Still Ill - still a song for our times


People mention 'Panic' in the context of the riots that have happened in England recently and calls for the financial benefits of rioters and looters to be stopped. But it strikes me that 'Still Ill' is particularly apt:

"I decree today that life
Is simply taking and not giving
England is mine - it owes me a living
But ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye
Oh, ask me why, and I'll spit in your eye

Do you hear the lyric literally in the first person, or is Morrissey singing as if he believes this? He certainly broke out of dole queue doldrums - maybe not through hard work in the 'conventional', 9 to 5 working in a call-centre sense but certainly through creativity and effort. I think he has given an awful lot. Seems to me that Morrissey admires or recognises effort.

In the Desert Island Discs interview Morrissey said “I’m fascinated by the brevity of life and how people use their time, because we all know the axe will fall........ So we all know this fact and with that at the forefront of our mind in everything that we do, I find it fascinating how people spend their time.” Maybe this isn't about effort, but I think he's suggesting that it's interesting or amazing that people waste their lives - not living life (for example by writing on fan websites....):rolleyes:

Another thing has just struck me. Morrissey asks 'Am I still ill?'. David Cameron describes pockets of society as being 'sick'. Missed a trick there Dave - you could've said it was 'ill'. :sick:

Morrissey seems to have a little distain for the threatened response to being asked "why?". "Ask me why and I'll spit in your eye". Maybe it's simply because eye rhymes with why.

Remember: "Not everyone is absolutely stupid."

Lyrics and Song Information Database Still Ill
MSNBC actually played the first three lines of the song in a commercial breakaway before returning with coverage of the riots in Britain. So I guess someone agrees with your assessment!
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