Morrissey Central "WHEN YOU ARE THE QUARRY" (January 6, 2023)



I am aware that the ludicrous 'Morrissey is Far Right' attributions have very recently wiggled back into minor vogue on all of the usual gossip sites. This rush is, I am assured, in view of Miley Cyrus wanting to be removed from 'I Am Veronica', and suddenly the very dated rehash of "This is because of Morrissey's political views" wobbles out - delighting those for whom I am a book that under no circumstances can they stop reading. My friends are fully aware of a certain aim to put me out of circulation, which has inexplicably become relentless even though the entire point of Cancel Culture is to never again acknowledge whomever has been cancelled. You cannot constantly vomit out the same regurgitated "he should not be listened to" dirge year after year, because YOU are displaying an obsession that you urge others to avoid. I had secretly hoped that the glorious benefit of being cancelled would be that I could never again receive a bad review, because even to give me yet another oh-so-predictable bad review confirms that I am not, after all, cancelled. But the Cancel Vultures write only in headlines; they do not answer questions; their darts aim only for the inspired elite of perceptive intelligence. The Vultures are usually chief exponents of the hate and harassment which they themselves define as justification for Cancellation of others. Cancel Vultures are unknowable blanks, and they only attack those of whom they are most jealous - because others don't count. They will not forgive you for being alive, but they will not square up to you face-to-face because they would be forced to look into your eyes … where the wordless truth resides. Worst of all, Cancel Vultures cannot ever apologize for being wrong. This would be worse than death. I have been invited onto U.S. and U.K television news outlets to discuss the situation with Miley and 'Bonfire of teenagers', but of course, there's no point. In truth, Miley has backed off for reasons unconnected to me, having had a major clash with a key figure in 'the circle'. I cannot give any details about the private fight because … it is private, after all.

Miley knew everything about me when she arrived to sing 'I Am Veronica' almost two years ago; she walked into the studio already singing the song. She volunteered. I did not ask her to get involved. Her professionalism was astounding, her vocals a joy to behold. Every minute that I spent with Miley was loving and funny. She asked if she could be in the 'Veronica' video. I was very honored. She told me that Morrissey songs are on 24-hour rotation in her house, and she had frequently been photographed in Morrissey t-shirts. Miley came into my world; I did not venture towards hers. I was eternally thankful, and even now, I remain so.

The campaign to destroy my career was originally led by four male individuals in Britain, each of whom have prominent positions on social media - and they have full unedited access to the Legacy Media. At some point, each one of them had hopes of a candle-lit friendship with me, and this did not happen. Their rage for attention then took a different turn. They want some form of Wikipedia mention as well as a future personal Index reference in 'Who Killed Morrissey?'. Yes, staggeringly, that is their goal.

Although the Left changed and deserted me many years ago, I am most certainly not Far Right, and I have not ever met anyone who claims to be Far Right. My politics are straightforward: I recognize realities. Some realities horrify me, and some do not, but I accept that I was not created so that others might gratify me and delight me with all that they think and do - what a turgid life that would be. I've been offended all of my life, and it has strengthened me, and I am glad. I wouldn't have the journey any other way. Only by hearing the opinions of others can we form truly rational views, and therefore we must never accept a beehive society that refuses to reflect a variety of views.

I am therefore sorry to report to some of you that I am absolutely not Far Right. If your wearisome echo disapproves of me not being Far Right, I wish you the hope that you deny yourself. Britain's 'Question Time' has thrown the red carpet my way six times asking me to appear on television to discuss the Left-Right divide, but I have always refused, and not least of all because I am sick to death of a debate that can never possibly resolve itself. I also refuse because I am apolitical, and if nothing else, I know my place.

I do not care very much about myself - and I never have. But the crucial point about 'Music as Art' is evident in life-changing music that has always happened before anyone expected it. The very best examples are the Sex Pistols, David Bowie, the Ramones, the Velvet Underground, Alice Cooper, and even the Dolls and Iggy: no one saw these monoliths coming, therefore the people discovered them before the industry had time to halt the fun. Now, alas, music cannot happen unless it adheres to strict industry guidelines, and this falsely assures the listening public that things could not possibly be better than they currently are. The infantilised world is delighted to stream music, but if they were asked to walk 50 yards to a record shop to access those very songs … they wouldn't bother to. However, the connection between the music industry and Cancel Vultures is that they both agree that their main job is to stop singers and bands from saying anything important. Respecting equal freedom for those that you control … is not freedom. Music as Art has now been destroyed because it expands public opinion, and thus, with the current Top 100 downloads … no bubbles can ever rise. Songs once kept listeners occupied for years, but this has been replaced by suspiciously instant stardom for anyone obedient enough to agree that babies are naturally born through the left ear. Proper artists need not apply. Imagination must be paralyzed, and saying nothing whatsoever is the only pathway to all music awards. Look for yourself.

Following Britain's 9/11 abomination at the Manchester Arena, Miley was asked to take part in the Don't Look Back In Anger event, and she refused. I asked her why she had refused, and she said "I am not into all that."

I write these words mainly for (but not directly about) my audience - who are the best and most incredible audience that anyone could dream of, and perhaps many onlookers are jealous of this fact. I have not ever voted for a political party in my life, and I have not ever joined a political party, and I have not ever attended a political rally. On the political stage, I do not exist: you have never seen me there and you never shall. I therefore do not mind in the least if you join the Morrissey haters - there is always the likelihood that I'd feel exactly the same way about you. But if you join forces with the Cancel Vultures, your only aim is to numb time, and your eyes are dead.

5 January 2023


Member @Cornflakes reminded us that Miley Cyrus actually did attend the One Love Manchester event.
For clarity:
May 22, 2017 - Bombing.
May 25, 2017 - spontaneously sung after a minutes silence in the city.
May 27, 2017 - sung during the Courteeners et al gig @ Old Trafford Cricket Ground.
June 4, 2017 - One Love Manchester concert.
September 9, 2017 - We Are Manchester benefit.
All featured "Don't Look Back In Anger".
It should be noted the "We Are Manchester" event was predominantly Manchester bands and there is no online evidence to support Miley Cyrus was invited/involved with said.


First Central image by Stephen Shames.
Second Central image by Esparza.

Media items:
Being true to himself though is what has lead you to no doubt join this website and follow his career. His music is much loved the world over, from people from all walks of life and he is considered to be one of the greatest lyricist of all time. Therefore, I understand his justification for some promotion, some recognition. The music industry has changed, I mean just listen to the radio, but also listen to how we now mostly receive music and how so.

With regards to the article/list from FatGayVegan...

1) Okay, yes I think the attack on Sadiq Khan's accent was uncalled for and unnecessary.
2) I don't much about Hitler other than the general Hitler-is-evil.
3) I think Morrissey support for For Britain simply came from the view of their animal welfare policy. The quote FatGayVegan uses is all animal welfare related. Perhaps Morrissey should have dug a little deeper before seemingly praising them as a - whole - party.
4) The acid attacks statement could be in reference to this attack (All attackers are non-white)
5) Morrissey wasn't praising UKIP but Farage as a political figure and I think that's because he has those traditional qualities of a statesman, able to get a message across clearly and is engaging somewhat. I consider myself on the Left of politics and I think that of Farage, but it doesn't mean I like his politics.
6) Everyone prefers their own race? Well it depends how you read this answer from Moz. Countless studies have been done and people of one race will stick with their own in certain situations. It's about identifying and seeing yourself in another, purely based on your background and/or colour of your skin. Morrissey's band is mostly lantio, so I don't think he meant what he said as fact but generally because of negative views on people who are different.
7) Anyone can be considered a racist for saying anything relating to race. "It’s all reached such silly proportions now."
8) The Kevin Spacey comments: well, common sense really.
9) The Harvey Weinstein comments: I reckon there is some truth in that. Again, common sense.
10) Germany being the rape capital of europe: This news probably came to his mind and he referenced it.–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany
So, basically. y0u are agreeing with this guy whose music you like, because it suits you...and you don't want to be disagreeed with

Good luck with that. How will that get you what you and your idol want?
He should have said all this five years ago, when it mattered. Now the damage is done, and it just looks like he's trying to scrub off the stench without really addressing why it was there in the first place.

Why did he ever support For Britain? Why does he still allow videos from alt-right loons and conspiracy nuts like Styxhexenhammer (?!) to be posted on his website? Why has he waited so long to 'clarify' anything? If he cares about his own career, why is his brainless nephew running the show? None of it adds up. When he was really in the thick of it and being "cancelled" everywhere, all he could muster up was a T-shirt saying "I'm not far right, I'm far forward" - and now this bizarre non-denial denial.

In terms of the 4 Horsemen of Doom, Nick Kent and David Quantick may be 2.
I suspect that on planet Morrissey Styxhexenhammer is also apolitical. Make of that what you will, but I’m fairly sure that’s the position he’s taking.
Morrissey wants what is right for humans and animals. I’ve never thought much of his political statements as they seem mostly neutral. I think his involvement with Anne Marie Waters was his hope that a political figure would give animals the attention and rights they deserve. But, that’s just my opinion.

As for Miley, I don’t dislike her at all. Yes, she butchered Heart Of Glass, but we all make mistakes. I guess with Sam marrying Rosanne Cash’s daughter, that opened up a door to someone like Miley. I mean, Miley is twangy and she comes from a long line of country music singers, with Dolly Parton being her Godmother. I don’t know - I just think it’s strange to even have someone like Miley involved. But, we do move on in life…
Point proven
Interesting that he keeps getting asked on QT. He knows QT is the kind of show where guests are pinned down, expected to specifically explain their opinion, and will get pulled up sharpish if they try to obfuscate or become vague.

Obfuscation and vagueness are Morrissey's stock in trade when he's out of his depth in an argument. The QT panel and audience would eat him alive, and he knows it. I suspect that is the real reason he keeps saying no to it.
Another one of his long rants, but it quickly descends into another woe-is-me diatribe. He is still just constantly pointing the blame elsewhere for his own downfall, and fails to address the fact that he's made some mistakes, supported some of the wrong people, and made some pretty awful music recently. Of course the usual sycophants around here will gush over every word he "vomits" out, but there's no substance here. It's more "Look at me! I'm the victim, and people just don't understand me!"
Morrissey has always orbited his own planet - getting his facts muddled & using words in weird ways.

The thing he's great at is writing about awkward emotions.
Morrissey has always orbited his own planet - getting his facts muddled & using words in weird ways.

The thing he's great at is writing about awkward emotions.

This is your usual way, of discrediting Morrissey in order to shoehorn him into your mold. To do so, you have to accuse him of being impulsive and uninformed on politics, and of being incapable of navigating the internet. You make him into an imbecile. Give him some credit, for crying out loud. He's 63, not 6 or 93. His opinions are almost always righteous, not spaced-out & facts-muddled.
But being 'true to himself', as you say - where does that get him, except no sales, and whining expatiations like this, where he paints himself as the eternal victim? How does that get him what he wants? He thinks he should be sat on a throne atop the music industry because he thinks he deserves it, and everyone else is sub-par.

As always - and I mean ALWAYS - it's someone else's fault in his world. Never his own fault. For example urging people to vote for racists (as one example - see FatGayVegans list for many, many, many more) - nope matey - he never meant that, did he?

Look at the fully referenced list here - it absolutely demolishes Morrissey's assertions...

Whining absurd shite from an entitled has-been, furiously back-pedalling from previous statements so he can get some more money.


Love how the usual suspects are piling in with their downvotes "We musn't let anyone see a contrary view to the one we share - oh no!"

if for nothing else other than a bit of balance to the debate I’ve given you a thumbs up.

I can’t see a great deal wrong in what you have stated. I’m an eternal optimist and I still love his music and voice, I at least see the merit in the fact he is finally trying to back pedal on some of his previous statements. All a bit late though, it has that whiff of the der spiegel “if you don’t hear me say it that dont believe a word” unfortunately, same as what happened when the reporter released the audio, he is on record supporting and commenting on things he is denying here.
I`m not far right but I`ve made comments supporting Tommy Robinson,Marine le Pen,Nigel
Farage,For Britain,Paul Joseph Watson,Julia Hartley Brewer.When he did this he wasn`t some
brainwashed teenager but an intelligent man in his sixties.
Now he see`s how it has affected his career and bank balance he wants everyone to forget all about it!
Miley is contractually obliged and is a young girl being bounced like a ping pong ball. Ever the gentleman, Morrissey is defending her and standing her corner while he is not contractually obliged himself. The man is a credit to the human race.
He's one of the very best songwriters of his generation. From England, there's only one better. Unfortunately, Billy Bragg has always been dogmatic in his politics, and dogmatists usually end poorly. It may've been rascally and interesting for him to side with the Soviets in the era of Reagan and Thatcher, but that era has passed, and initials BB now finds himself painted into the ugly dogmatic corner of far-left "wokeness" (so-called). That's part of why he resents Morrissey, who was always more elusive and dynamic.
oh, give me a break. billy the shrimp has written a dozen or so narratively vivid songs about the class politics of england of a very a specific period : the thatcher years. this doesn't make him the expert on economic feudalism which has enslaved humanity since the the middle ages.

but, yes, i take your point.
This is your usual way, of discrediting Morrissey in order to shoehorn him into your mold. To do so, you have to accuse him of being impulsive and uninformed on politics, and of being incapable of navigating the internet. You make him into an imbecile. Give him some credit, for crying out loud. He's 63, not 6 or 93. His opinions are almost always righteous, not spaced-out & facts-muddled.

That's patently untrue.
It would be great if he would also promote his music just as passionately. This context is great and I love hearing from him (whether I fully agree with everything he says or not) but he could easily do a bit of promo himself (or someone from his inner circle) which would go a LONG way in getting people to hear and fall in love with his great new music.
Another one of his long rants, but it quickly descends into another woe-is-me diatribe. He is still just constantly pointing the blame elsewhere for his own downfall, and fails to address the fact that he's made some mistakes, supported some of the wrong people, and made some pretty awful music recently. Of course the usual sycophants around here will gush over every word he "vomits" out, but there's no substance here. It's more "Look at me! I'm the victim, and people just don't understand me!"
God forbid Morrissey admits to some responsibility to his current woes.... This is the world's oldest living teenager for Christ's sake.

I bet he has a good whinge about not getting a free bus pass in a couple of years time, despite his contributions to Manchester

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