I liked the documentary a lot.

Agree about Linder. The 'how you doing' was a joke, that was drummer Deano and Moz demonstrating how boring life/people were.
I loved the part when he had Nancy to tea - she revelled in telling Moz all about seeing the queens "tattoo"
In his dry and witty way he said 'I didnt even know the Queen had a tattoo!'
classic Mozza!
I loved the part when he had Nancy to tea - she revelled in telling Moz all about seeing the queens "tattoo"
In his dry and witty way he said 'I didnt even know the Queen had a tattoo!'
classic Mozza!

Classic but predictable - I was thinking of the very same retort as Nancy was revelling.

Look, to all those complaining about this documentary on this thread and the poll - you're forgetting few things.

It wasn't made simply for the Morrissey/Smiths fan club - it was made for a general TV viewing audience; the 'public eye', as one post put it. You're not going to get masses of new hidden gems if you've been following his every move since, say, 1986 (just plucked at random - no specific reason).

It has also pulled in new fans, such as Duchess of Fork who, if memory serves me correct, posts some interesting + witty stuff on here. Am I right?

Ok, it is infuriating + disappointing when subsequent comments/interviews reveal that the edits have resulted in cliched/predictable stuff being used, but that's the media for you.

Here's what i said about it on the poll thread (if you're interested):

What was wrong with it? Or, what's not to like, as bagface put it?

It's got your hero in it, in his home, speaking pleasantly, with others giving insights into his life/persona/music, etc.

As for the talking head celebs (we've covered this before, haven't we?), I can't recall being perturbed by any one in particular. Can't recall Miranda Sawyer's specific comments at this moment, but i do recall that JK Rowling was particularly enthusiastic about Moz - she loves him, doesn't she? And was appalled that he was without a recording contract for so long.

Noel Gallagher? Old renta-gob! Always good for an amusing quote or 3 - a good double-page spread in last Friday's Independent newspaper carried 30-40 quotes of his on various topics.

Only thing I was not sure about was the meeting for tea/tiffin, whatever it was, with Nancy Sinatra. It seemed a little too...well, not sure really...uncomfortable? staged/contrived? like it was lacking a purpose for taking place? Oh, I don't know...perhaps someone else can articulate this better for me.
yes, I like it a lot, it's fun to watch. some of the things that made me laugh out loud:

noel gallagher talking about "f***in wankers" in the music industry and little kids that don't know "shit from clay"

chrissie hynde: "he'll always be too english for the yanks and for most of the english"

moz: "she died tragically as soon as she was given the keys to the house" ;-)

that harry potter woman is one big airhead - thow - and nancy sinatra with her "he's such a great hugger" doesn't seem to be a rocket scientist either.

and his house - wow - makes me wanna wish I was a millionaire.....

his supposed friend who gets the depressed phonecalls at 1 in the morning - forgot his name - talks quite a lot of rubbish indeed.

but noel gallagher - he's really "f***in funny"
He says in it that his years of celibacy were really hard and they are "over now"....oh how I wanted to know who the lucky swine was.Its too tantalising for words.
Don`t like that James O`Brien bloke though -how dare Morrissey visit him at one AM in his dressing gown!!There should be a law about it.Or at least bragging about it.Off with his head.
He says in it that his years of celibacy were really hard and they are "over now"....oh how I wanted to know who the lucky swine was.Its too tantalising for words.
Don`t like that James O`Brien bloke though -how dare Morrissey visit him at one AM in his dressing gown!!There should be a law about it.Or at least bragging about it.Off with his head.

It being "over now" could just mean the angst about it is over now. I think you should take into account the interview was edited and a lot more could have been said.

James O`Brien came across well to me. He didn't say anything about Morrissey we didn't already now. I think the anger directed against him on here is a little bit of "Julia syndrome". Pure jealousy.
I was only jesting!!Can`t you tell?Ofcourse I am sooooo jealous,I`m only human and prone to every concievable emotion where Morrissey is concerned.He`s been my idol for 23 years.
James O`Brien came across well to me. He didn't say anything about Morrissey we didn't already now. I think the anger directed against him on here is a little bit of "Julia syndrome". Pure jealousy.

I agree with you - and I'm not normally an agreeable person.

I didn't know Moz had visited O'Brien at 1am - even if it was a while ago - so it wasn't all already known by everyone, nor is it all rubbish, as lilikoi said. It's somewhat voyeuristic, obviously, looking at such detail or finding out such info, but i think that some of the criticsms, as I've said before, of the celebs are a bit harsh.

I agree with the idea of 'Nancy as airhead', though.
I agree with you - and I'm not normally an agreeable person.

I didn't know Moz had visited O'Brien at 1am - even if it was a while ago - so it wasn't all already known by everyone, nor is it all rubbish, as lilikoi said. It's somewhat voyeuristic, obviously, looking at such detail or finding out such info, but i think that some of the criticsms, as I've said before, of the celebs are a bit harsh.

I agree with the idea of 'Nancy as airhead', though.

I just don't find this guy very nice. Saying Morrissey is not normal and knows nothing about the whole world of intimacy - dunno - it's rude! If he was MY friend and would say such things about me on television I would be extremely pissed!!!
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