What will Barack Obama make of The Smiths?

obama listens to middle class white peoples music.

he likes dylan, coltrane but not alice, john etc... probably loves the GYPSY KINGS, probably regards graceland as a masterpiece. probably has a shit load of david byrne records. i bet he even has a soft spot for bonnie raitt. john lee hooker. he probably would say that he likes booker t and the mgs and owns green onions.

he probably takes cues from npr or from his senior staffers and has updated his ipod with dr dog and bright eyes.
he recently told BET.
"I gotta admit - lately I've been listening to a lot of Jay-Z,""This new American Gangster album is [good]. Kanye, I like. I enjoy some of the newer stuff. Honestly, I love the art of Hip-Hop. I don't always love the message of Hip-Hop."
Obama probably has no idea who Morrissey is. if he did, he would score even higher on the hipster vote..lol

FYI..go to moveon.org to get a free Obama button. 1 is free ( shipping and all) or you can contribute 3 bucks and get 3. I got the free one because Obama does not need me 3 dollars to win. :D
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