Morrissey Central "TATTOO, TODAY, L.A" (January 26, 2020)


Plus the BBC illustrated their report of Kobe’s death with a photo of a different black basketball player.

These major news outlets have outdone our Moz by a long shot. Why aren’t all the haters on here aiming their vitriol at them? Oh right, it’s cos they just want to hate their former father figure idol, Morrissey.

Yeah, feminists have made it about #metoo & are posting long threads on Twitter about how it's triggering for women who have been assaulted to see Kobe praised. So there's plenty of women Solo could call 'twats' for making it about them.

Also some people have been talking about the fact that Kobe was once fined $100,000 for calling an umpire a 'f*****', so there's discussions about 'is he a homophobe'.

Acres of controversy, so Moz is the least of anyone's worries.
Yeah, feminists have made it about #metoo & are posting long threads on Twitter about how it's triggering for women who have been assaulted to see Kobe praised. So there's plenty of women Solo could call 'twats' for making it about them.

Also some people have been talking about the fact that Kobe was once fined $100,000 for calling an umpire a 'f*****', so there's discussions about 'is he a homophobe'.

Acres of controversy, so Moz is the least of anyone's worries.


People are becoming more predictably ridiculous all the time.
17 pages of this. I cba scrolling thru the lot. Someone please tell me there’s an overwhelming amount of negative Moz posts! The guy needs ripped for this. Shameful
17 pages of this. I cba scrolling thru the lot. Someone please tell me there’s an overwhelming amount of negative Moz posts! The guy needs ripped for this. Shameful

It was ok til some pissed up drunk appeared & ruined the whole thing :squiffy:...although the highlight for me was when Monty Python appeared...
17 pages of this. I cba scrolling thru the lot. Someone please tell me there’s an overwhelming amount of negative Moz posts! The guy needs ripped for this. Shameful

Thankfully they can read your posts as an example of how to honour the dead.
It was ok til some pissed up drunk appeared & ruined the whole thing :squiffy:...although the highlight for me was when Monty Python appeared...

I love having anonymous random c***s getting on my back. If you hadn’t noticed , I’m an attention seeker. Keep your love coming :kissingheart:
Go on Morrissey Central

Tap 'Messages From Morrissey'. There is no option for 'Messages From Sam'.

The website is Morrissey's. That's why it's called Morrissey Central.

Do you understand?
I understand more than you ever will, you buffoon. Next time you bitch about another picture Sam has created I’ll remind you of that.

Log in next time, coward.
Bullshit. Nobody would be talking about this, were it not posted like a tacky badge.
Nobody would be talking about this, if they weren't circling Morrissey waiting to show him in a negative light. It's a sad waste of time and energy.
And before you say it, I come here because I'm a Morrissey fan and on the off chance there might be something interesting.
Nobody is outraged Karen. Your inability to discern between outrage and belly-aching laughter have been a constant thread.

Morrissey isn’t even the target. He’s a washed up try-hard, at this point. We’re not laughing at him. We cry for him.

We’re laughing at you.

Such eloquence. In she stomped some months ago after shedding her Reelfountain skin. An utterly sad individual that is never short of a bullying, trollish opinion. A snake is always a snake no matters how many skins it sheds. One wonders what her actual life must be like based on the stream (more like tsumani) of conscienceness posts. I'm thinking barren, not Karen.
Such eloquence. In she stomped some months ago after shedding her Reelfountain skin. An utterly sad individual that is never short of a bullying, trollish opinion. A snake is always a snake no matters how many skins it sheds. One wonders what her actual life must be like based on the stream (more like tsumani) of conscienceness posts. I'm thinking barren, not Karen.


On point. The alias may have changed, but the hatred that underpinned it remains very much in residence.
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