The Drivel Thread

A slight change to our December wedding..
Rifkie is out…. Your in 😆
We haven’t decided if your chief bridesmaid
Or the head Bouncer….
We’ll let you know 😉
The reason your now “out” Rifkie, is because, we knew what our wedding present
Probably would have been…..

Vouchers and coupons for the 99 cent store.

Not that Shazz and I are materialistic,
It’s just that your rather common,
And you would get aled up, then flash your gusset at the nearest Landlord/lady.
Yeah, Morrissey seemed pissed off in today's concert, and I think it's me he's mad at. I need to learn to be private.
honestly, i cant believe this dumbshit response from you, aubrey. im shaking my head in bafflement that you think it's appropriate to not only entertain, but expand upon, a schizophrenics delusions, creating what-if and could-be scenarios that surely you realize could only serve to reify the delusions of the schizophrenic in question. ill bet light housework feels like a pig in shit right now, thinking "at last! it's coming true! at last! someone seems to believe me!!"

well if it's got her to brush her teeth, i suppose it's not all bad. her mental health worker who probably gags on her old man shiteating breath is probably grateful for that anyway. but i predict she's got another visit to the nuthouse in store.

I'm not trying to cure her schizophrenia. None of us are going to change that, whether we indulge her delusions or mock her mercilessly. The crazy train is rolling down the tracks, and you can't stop it. All I'm trying to do here is reason her out of her newfound belief in her god. I'm setting the parameters. If (as she says) her god is making Morrissey love her and want to paint with her and cuddle with her, then I'm waiting with her to see whether this happens or not (it won't). I am leading her gently by the hand until none of this pans out before Mexico City, because "a fool who persists in her folly will soon become wise."
well, maybe its a bit like jordan petersons admonishment to clean your room. humans possess the means to ending suffering in the world (surely a gods intervention is not needed to end world hunger and it's pretty f***ing stupid to say that god allows that when humans are actually the ones who created it and allow it), but maybe they need to get themselves in order first. little things have a ripple effect. like god will help you find your keys but he expects you to drive somewhere worthwhile.

Humans don't have the means to end suffering. We don't have the means to stop hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes. We don't even know how to cure cancer. We aren't anywhere near close to ending factory farming, which is something humans could do but steadfastly refuse to. We have laws against rape and pedophilia, but the rapists and pedophiles continue in their criminality. God could stop it immediately by simply rendering the rapists and pedophiles impotent.

Jordan Peterson is a turd. Cancelled!
Humans don't have the means to end suffering. We don't have the means to stop hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes. We don't even know how to cure cancer. We aren't anywhere near close to ending factory farming, which is something humans could do but steadfastly refuse to. We have laws against rape and pedophilia, but the rapists and pedophiles continue in their criminality. God could stop it immediately by simply rendering the rapists and pedophiles impotent.

Jordan Peterson is a turd. Cancelled!
You ever heard of Cannabis?

Humans don't have the means to end suffering. We don't have the means to stop hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes. We don't even know how to cure cancer. We aren't anywhere near close to ending factory farming, which is something humans could do but steadfastly refuse to. We have laws against rape and pedophilia, but the rapists and pedophiles continue in their criminality. God could stop it immediately by simply rendering the rapists and pedophiles impotent.

Jordan Peterson is a turd. Cancelled!
so what would be the point of life if we were just put here to have pleasurable experiences? a life like that would be the best evidence for there being no god.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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