The Doctor Who Thread

If they do make him a proper regeneration in the 50th special (as some people are saying he's an invalid incarnation or a 8.5 Doctor....and I'm inclined to wait) then they had better give him his own audio and novel series. Because let's face it, we don't want another 8th Doctor, we haven't even laid his Doctor to rest and I'm sure his adventures will continue to fill the massive gaps now. I'm not even sure if the 6th and 7th Doctor's stories have been completed either to make sense. We're not quite sure when Ace leaves 7th and we need a proper audio story to finish the 7ths adventures which leads directly into The TV Movie. We also need an ending to 6's audio adventures and how Mel actually met 6th! I'm afraid you need a good imagination to cover all the holes :D

Very true. I've heard that the idea of the Hurt/War Doctor and the Special itself is to act as a sort of bridge between the old and new series, tying up various loose ends like the Time War, Bad Wolf, 8th Doc, etc. There'll be lots of cameos/references. Interestingly, another minisode will also be released after the 50th, The Last Night, though its contents are closely guarded at the moment, of course.
The Last Night, though its contents are closely guarded at the moment, of course.

Thanks for that. I do hope there are lots of shots of the time war on Saturday and that at least some plot holes will be resolved. Hopefully John Hurt should be worth the watch. Is it possible even Peter Capaldi may make a last minute appearance? :popcorn:
Thanks for that. I do hope there are lots of shots of the time war on Saturday and that at least some plot holes will be resolved. Hopefully John Hurt should be worth the watch. Is it possible even Peter Capaldi may make a last minute appearance? :popcorn:

Well, apparently Last Night is an iTunes Gallifrey intro-thingy sans Chris, but people in the know (not I, those who knew about the McGann return) are also hinting Doc 9 has a cameo somewhere at least. Though I suppose they could use an old clip like the young Hurt in NOTD - who does look fantastic in the trailer it has to be said.

One thing I hear is that there is a big Utopia-style surprise in the 50th - but I don't know what! And given Moff's previous I wouldn't be too surprised if Capaldi showed up at some point before his eventual regeneration. Also, there's this... but don't read it if you don't like spoilers!
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A massive shame that Christopher Eccleston has chosen not to take part (the only reason they dragged John Hurt into the fray).
In my opinion he was probably the best Doctor and if he had given it chance and stayed on for a couple of series he could have developed
his interpretation.
A massive shame that Christopher Eccleston has chosen not to take part (the only reason they dragged John Hurt into the fray).
In my opinion he was probably the best Doctor and if he had given it chance and stayed on for a couple of series he could have developed
his interpretation.

I certainly agree Eccles is the best. Chris dillied and dallied over whether to commit to series 2, but by the time he decided he wanted to do it they had already cast David Tennant without telling him. He only found out when he saw it on the news...

The story is Moff had two versions of the 50th script. A full-on 9/10/11 Three Doctors kind of thing, and then a revised version with the Hurt role increased and 9's part reduced to a cameo. We know Eccles turned down the full role, but did he refused the cameo too?

The Hurt character was always in the 50th. The idea is he symbolises the lost years of Who when it was off our screens and therefore acts as a bridge between the old and new series. Also, it ups the number of regenerations so Moff can deal with that issue at Christmas...

It's a clever concept and I hope Moffat can pull it off with something of the quality of Blink or The Empty Child or Time of Angels. His scripts have noticeably depreciated in quality since the Astronaut two-parter, I think.
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I certainly agree Eccles is the best. Chris dillied and dallied over whether to commit to series 2, but by the time he decided he wanted to do it they had already cast David Tennant without telling him. He only found out when he saw it on the news...

The story is Moff had two versions of the 50th script. A full-on 9/10/11 Three Doctors kind of thing, and then a revised version with the Hurt role increased and 11's part reduced to a cameo. We know Eccles turned down the full role, but did he refused the cameo too?

The Hurt character was always in the 50th. The idea is he symbolises the lost years of Who when it was off our screens and therefore act as a bridge between the old and new series. Also, it ups the number of regenerations so Moff can deal with that issue at Christmas...

It's a clever concept and I hope Moffat can pull it off with something of the quality of Blink or The Empty Child or Time of Angels. His scripts have noticeably depreciated in quality since the Astronaut two-parter, I think.
Didn't know any of that.
Taking m'lads and chums to the cinema on Saturday to see the thing ("But it's on the telly and it's free!"."Shut up Dad and just buy the tickets.'")
What was at the end? Nothing to look.forward to so I didnt bother. Have fun with your new co-star. You wern
e not that easy to replace, right side.of bed empty
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The Night of the Doctor mini episode was interesting.
The whole John Hurt thing appears to be explained by McGann drinking some voodoo liquid that engineers his next regeneration.
I'm sure as this is not a 'usual' regeneration, that Hurt can be removed from the official lives count easily.
My only real reservation about this show is a common one:
The continual desire to write huge concepts in to 45min episodes has resulted in lots of awful shorthand/shortcuts.
'Timey wimey' and the use of sonic screwdrivers being good examples.
I think the days of 13week episodes have gone, but it has gone too far the other way.
The amount of loose ends and plot resolution needed in this special could lead to the same over-rushed feeling of recent episodes.
An hour would be a minimum I think...?
That's my only real gripe. Enjoy it otherwise.
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Well, apparently Last Night is an iTunes Gallifrey intro-thingy sans Chris, but people in the know (not I, those who knew about the McGann return) are also hinting Doc 9 has a cameo somewhere at least. Though I suppose they could use an old clip like the young Hurt in NOTD - who does look fantastic in the trailer it has to be said.

One thing I hear is that there is a big Utopia-style surprise in the 50th - but I don't know what! And given Moff's previous I wouldn't be too surprised if Capaldi showed up at some point before his eventual regeneration. Also, there's this... but don't read it if you don't like spoilers!

Wow! Thanks for that link too! I know for a fact that there wouldn't be a proper 50th anniversary without him, he IS The Doctor! It's a shame Chris turned it down and in a way it makes him very unpopular for that choice. Paul McGann only had one episode in Doctor Who and was treated quite badly, but has stayed completely loyal to the show. William Hartnell was kicked off the show due to his illness and replaced with Troughton, but still came back for The Three Doctors. It really does seem like sour grapes when Mr Eccleston won't even bother to turn up to do a cameo. It's not like it's even the same crew that was in the first series....

Anyway did anyone watch "An Adventure in Time and Space" tonight? It was absolutely stunning, apart a certain character making a surprise appearance at the end, which ruined the magical moment at the end slightl But David Bradley's portrayal...The Doctor he isn't. But Hartnell? He is! The actress playing Miss Lambert was stunning too and she looked almost identical to her at times! Beautiful!
Got to agree.
The guest at the end was off kilter and just not right.
Loved it otherwise.
Cyberman on a fag break - poetry!
Crossed fingers for a good show Saturday.
Anyway did anyone watch "An Adventure in Time and Space" tonight? It was absolutely stunning, apart a certain character making a surprise appearance at the end, which ruined the magical moment at the end slightl But David Bradley's portrayal...The Doctor he isn't. But Hartnell? He is! The actress playing Miss Lambert was stunning too and she looked almost identical to her at times! Beautiful!

Yes, that was Jessica Raine who was also in Hide. Bradley was brilliant too, though the fan in me wanted more details about the creation process - like the blink and you miss it appearance of Delia Derbyshire, it was all rather glossed over.

Got to agree.
The guest at the end was off kilter and just not right.
Loved it otherwise.

I don't know, I quite liked the surprise cameo at the end - I suppose it signified Hartnell realising the show he was so instrumental in would go on without him. And it was good to see some old assistants appearing too - I spotted four, I think - and I enjoyed all the little meta-references like "I don't want to go", etc.

fantastic stuff :)
Watching later tonight.
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