Cook Bernard Mathews

He tried to cover it up, blaming it on an outbreak of E Coli then didn't tell the Food Standards agency for four days.
He's a crook!
The way Bernard Mathews treats their animals is beyond disgusting, it's a shame these animals are being culled for simply having flu, innocent animals are dying for no reason. One good thing has come out of this though, the meat industry is losing money and hopefully consumers. The day cannot come soon enough when the meat industry collapses and lays in ruin.
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Oh, they're being gassed. Oh, how lovely. I hope everyone who eats this muck gets f***ing bird flu (and then gassed) themselves :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Bernard Mathews, hopefully will be in financial ruins after this latest fiasco involving the slaughter of so many birds. This will eventually lead to some consumer panic, and as other posters have said, repercussions on the industry as a whole.
There was a Bernard Mathews advert in the early 90's that showed some students cooking Bernard Mathews turkey products and on the back wall of the kitchen was a Smiths/Salford Lads Club poster.
The way Bernard Mathews treats their animals is beyond disgusting, it's a shame these animals are being culled for simply having flu, innocent animals are dying for no reason.

In all honesty, the ones that have "simply got flu" are probably f***ed anyway.

Oh, they're being gassed. Oh, how lovely. I hope everyone who eats this muck gets f***ing bird flu (and then gassed) themselves :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

all i can think is that thank god the poor things have had a quicker death than they would have had.
And hopefully some of those awful scenes on the news, (i cant watch it, makes me get violent and want to go hurt meat eaters) of skips full of bodies etc, will make just a few more people THINK and act and give it all up.

God rest their little souls, and heres to a world where meat is outlawed. It WILL happen one day.
Sorry dear. It won't!

Yes, it will! Once upon a time it was cool beans to keep slaves and have sex with children. One day people will look back at the way we treat other living creatures and think we were barbarians.
...all I was saying was that we won't ever live in a world were meat eating is outlawed. Who would police it? Lions?

I would! After Morrissey's Flautist, I can't think of a job I'd enjoy more! :D
Yes, it will! Once upon a time it was cool beans to keep slaves and have sex with children. One day people will look back at the way we treat other living creatures and think we were barbarians.

That's not really the same thing. I know you might disagree with me, but personally I don't think that sausages and paedophilia are really comparable.
have you ever eaten KFC? after watchin the video would you eat it again?

I have eaten KFC before, I didn't like it that much. I may eat it again but I'm not in a rush to. That has nothing to do with the video though, just the fact that generally battery farmed meat and eggs tastes inferior to free range stuff, being a capitalist I go for the more expensive tasty stuff.

I'm not trying to be controversial but I've seen the video on how fois gras is made, I found it fascinating, I like fois gras and will eat it again.

It's not that I don't think about it, it's just that I don't value the lives of animals as much as you do. I support your right to be a vegatarian, I just don't want to be one myself.
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