The Doctor Who Thread

Pretty much the same here actually. Followed by Troughton, Colin Baker and Sylvestor McCoy.

I'm not having John Hurt as the Doctor, he doesn't exist in my head....laaa la laa la laa laa :head-smack:

No love for Pertwee? Definitely featured in some classic epis.
This show took a huge shit on itself as soon as Moffat took over.

Quite right.

You can count the decent Moffat penned episodes on one hand. He's a self-regarding hack and should be replaced. I'm sick of his storylines which go nowhere.
Quite right.

You can count the decent Moffat penned episodes on one hand. He's a self-regarding hack and should be replaced. I'm sick of his storylines which go nowhere.
Do you think so Johnny? I think Moffats episodes are the stand outs.
Blink was a great one. The Impossible Astronaut another.
Do you think so Johnny? I think Moffats episodes are the stand outs.
Blink was a great one. The Impossible Astronaut another.

Blink was good, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances were terrific, but my concern is that over, what, five or so series as show runner the tales have had a tendency to grow more convoluted, and often without firm resolution. I'm not sure how much that has helped Smith, who I believe can think himself a little shortchanged in his time as the Doctor.

There have also been problems behind the scenes which can't always be down to others. My suspicion, having watched Moffat on Confidential many times, and read many of his interviews, is that he can be bloody hard work. There's a touch of the Emperor's new clothes about him.

I say this also as a massive fan of the original Sherlock Holmes stories, and the travesty of Moffat's reimagining of the character. When you break down the Doctor he's HG Wells Time Traveller crossed with Conan Doyle's Holmes, plus a bit of good old resurrection chucked in. As such it is a beautiful and elegant concept. I'm not sure Moffat has expanded on it sufficiently. He seems more of an ideas man (often other peoples') than a writer. He can weave a story, but struggles to tie it all together at the end.

It'll never happen, sadly, but Neil Gaiman in charge might be fun.

Yep I recommend anyone to watch it. It must be the BEST episode of Doctor Who since Eccleston's last episode. A true classic! I want more 8th Doctor! Paul McGann could have possibly been everyone's favourite Doctor. Damn you America and the BBC. At least finally we get a lovely send off and now the 8th Doctor has closure. Now it's time for his prequel miniseries.

I respect him as an actor. But he's too suave, too human and 70s to be The Doctor. I don't think his Doctor has many alien qualities.


True...still hope he isn't The Doctor though.


but he is. :)

Yep I recommend anyone to watch it. It must be the BEST episode of Doctor Who since Eccleston's last episode. A true classic! I want more 8th Doctor! Paul McGann could have possibly been everyone's favourite Doctor. Damn you America and the BBC. At least finally we get a lovely send off and now the 8th Doctor has closure. Now it's time for his prequel miniseries.



HA ha Wrong!
Apparently the word is the McGannisode has been so well received that the Beeb have discussed what more they can do with his Doctor in the future. Various people associated with the proposed movie were also in attendance, but I don't they are linked to any future McGann project.
cornelius blaze said:

Yeah, it's basically Jon Pertwee and the army have battles with aliens and when things get tough, the 3rd Doctor uses martial arts to get out of tough situations. It's just not Doctor Who to me and I don't understand why the 3rd Doctor hung around Great Britain and UNIT when he could have explored the world. But I do like him in The Five Doctors.

cornelius blaze said:

but he is. :)

No, he's an incarnation. Not the actual Doctor. That's why he's called "The War Doctor" and has to fight the war and complete his task by the Sisterhood to become The Doctor again. Steven Moffat has clarified he's not The Doctor this in a interview and I can link it, if you want to see it.

cornelius blaze said:

HA ha Wrong!

Peter Davison is rumoured to be in the 50th, but I doubt any information will be leaked until we've watched the episode :)
Yeah, it's basically Jon Pertwee and the army have battles with aliens and when things get tough, the 3rd Doctor uses martial arts to get out of tough situations. It's just not Doctor Who to me and I don't understand why the 3rd Doctor hung around Great Britain and UNIT when he could have explored the world. But I do like him in The Five Doctors.

Which he has been doing for most of the programs history. Its called Venusian aikido and the budget didn't allow for location shoot outside of the UK :D! & to quote....the best Doctor ever "Well, I’ll tell you something that should be of vital interest to you. That you, Sir, are a NITWIT! "

No, he's an incarnation. Not the actual Doctor. That's why he's called "The War Doctor" and has to fight the war and complete his task by the Sisterhood to become The Doctor again. Steven Moffat has clarified he's not The Doctor this in a interview and I can link it, if you want to see it.



Peter Davison is rumoured to be in the 50th, but I doubt any information will be leaked until we've watched the episode :)

I recommend to watch the end of Night Of The Doctor, Cornelius :) It's been explained in the episode that John Hurt isn't The Doctor. He's The War Doctor (shown below). That picture you posted is now invalid and was made to mislead the fans.


Got nothing against Pertwee either. Just not a massive fan of his stories with UNIT on Earth. I love Death Of The Daleks and The Time Warrior too, so I don't dislike all of his stories. It's just that some of Pertwee's stories that seem the most repetitive at times. Everyone has their favourites...I even like McCoy when many others don't.


EDIT: Laughed at this!


Hartnell's "...and who the f*** are you?" moment
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I recommend to watch the end of Night Of The Doctor, Cornelius :) It's been explained in the episode that John Hurt isn't The Doctor. He's The War Doctor (shown below).

That's right, but he's still counts as a regeneration though...
I recommend to watch the end of Night Of The Doctor, Cornelius :) It's been explained in the episode that John Hurt isn't The Doctor. He's The War Doctor (shown below). That picture you posted is now invalid and was made to mislead the fans.

I have!

That's right, but he's still counts as a regeneration though...

you know I've tried not to really anticapate this whole "Day of the Doctor" thing, but the Brits at work are gonna watch it too
we probably won't be able to until a couple of days after, which it turns out will be my birthday :eek:
combine that with it being the first time a certain someone I know sees the show, I just don't, I don't know, maybe I'll skip seeing whole thing with other people
just watch it myself
but if I do, what I need is a way quickly summarize "Doctor Who" for someone that:

1. knows nothing about him
2. watches very little tv/film
3. English is their 2nd language

any help would be appreciated :thumb:
That's right, but he's still counts as a regeneration though...

If they do make him a proper regeneration in the 50th special (as some people are saying he's an invalid incarnation or a 8.5 Doctor....and I'm inclined to wait) then they had better give him his own audio and novel series. Because let's face it, we don't want another 8th Doctor, we haven't even laid his Doctor to rest and I'm sure his adventures will continue to fill the massive gaps now. I'm not even sure if the 6th and 7th Doctor's stories have been completed either to make sense. We're not quite sure when Ace leaves 7th and we need a proper audio story to finish the 7ths adventures which leads directly into The TV Movie. We also need an ending to 6's audio adventures and how Mel actually met 6th! I'm afraid you need a good imagination to cover all the holes :D
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