Kristeen Young comments on Facebook "But, never go to Morrissey-Solo..."

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I came here specifically because she told me not to

I'm one of the three mental patients-tho I suspect there are more of 'us' and I like coming here, it amuses me on some deeply disturbed level that I cannot explain. :)
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But how do YOU know that im "in love" with kristeen young ?
Ive never once said that I was!
My personal feelings for kristeen young are my own, and ive no intention of sharing them with a public forum !!!!

And yet, you have shared them. Repeatedly. Ad nauseum

worse yet, you're the ONLY one on these forums pleading the pro-KY stance when the vote is unanimous that she's terrible, both personally and professionally.

And anyways I have to try and distance myself from such emotion, the pain can destroy you if you allow it!

Here's a flower, go hug some kittens

Im mearly stating that kristeen young is fantastic live in concert, she writes incredibley uplifting music incorperating a simply magical implimetation of piano/keyboard instumentals, and singing words that are comforting and healing, her voice is absoulty beautifull ! Absoulty breath taking !!!!! :)

Which makes it obvious that one of two things is occurring here:

You're either mistaking her entirely for Julee Cruise or you're really as batshit delusional as your posts would suggest

Her fantiastic music does not adorn my own fantastic website for nothing!
I would normally only ever have morrisseys music on my website (oh and patti smith to of course! ) but kristeen young has made it to!
And not many make it this far!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Adele are just crying themselves to sleep over that one

Morrissey - the one, and the only one who makes life worth living! :)

But there is another!!! :)

My loyalty is un-shakable and refuses to be broken !

Good to know considering your spelling and sentence structure is beyond repair

Well Im off to bed now to watch a few episodes of "fung fu" staring david caradine, one can learn so much tao and buddist phyliosophy from such things lol

I will have to have a few glasses of the good ole fermented grape juice awsell, a lovery red merlot, just to help me get to sleep!
Its not easy living a life as a nite owl ya know!

Goodnite everyone! :)

Ps my lettering is a PURPLE lavender colour, not pink! just to clarifie! not thats theres anything wrong wiv pink anyways!

Thank you for that lovely stream of nonsensical and entirely unnecessary information that has absolutely nothing to do with anything you said before it.

might I suggest taking that wine bottle over your head when you're done with it?
She has Team Scarlet Ibis fooled so she can't be that dumb.

I don't know. It would not be difficult to fool Scarlet Ibis (she's a legend in her own lifetime!). She's just a big mouthed phoney. I can see why she likes KY; from what I remember, she's a self-pitying narcissist who plays the victim when she doesn't get her own way.

At least she doesn't frequent the forum these days. She was horrible to a lot of people here, but had the audacity to complain that she was the victim. Sound familiar?
yea putting this topic to bed would be nice but unfortunatly i fear that that may be a little while of just yet!

But how do you know that im "in love" with kristeen young ?
Ive never once said that i was!
My personal feelings for kristeen young are my own, and ive no intention of sharing them with a public forum !!!!

And anyways i have to try and distance myself from such emotion, the pain can destroy you if you allow it!

Im mearly stating that kristeen young is fantastic live in concert, she writes incredibley uplifting music incorperating a simply magical implimetation of piano/keyboard instumentals, and singing words that are comforting and healing, her voice is absoulty beautifull !
Absoulty breath taking !!!!! :)

her fantiastic music does not adorn my own fantastic website for nothing!
I would normally only ever have morrisseys music on my website (oh and patti smith to of course! ) but kristeen young has made it to!
And not many make it this far!!!!!!!!!!!

Morrissey - the one, and the only one who makes life worth living! :)

but there is another!!! :)

my loyalty is un-shakable and refuses to be broken !

Well im off to bed now to watch a few episodes of "fung fu" staring david caradine, one can learn so much tao and buddist phyliosophy from such things lol
i will have to have a few glasses of the good ole fermented grape juice awsell, a lovery red merlot, just to help me get to sleep!
Its not easy living a life as a nite owl ya know!

Goodnite everyone! :)

ps my lettering is a purple lavender colour, not pink! Just to clarifie! Not thats theres anything wrong wiv pink anyways!

boz boorer!
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This Midnite person can't possibly be serious

it's obviously another board member posting under some retarded persona for laughs. Mission accomplished
And yet, you have shared them. Repeatedly. Ad nauseum

worse yet, you're the ONLY one on these forums pleading the pro-KY stance when the vote is unanimous that she's terrible, both personally and professionally.

Here's a flower, go hug some kittens

Which makes it obvious that one of two things is occurring here:

You're either mistaking her entirely for Julee Cruise or you're really as batshit delusional as your posts would suggest

I'm sure Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Adele are just crying themselves to sleep over that one

Good to know considering your spelling and sentence structure is beyond repair

Thank you for that lovely stream of nonsensical and entirely unnecessary information that has absolutely nothing to do with anything you said before it.

might I suggest taking that wine bottle over your head when you're done with it?

You beat me to the punch with these comments! Thank you for saying them (that was meant very sincerely).
I don't know. It would not be difficult to fool Scarlet Ibis (she's a legend in her own lifetime!). She's just a big mouthed phoney. I can see why she likes KY; from what I remember, she's a self-pitying narcissist who plays the victim when she doesn't get her own way.

At least she doesn't frequent the forum these days. She was horrible to a lot of people here, but had the audacity to complain that she was the victim. Sound familiar?

Yeah, she reminds me of that poster Juno. Pathetic.
Yeah, she reminds me of that poster Juno. Pathetic.

They're talking about you. Randomly throwing poster's names into the mix outside the pigsty is off-topic and amounts to baiting or harassment.
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"without a shred of self reflection" Lol.
I don't know. It would not be difficult to fool Scarlet Ibis (she's a legend in her own lifetime!). She's just a big mouthed phoney. I can see why she likes KY; from what I remember, she's a self-pitying narcissist who plays the victim when she doesn't get her own way.

At least she doesn't frequent the forum these days. She was horrible to a lot of people here, but had the audacity to complain that she was the victim. Sound familiar?

What a spot on description! Congratulations!

(I stopped reading this thread a while ago or opened it and skipped it as I saw only colour purple, something like this, but hey, just did for a moment and saw your post quoted by CG. And I did also think that KY and Scarlet Ibis are just two of a kind.)

They're talking about you.

No I wasn't. I was pointing out that KY attracts fans who are as self-obsessed/self-pitying as herself.

I will not talk about her anymore. I've wasted enough time on that mediocre harpy as it is.
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So another usless tactic being employed to try and make me look a fool,

who's employing?

You post something and do all the fool's work yourself. We needn't lift a finger

but more worrying, try and dismiss my importance


by dismissing me from being a genuine new member of the forum by trying to morph me into an existing member whoes already posting in pararellel wiv the intention of obtaining a few laughs! :(

Kewpie, we know this is you

stop screwing around.

Of course im quite serious when I post here,

Which, I assure you, is the frightening part

some of the remarks towards morrisseys suport act - kristeen young - who morrissey has personally chosen himself! are simply discusting!

Not when compared to her horrible music and stage show, believe me

and have left me sickened to the core and almost speechless and just about floored me back here at times !!!! :(

Let's hope in time it DOES leave you speechless so you'll stop posting this tripe

additionally, how does one get "floored back here at times"? Back where? At the back of the gene pool? Makes sense to me

Stop telling horrible lies about her and tell the truth!!!

Fine. You win

The truth is: She sucks, she always has sucked, and she always will suck. Her voice is wretched, she presents herself as a poor gal's Amy Winehouse, and as soon as those defamatory e-mails she wrote about Mozzer surface, he'll kick her sorry ass to the curb, too

where she belongs.

Kristeen young - is the most incredible, inspiratinal, influential, relevant and important artist of modern times! Of any time!

exactly how big is that bubble you exist in? It must not be very big considering the lack of oxygen has seriously depleted whatever brain cells you have left



she defies gravity, by both blowing and sucking at the same time.

end of story.

All her adoring fans world wide agrea wiv me and absolutly love and worship her!!!!

Those "world-wide" fans amount you and not much else, I'm afraid

or were you referring to all those fans of her who were heckling her and her awful, one-man-band act at every european show I went to?

I can assure you american audiences will be far less kind to her

But Its highly critical, to speak of others such as scarlet ibis and juno and kristeen herself, as being "horrible" to people on here, when as a new member to this forum, right from the beginning, ive recieved quite a few horrible insults, false accusations and critisisms ect and Ive only been here a few weeks and made just 21 posts!!!!!!!!!

and the fact that your "hero" Kristeen made a public statement that the people at Morrissey-solo deserved to die...what do you have to say about that?

Are all new members greeted in this fashion or just a chosen few?

just the obviously stupid ones.

But u cant have it both ways im afraid, if you dish out horrible verbal abuse to people, you can expect the same in return!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its as simple as that!

Oh no :eek:

Well its that hour again folks when needs must and I start having a few little glasses of wine, as it takes about 4 hours for it to kick in and get me to sleep!
In the mean time before it does, I think I will do a little bit of my hobby, Im absoulty fantastic at what I do, well so im told!
Think you wud all be so pleasantly surprised, you wud lol !!!!! :) seya later ! :)

More than obvious that you're either Kewpie bored out of her mind or some anonymous weirdo trying to get a rise out of us

which is fine because your posts are hysterical and I don't feel bad at all replying with shitty remarks in return. Especially when it concerns that talentless twat Kristeen Young
The truth is: She sucks, she always has sucked, and she always will suck. Her voice is wretched, she presents herself as a poor gal's Amy Winehouse, and as soon as those defamatory e-mails she wrote about Mozzer surface, he'll kick her sorry ass to the curb, too

where she belongs.

I'm calling bullshit on that email. It's probably a story concocted by a bored troll. She's part of the inner-sanctum, she wouldn't be stupid enough to blow it. I can think of no other reason why she still tours, her music is unremarkable other than the most popular tweet that she "sounds like Kate Bush." :rolleyes:
I wasn't serious with that remark; I knew that anonymous whoever claiming to have those e-mails was full of shit when they failed to post them

how much you want to bet that "Midnite" is Kristeen herself, posting after she's done getting booed offstage and having a snoop at what her hateful faithful have to say about her on So-low? She's an admitted Patti Smith fan, as Midnite claims herself, and nobody besides Kristeen herself would proclaim her the best at anything. Except nonsensical screeching, maybe. She's the best in the biz when it comes to that

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