What typical fan favourites do you not like?


not bitter but bored
There are a handful of songs that I often see people praising and for the life of me I cannot enjoy the songs.

For me they are:

The Boy With A Thorn In His Side
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
Boxers (this is an ok song, I'm not sure why people act like its great)
First of the Gang To Die - People love this... why?

I know its all a matter of taste and I'm not looking to debate anyone's opinions. If you like these songs let me know why, maybe you can convince me why I should relisten to them. I'm interested in seeing what songs people say they don't like that will be my personal favourites.

I remember once talking to a friend of mine about how I didn't like "The Queen Is Dead" because it was too long. He said, "Did you ever think that maybe the song is that long so that you can continue to think about the song while listening to it?"

Maybe TQID is long for that reason, maybe not but after giving it another listen and taking that approach I changed my mind on it and now think its a great song.
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meat is murder - the only song on the same titled album i don't like - too sentimental and patronising, the song isn't that good either :p

jack the ripper
Hand In Glove
Heaven Knows I'm Misserable Now
November Spawned A Monster
here are all the things morrissey has promoted that i find ridiculous and entirely unworthy of my time and effort:

1) jobriath
fang_file said:
here are all the things morrissey has promoted that i find ridiculous and entirely unworthy of my time and effort:

1) jobriath

Well on that note, I find the New York Dolls completely unlistenable. And I've tried, oh I have tried!
November Spawned a Monster
I Know Its Over
How Soon Is Now?
You're The One For Me, Fatty
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get

I'm not terribly fond of November Spawned A Monster either, but that's mostly because it's so overplayed.
Hand in glove (love the lyrics, despise the music)
November spawned a monster (apart from the video :D )
First of the gang (who the f*** is Hector?!)
Some girls are bigger than others (just lame lyrics)
I didn't always feel this way, but I've lost all affection for these songs:

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (the only Smiths song I can't stand)
Boxers (never liked it)
November Spawned A Monster
You're The One For Me Fatty
Mute Witness
Interesting Drug (never liked it)
Certain People I Know
how long until some sap comes along and tells us we're being too negative? :rolleyes:
spectral hand said:
Well on that note, I find the New York Dolls completely unlistenable. And I've tried, oh I have tried!

I really like Trash and Subway Train.. but only when Moz does them.

Human Being is an OK Moz song. I don't hate it but I only listen to it if it comes up on the itunes playlist.

So AMEN to your NYD comment!
Harsh Truth said:
November Spawned a Monster
I Know Its Over

I like the irony that you put November and your avatar is the back sleeve photo.

I agree with you on this song. Mostly because it's just been played too much by everyone (including my mum).
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