Songs you like but shouldn't

Sir Alec

Everyone list the songs they feel guilty for liking. I have always enjoyed The Sign by Ace Of Base.
recently, i realized i love roxette!
After re-visiting the "Live Forever" documentary, I've been listening to a lot of Britpop recently - Sleeper, Elastica, Menswe@r etc. Is this wrong?
I don't feel guilty for liking any songs! If I like them - they are good enough for me and i don't care what others think.

And you shouldn't be ashamed of it too.

And I can sing The Sign even if you wake me up in the middle of the night.:D
And Toxic used to be my ringtone until that phone was stolen.
Well, one song I feel totally guilty about liking is "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna......I feel complete guilt not because I care what people think about what I like or not......the guilt comes because I totally hate the FAKE BITCH [she's the biggest phony on the planet....everytime I hear her speaking in faux brit accent...I just wanna punch her in the face] :)

I also love "Is This Love" by WhiteSnake [can't get enough of it these days] my friends give me grief but I don't care....I own up to my temporary David Coverdale mini-obsession......he's a great singer and the guitar-solo on the song is awsome.
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