Bullfighting is Torture Porn!

I am neither vegan nor vegetarian; I eat beef. But that does not make me a monster who is incapable of feeling empathy for bulls. I do care about animal welfare. Unnecessary suffering is immoral; bullfighting is immoral; it's archaic and barbaric; it's torture porn—one step removed from the gladiatorial shows of yesteryear.

Morrissey's new track, The Bullfighter Dies, is an anthem which cries out against this blood circus. Bullfighting is still legal in Spain, France, Mexico, and Texas. Yes, freaking Texas!

I don't want any creature to die needlessly in a bullfighting arena. But if a matador is going to be a sadist and repeatedly stick a bull until it weakens and bleeds to near death in front of an audience of torture voyeurs, then I am going to be rooting for the bull—no ifs ands or buts.



Texas ? Do they actually have fights anymore or is it just from the olden days and has never been taken off the law books . By the way thaks for posting that bull fighting poem by Federico Garcia Lorca . It was very good.
Guernie;bt2358 said:
Texas ? Do they actually have fights anymore or is it just from the olden days and has never been taken off the law books . By the way thaks for posting that bull fighting poem by Federico Garcia Lorca . It was very good.

From what I read, the bullfighting in Texas is the bloodless kind whereby the bull is not killed. Still seems quite stressful and cruel though.

Yes, that poem is amazing. Makes me realize I am not a poet--not really. I saw your post on the forum which mentioned the missing parts of text--parts three and four. Found them and read until the end. Really wonderful. :)

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