Morrissey Central "Texas massacre" (May 27, 2022)

Highly likely (as per many previous "messages") that Jesse, Matt & Donnie all expressing opinions about said prior to SER being active on FB/IG yesterday helped bring about this post.
Highly likely (as per many previous "messages") that Jesse, Matt & Donnie all expressing opinions about said prior to SER being active on FB/IG yesterday helped bring about this post.
I didn't see what they posted on social media, but I suspect they were expressing their views directly. Unlike Morrissey And that's not a complaint. This is a fact:rolleyes:

You are Camille Vasquez of :D
Sam posted this message. It's ok.
But I don't see any connection between this post and Morrissey. Really. Morrissey has already expressed his opinion about this type of massacre . I was an eyewitness to it. And let's stick to it, whether someone likes it or not.
Are you talking about Suffer little children? At the time, the song caused enough controvers.
The link I see between this message and Morrissey is the upcoming album. While the title takes its inspiration from innocent youth dying in the MEN arena bombings, Morrissey can now safely say that random violence against innocent children and youth is a scourge in our society. Which is certainly true.
But there is a thin line between genuine compassion and self-promotion.
I have mixed feelings about this message.
I didn't see what they posted on social media, but I suspect they were expressing their views directly. Unlike Morrissey :rolleyes:


But Morrissey did express his emotions of sadness and disappointment when he wrote the song, and the message of the song can still be used to express those feelings by himself or others.
Are you talking about Suffer little children? At the time, the song caused enough controvers.
The link I see between this message and Morrissey is the upcoming album. While the title takes its inspiration from innocent youth dying in the MEN arena bombings, Morrissey can now safely say that random violence against innocent children and youth is a scourge in our society. Which is certainly true.
But there is a thin line between genuine compassion and self-promotion.
I have mixed feelings about this message.
No I'm talking about his statement about Utoya, in Warsaw . I had mixed feelings then too,
I didn't see what they posted on social media, but I suspect they were expressing their views directly. Unlike Morrissey And that's not a complaint. This is a fact:rolleyes:
Here's a few.
.. Morrissey can now safely say that random violence against innocent children and youth is a scourge in our society...
Let's be honest - it's mostly a US problem. The simple fact is this doesn't happen to a fraction of the extent in other countries.
Highly likely (as per many previous "messages") that Jesse, Matt & Donnie all expressing opinions about said prior to SER being active on FB/IG yesterday helped bring about this post.
This is a good point. Jesse grew up in Texas and will most likely react. And I think that Gustavo still lives somewhere in Texas and has kids growing up. So he may wish to support his band melders / friends that feel closely connect.
Or is society the scourge that must be changed first?
Both. There’s a rise in anger and agression in many countries, not only in the US where guns are easily obtainable. And there are legitimate reasons for some of the anger. But I can’t support this type of random violence.
is there though? I have mixed feelings about how we may read into and see or not see what we choose to or not to.
You have a point here. We often see what we want to see.
Oh please, do you think of someone made a video tribute like this with a Smiths song in the background, to the 51 people that died in the Christchurch shooting, he would have shared it? You all know he wouldn’t, and you all know why.
so what you’re really saying is that this Central post is not direct enough to satisfy your needs then.
No, it's not about my needs. The point is, Morrissey has lost the ability to express his opinions straightforwardly. Don't be surprised that later he has bad press or many fans don't know what to think about him. Maybe Morrissey is a casual singer for you, but for many he is much more. Someone fans would like to identify with in their own way. Not everyone can read as well between the lines as you do. Sometimes people want to hear something straight.
Both. There’s a rise in anger and agression in many countries, not only in the US where guns are easily obtainable. And there are legitimate reasons for some of the anger. But I can’t support this type of random violence.
Agree. It’s more complicated than just enforcing gun purchasing laws, though helpful and may have helped stopped this tragedy from happening, it’s not really the answer in the long term.
You have a point here. We often see what we want to see.
We know his passion for animal right, but that remark was ill-considered.

Yes, or ‘I’ll-considered’ when viewed from the point of view of someone that is not an animal activist.

Though, that’s not to say all animal activists have those views.
I don't know how I feel about that song snippet/collage. So hard to watch, such a tragic killing of beautiful children with their lives barely begun, a lovely cover version, and maybe it's ok because Patty Rodriguez originally posted it, but why did Messages From Moz post it. A site that posts every and any mention of Moz and The Smiths. If it was posted for the right reasons then OK, but maybe Moz could have posted a line or two about his sympathy for the lovely children and their grieving relatives.
It is impossible to disagree. Sometimes , but in for a penny, in for a pound.
Yes, or ‘I’ll-considered’ when viewed from the point of view of someone that is not an animal activist.
I mean that an overwhelming majority of people grow up to rate human life higher than animal life, even those that care about animal welfare. There’s nothing wrong with thinking otherwise, but the way he expressed his thoughts wasn’t good.
Has he? Seems to me that he’s straight forward sometimes and sometimes he’s not. The Central post is not considered straightforward enough for you, when for others it is straight forward enough.

it’s not unusual.


Guess we all do, even the haters.

it’s straight between the lines.
Ok, apart from the post we're talking about. I would like to ask you if there is anything Morrissey has ever done or said to you, if you disagree or what seems wrong to you. Don't be offended, I am asking out of sheer curiosity
good to who? bad to who? Yes, it’s subjective.

Also, maybe Morrissey wasn’t thinking about how his comment would affect his record sales.
For Mayfly, for example. That was easy one. You didn't read between the lines this time
Ok, apart from the post we're talking about. I would like to ask you if there is anything Morrissey has ever done or said to you, if you disagree or what seems wrong to you. Don't be offended, I am asking out of sheer curiosity

But you already accused me of and assumed that Morrissey is just a casual singer to me. So if he’s just ‘a casual singer to me’ then what makes you think that I would then agree or disagree with him on anything if I don’t place that much importance on what he says or is?
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