
Hello HIM.

While enjoying your Cream Scone with Currants, or maybe while they're baking, you might enjoy listening to a group called Fleet Foxes. Try "English House" or "Blue Ridge Mountains" from their My Space page.

Alchy!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!

I thought you had left us forever. :(

I just had an English muffin with peanut butter. That is all.
nom nom nom nom nom
Wow, you're having full fry-ups for tea!

yes, kewpie, i am and it's brilliant :)

i shall go out on bike tomorrow, to compensate.
Ah, you've made me hungry for my pozole ( A Mexican soup with hominy and pork and it comes in chicken too. Very spicy!)
Ah, you've made me hungry for my pozole ( A Mexican soup with hominy and pork and it comes in chicken too. Very spicy!)

i trust you will enjoy it. did you get your bed fixed?

for pudding, i have a banana.
Re: *raises hand*

What are you going to cook tonight, HIM? :D

well, tonight, i think i'm just gonna have some cereal, kewpie. for lunch, though, i'm going to have mashed potatoes and a steak pie with carrots and peas.

i've just put a chicken in the freezer. i bought it at the weekend and intended to have it for sunday dinner, but my stomach was a bit dodgy so i thought it best not to bother. i'll probably have it next sunday.
Re: *raises hand*

well, tonight, i think i'm just gonna have some cereal, kewpie. for lunch, though, i'm going to have mashed potatoes and a steak pie with carrots and peas.

i've just put a chicken in the freezer. i bought it at the weekend and intended to have it for sunday dinner, but my stomach was a bit dodgy so i thought it best not to bother. i'll probably have it next sunday.

Good idea to have a light supper and a proper lunch. :)
Hello HIM, can you tell us your latest culinary adventure, please? :)

i can tell you, kewpie, but it's something i've had before. if i told you about it, i think i could be in trouble with The Powers That Be.
i can tell you, kewpie, but it's something i've had before. if i told you about it, i think i could be in trouble with The Powers That Be.

Don't worry, you can try something new this weekend or next week. :)
soup etc.
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