Article: Interview: Morrissey Says Obama 'Seems White Inside,' Talks Brandon Flowers Stalking Him -

Re: Interview: Morrissey Says Obama 'Seems White Inside,' Talks Brandon Flowers Stalking Him

Jesus Morrissey rap music stopped being a "danger to society" for american politicians ages ago. It just another simpel entertainment for now, like Taylor Swift. Besides that it was and average, nothing new interview but sweet nevertheless. I Love the man, but i can't help to think that he sometimes comes out sounding A bit one track minded and dare i say it......... :( stupi..............
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Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

The fact that you infer 'they' have a community that Obama is beholdent to act on behalf of due to his skin tone is divisive and perpetuates segregation and stereotypes .

That is the exact opposite of what he's implying. Obama is beholdent [sic] to live up to sentiments on which he campaigned and espoused since he was elected, which include mitigating the overreaches of the police state, including racial profiling, in communities of color ( It's asking a politician to live up to their word. It's not like he campaigned on more aggressive policing policies, and then we somehow expected him to do the exact opposite.

And "Perpetuates segregation"?? Do you even know what words mean?
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

It Takes A Nation Of Vegans To Hold Us Back!
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

He is probably right about the fact that British people and parties will scare away from electing women in leading political positions after Thatcher. But i wonder whether it's Thatcher's politics that are the reasons for such a behaviour or just a common understanding of the leading, moneyed class that minorities and women should get into office, yes, to shut up and stop bitching around, but only once and then not again for the next 200 years.

We've had a very fair share of poor male Prime Ministers, and that hasn't prevented other males making it. Perhaps there is a realisation that politics is far too important to choose a leader based on political correctness. The other reason there has not been another female PM since is that there has simply not been a suitable candidate. The most dominant female post-Thatcher politician has been Harriet Harman, who is not only a blithering idiot...

... but who makes her U.S. counterpart Nancy Pelosi look like a political giant by comparison. See her pitiable performance at PMQs today for further evidence.

The norm is still the white male.

Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

That is the exact opposite of what he's implying. Obama is beholdent [sic] to live up to sentiments on which he campaigned and espoused since he was elected, which include mitigating the overreaches of the police state, including racial profiling, in communities of color ( It's asking a politician to live up to their word. It's not like he campaigned on more aggressive policing policies, and then we somehow expected him to do the exact opposite.

And "Perpetuates segregation"?? Do you even know what words mean?

I doubt Obama feels he's done zero to help the populace. Living up to campaign promises and change at a political level are often totally different. People expecting otherwise are naive. When people refer to a disenfranchised black community, yet the liberal (with a small L) world preaches inclusion, respect for diversity, equality et al - then referring to 'them', 'they' as people needing special consideration (on grounds of skin colour) helps set them aside/separate (segregate) black people from others and carry on black stereotyping (perpetuate). I'm sorry I can't live up to your obvious godlike intelligence, but the expression was quite valid and the fact you question my understanding just emphasises an issue with yours.
Set phasers to ignore.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

I doubt Obama feels he's done zero to help the populace. Living up to campaign promises and change at a political level are often totally different. People expecting otherwise are naive. When people refer to a disenfranchised black community, yet the liberal (with a small L) world preaches inclusion, respect for diversity, equality et al - then referring to 'them', 'they' as people needing special consideration (on grounds of skin colour) helps set them aside/separate (segregate) black people from others and carry on black stereotyping (perpetuate). I'm sorry I can't live up to your obvious godlike intelligence, but the expression was quite valid and the fact you question my understanding just emphasises an issue with yours.
Set phasers to ignore.

The first thing I thougt right now was that if Moz has said the above he would have got criticized. They don't need help "on grounds of skin colour". They do need help on ground of discrimination BECAUSE of skin colour. That's a difference. And the problem today is that nobody wants to acknowledge that discrimination still exists, for some reason. Some people seem to believe that not mentioning it means that it will just go away. As for the impossiblity to live up to campaign promises and people who hold on to it being naive: What do you expect people to do? Do you want them to say "I know it's impossible to implement election promises, so to hell with them"? People have the right to ask for redemption of the election promises.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

Comments on what Morrissey says on this site is comic relief at this point..You take it so seriously. He sounded somewhat happy and was a good read.
Morrissey´s Career....RIP

Hi hæ!

Blimey I didn't know Delia came on here ! " Let's be having you ! Come on ! We need an extra man on here ! Where are you ? "
Oh De that was classic, loved it.
Anyway I'm here now not sure about Brummie I think he may be rehearsing in Denmark I'm sure he'll keep us up to speed as and when. ( you missed the R out of his name by the way ).
I shall read Silly Steven's interview and report back with my findings later.


Benny, we´re not in Denmark, we´re in Iceland. We´re in Reykjavik at the Thingholt, just back from Sundlaudin recording studios. But we´ll be back in Kobenhavn next week to work with Billund Boy on the final vocal mixes. Etc. Anyway....!

We´re preparing the Death Sentence for Morrissey´s career. This interview is, obvs, the final straw. No more Boot Camp re-education options. No more detentions, parole, rehabilitation, this fcuker is, metaphorically, toast. We will bring his alabaster crashing down in the most spectacular end of career car-crash imaginable-by making his entire 33 years charade of Cheesetarian-Corpsetarian-Crank-Fraudism a textbook example of How To Be a Cultural Klovn. Enough of his bullshit, his excuses for 33 years of refusal to fess up to endorsing the rape and torture of female cows and the infanticide of their male offspring after weeks of being oral sex slaves to Agro Fascist farmers who get off on being blown by veal crated slaves. Morrissey is one sick f***. We´re not even going to address his implicit racism in this article as it´s so ludicrous to equate ´white´values with repressive regimes. Presumably he missed the 70s broadcasts on Idi Amin, etc. f*** this wanker.

Sharon did a blast earlier on at another hotel but thankfully she forgot to post it, she´s so upset it´s unreal but she´s out of the picture now.

Nah, but I definitely appreciated the fact that he gave carnivores some slack when he mentioned that it's easier to slide into vegetarianism than it is to go full-on vegan. He's correct about the steps. Most people think they'll explode if they have to give up cheese.

Morrissey is going to spontaneously combust in his own hypocrisy. This utter eeejit tried to lambast the Evil Empire of Dairy Devil Eavis only to now backtrack and try his old revisionist nonsense about 33 years of being a cheese eating surrender Manc tosspot. Go to hell Morrissey. You are a liar and a fraud and you can bring down your f***ing lawyers on us any time, how do you think that´s going to work out....posing as Vegan.....we´ll blow you to media smithereens if you so much as try it on. Don´t anyone imagine we intend to waste time addressing this fool when we go live, we´re here to celebrate healing the planet. We will leave it to Gary Yourofsky to demolish Morrissey for this interview, though he´s another fool as well.

3 singles

VegAnarchy In The UK
Welcome To The Garden of VegEireann
Rewilding The Greenlandic-Icelandic Dreamtime

And after those 45rpm records are released, this utter fool will be a total irrelevance. BB is gone, he´s past his purpose, his dog is in charge now. A Westie who has managed to manifest a bridge between ancient lupine, canine and human consciousness streams. We´re up here in Iceland to discuss the way forward with the whales. We were at Harpa to plan a gig there. Morrissey dared to criticise them whilst he continues to pander to Texans over their inability to move from Carnism to Veganism. He thinks they´ll go veggie for a few hundred years until the planet is all a wasteland like Iceland. The Vikings destroyed this place, and their ancestors destroyed America, the UK and Eire. And Australia. Morrissey has serious mental problems, he is in thrall to supposed Alpha males that´s why he cannot challenge them and is a Vegetarian Prison Bitch. Enough of this silly f***er. End of. On with the show.

-The Anarchic Archivist
for and on behalf of The Ghost Of BrummieBoy
Reykjavik. Iceland
1ö June 2015
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

moz is now an expert on black culture despite being the whitest artist ever. squeeze his head if you want to hear bollocks folks.
he has a never ending supply of it. dead for nine minutes, disappearing cancer. just bollocks 244/7.

Haha, I like this post.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

Morrissey's observations and having his finger on the pulse are tantamount to my Grandads at a family barbecue
I thought the questions on this one were thoughtful and interesting, even if the answers weren't always so. It was a good read. Kudos to the interviewer.

Hate that they made "Obama white inside" the title, though. Then again it was an idiotic thing to say, and he said it. Worse, wrote it. Does he know any African Americans on a personal level to have any idea at all of what "black on the inside" means? Does being "white on the inside" mean Obama somehow magically missed out on how it feels to be black in America? Do all people who share the same skin outside share the same views, experiences, or feelings? Of course not. What a silly thing to say.
"Obama seems to be white inside. There is an obvious racial division in America and it’s exploding and Obama doesn’t ever support the innocent black people who are murdered by white police officers who are never held accountable."

Morrissey, you are an ignorant, pathetic, racist asshole.:angry:
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

He definitely comes here !
" I say vegetarian whilst also meaning vegan "
F O CrankFraud that's like saying "I say humasexual whilst also meaning bi-sexual "

For thirty three years Silly Steven Padddy McCrankFraud has earned money's off the back off animal suffering and this piss poor attempt at covering up will not wash.

Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

"Obama seems to be white inside. There is an obvious racial division in America and it’s exploding and Obama doesn’t ever support the innocent black people who are murdered by white police officers who are never held accountable."

Morrissey, you are an ignorant, pathetic, racist asshole.:angry:

agreed. he has always been a racist.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

It Takes A Nation Of Vegans To Hold Us Back!

Morrissey is so full of shit regarding the health concerns of eating animal protein. I can accept the ethical argument of a vegan lifestyle and the damage that raise animals does to the environment, but please show me the scientific proof that you will live longer by eliminating animal protein from your diet. I will only consume organic beef, pork and chicken that has been raising using NO GROWTH HORMONES. This could only be improved by consuming wild game meat ( Elk, Moose or Deer) that contains high levels of amino acids and of course is truly organic raised. Unfortunately Morrissey has been stricken by a number of health issues over the last couple of years. This has very little to do with a vegan or non-vegan diet and more to do with being genetically predisposed to certain health issues.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

Does Morrissey really know any black people in real life? The salesguy at Barneys in L.A. doesn't count.
I would love to go back in time to see what 1989 Morrissey would say about Public Enemy and James Brown as well, I'm sure it wouldn't be all thanks and praise. At this point watching Johnny Marr and Andy Rourke busking in the NYC subways is more interesting than hearing him speak.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

Used to love his interviews but could not finish reading this one as it made no sense at all and was in fact embarrassing to read. Moz today is like all the other brainwashed politically correct media people who seem to despise their own race and point their finger at things that mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the bigger picture.

Meat is not the problem as it is the things they put into it like the salt that causes pancreas cancer. Moz should understand the difference between mass produced meat and small farming. Moz really scored big time on the political correct chart in this interview and that is why he is no longer of interest.

Sometimes the good old days were in fact the good old days.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

Everyone saw what happened in Fergunson and some of you are calling him a racist for defending the innocent black people who do get targeted, unfairly treated and sometimes murdered by the police in the US? i wonder how people would react had he defended the police in Ferguson and other places... What would you call him then?

By listening to his music and reading his interviews it is clear how he feels about the underdog. his opinion on the poor African immigrants that risk everything to come to Europe, for instance. Sadly these views are persistently ignored or dismissed as fake, while old media- fabricated cliches are repeated over and over again as universal truths.

Also, are you all new moz fans? because taking the 9 min dead exaggeration at face value is like believing he would actually have married a fan , had he/she killed Margaret thatcher in 1985 ( yes kids, he did say that at the time and I bet some of you though it was hilarious and clever).

This was a great interview and his answers quite interesting, even if hardly surprising. Also, he mentioned his book is ready and in the publishers which is fantastic news, at least to us fans.
Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

I got to thinking about it and I'm in no position to persuade or correct Morrissey's viewpoints. They are his, he sticks to them, I have mine. We are doing our own things, I'm in no place to shame him to think one thing or another so I'll go back to doing my thing...since we're in no way related anyway this seems ridiculous but I wanted to put it out there that I feel bad about losing my shit this morning. It's not fair to think you can change a person. Particularly a stranger. :p

Sincere apologies. Have an awesome tour! I'm off to paint and make stuff. :cool:
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Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

my favourite trollols for now:

1. Morrissey should have called Obama a coconut for maximum press exposure [Anon]

2. moz is now an expert on black culture despite being the whitest artist ever. [Bluebirds]

3. I get excited when I see a new Moz interview, then read it, and wish I hadn't. [LazyDyke]

4. I'm the only one in my family. Moz is lucky. [Anon]

5. You are so stupid, it's astounding. Do you even leave the house? [Mrs. Phyllis Torgo]

Re: alternativenation Interview: Morrissey says Obama 'seems white inside,' talks Brandon Flowers stalking him

6. Morrissey's observations and having his finger on the pulse are tantamount to my Grandads at a family barbecue [Mozza220559]


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