Share your psychopath story here

Re: Share your psychopath story here...

But why should you suffer a moment longer? Especially as you say, you decide when it stops. Why would you choose suffering over not?

I think if you are waiting for someone to fill the void left behind you might find yourself with history repeating. Some people pray on the vulnerable and the wanting. To those people you might as well hold up a sign that says "I am a victim." And in reality, you will be. But you don't have to be. You create your own experience and you validate your own self belief. Others will just follow your lead. It's within you to change the pattern. Habits can be hard to break but it can be done.

I used the word 'decide', but it wasn't really correct, not completely. I don't feel I have a big decisional power on anything at this time, but this is a complicated matter and I'm not going to give too many details of my (real) life. But I do understand very well what you say about that sort of perverse semiconscious tendency to 'become a victim'. I'm aware and I'm sort of working on it...
Re: Share your psychopath story here...

all i know is that she lied to me and to another person. you shrug this off as a problem with society.

You might find this article interesting: Promiscuity Is Pragmatic: Why women and other female primates seek out multiple partners.

I claimed society has created moral codes, even laws, which proscribe and justify monogamy, particularity for women--stoning, anyone? And that your friend wanted to have multiple partners. It was in her nature. So she did. You call it cheating--a socially constructed concept. Maybe there is a biological explanation for why she wanted you both? If there is, does it help you understanding her behavior better? Maybe she just hasn't drank the monogamy Kool-aid like most others. She is operating on a more instinctual level?

If monogamy were natural, would it be so difficult to adhere to? Would we need to punish violators? What is monogamy anyway? Sexual exclusivity? Emotional? Would it have bothered you if she remained best friends with her ex, sharing her intimate thoughts and feelings with him, yet was only having sex with you? Is it just about sex? Why do we feel we own another's body? Sexuality? What is the purpose of preventing someone you sleep with from sleeping with anyone else? Out of wedlock pregnancy? Disease? These things can be prevented in our modern age. Is monogamy an archaic institution? A social construct that violates our biological nature?

Excerpts from article:

...the genetic benefits that came from seeking extra-pair matings—while maintaining the support of an existing partner—meant that evolution could favor females who choose to cheat.

More than 30 years of subsequent research has confirmed Hrdy’s findings and expanded on them to reveal that females in many primate species, humans included, engage in a diversity of sexual strategies to enhance their overall reproductive success. For example, in the socially monogamous saddle-backed tamarin, females will solicit sex from multiple males who will each help to care for her offspring. Female mouse lemurs will mate with up to seven males during a single night. Capuchin monkeys will seek out mating opportunities in the early stages of their pregnancy, presumably to confuse males about paternity. And bonobo females will have sex with everybody at pretty much any time they feel like it.

...not only do human females seek out multiple sexual partners as an evolutionary strategy, they opportunistically shift that strategy depending on the environmental context (more on that below). In other words, female sexuality is not so much blindly promiscuous as it is pragmatic.

Out of 110 women interviewed, fully one-third said that they sought out extramarital affairs that resulted in the birth of at least one child. Because there is no social stigma attached to these liaisons in Himba society, both women and men discuss them openly. (Divorce can likewise be initiated by either party.) As a result, according to Scelza’s analysis published in the journal Biology Letters in 2011, “women who had at least one extra-pair birth have significantly higher reproductive success than women with none.”

In many societies today, including our own, women who are overtly sexual and pursue multiple male partners often experience moral outrage and “slut shaming” of a kind that is entirely unheard of in other parts of the world. While these cultural attitudes used to look toward science for justification, that position is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile with the biological evidence. From Sarah Hrdy’s discoveries among the langurs of Abu to polyamorous meetups in Aberdeen, female sexuality has been revealed to be a far more dynamic area of research than Darwin could have imagined. As Hrdy stated herself in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences at the dawn of the 21st century, far from being passive, females are “flexible and opportunistic individuals who confront recurring reproductive dilemmas and tradeoffs within a world of shifting options.” Or, as another observer summarized, “It’s our party. We can love who we want.”​

“Our worldviews constrain our imaginations.” ~ Patricia Gowaty
Re: Share your psychopath story here...

There’s this dick who trolls around the site as a cyberbully, I guess he can be classified as a psychopath or sociopath or both. He named himself after Morrissey’s darkest work. Can anyone guess who this piece of shit is?
Re: Share your psychopath story here...

Only you would find an article titled so nauseatingly intellectually "interesting."

There’s this dick who trolls around the site as a cyberbully, I guess he can be classified as a psychopath or sociopath or both. He named himself after Morrissey’s darkest work. Can anyone guess who this piece of shit is?

There's a user named after You're The One For Me, Fatty?!
The funny thing is when his real name was posted here watching him and his mop-up boy lie that it wasn't his real name so please remove it immediately.
not been following this thread for a while :straightface: sorry the real world was calling :o
but when I read:
this, I thought of it :thumb:
and gotta say I'm guilty of about half of these :eek: maybe not as much as I use to be, but still :cool:
so perhaps from a person on the recieving end of many of these it might seem they are dealing with a "psychopath" :crazy:
however, I still gotta say, the best "tricks" I've learned when trying to get one over on another person/woman
I've learned almost exclusively from women
sure, many men talk the "player talk"
however, my god, do you many of you women walk it so much better! :p

ps: I still am convinced that male psychopathy is more with an "end game" of violence than it is manipulation
not been following this thread for a while :straightface: sorry the real world was calling :o
but when I read:
this, I thought of it :thumb:
and gotta say I'm guilty of about half of these :eek: maybe not as much as I use to be, but still :cool:
so perhaps from a person on the recieving end of many of these it might seem they are dealing with a "psychopath" :crazy:
however, I still gotta say, the best "tricks" I've learned when trying to get one over on another person/woman
I've learned almost exclusively from women
sure, many men talk the "player talk"
however, my god, do you many of you women walk it so much better! :p

ps: I still am convinced that male psychopathy is more with an "end game" of violence than it is manipulation

8. Triangulation. Psychopaths love to work you up into a state of obsessive frenzy, so to do that, they idealize you, give you fabulous sex, and then begin pulling away and "triangulating." This is when they introduce other people into the mix to make you jealous. It could be an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, a friend of the same sex, or even a celebrity. In the psychopaths mind, everyone else wants him, so you better be on your best behavior, or he will move on to one of his adoring fans.

9. Discard. The final phase of the psychopath is the "discard" phase. After he sucks you in with idealization, then begins to devalue you, he will suddenly discard you as if you never had a relationship. You are suddenly completely worthless to him. He will usually move on to another target at this point.

10. "Hoovering." Although a psychopath will discard you, he doesn't quite want you moving on either. If he senses you are done with him, he will suddenly do an about-face, and begin bombarding you with pleas to stay together. He will try to "Hoover" (named after the vacuum cleaning company) you back in by saying everything you've ever wanted to hear, making a million promises, and suddenly being on his absolute best behavior. It's all an act so he can get you back into the fold.

The only way to get rid of a psychopath is to completely go no contact. It's the only thing that doesn't fuel his games and ego. He will make that difficult for you -- some psychopaths will stalk you, most will Hoover. But to engage him in any way, even just to tell him off, only leaves you open to more mind games, which he will win, because he has no feelings. (Those who have children with psychopaths must develop low contact, and keep in touch only as much as absolutely needed as regards the children.)

Of course, nobody is perfect, and some people are just immature and go through periods of giving the silent treatment, or "devaluing" you with critical comments. Other people may triangulate to create jealousy because they're insecure or bored or don't even quite realize they're doing it. There are also plenty of garden-variety jerks out there who will engage in a lot of "psychopathic" behavior without being clinical psychopaths. But if your lover engages in much or all of this behavior, then he or she is likely psychopathic, and you should run for the hills!​
Do the test :

I won't tell you how much I scored.

A little simplistic, but fun. Here are my results...



What did you score MiS?

Thanks for the link to that series. Looks interesting.
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It would've been lower if I didn't love roller coasters and fast cars so much. :p

A little simplistic, but fun. Here are my results...



What did you score MiS?

Thanks for the link to that series. Looks interesting.

Oscar Wilde a psychopath? Shows a seriously flawed system scale. That is quite laughable! Don't you think? If not, prove to me that Wilde was a psychopath. Not using Wikipedia, of course. Use your own views. Believe me, I'll know where you dig up your facts.
Oscar Wilde a psychopath? Shows a seriously flawed system scale. That is quite laughable! Don't you think? If not, prove to me that Wilde was a psychopath. Not using Wikipedia, of course. Use your own views. Believe me, I'll know where you dig up your facts.

MadeinSalford posted the link to this test. I took it, as did some others. No, it is not scientific. It is a basic, personality test. Anyone can clearly say whatever they want. And also guess which answers will result in them appearing more psychopathic--or not--if one was so inclined. I didn't create the test. I didn't score anyone's answers. And I certainly had nothing to do with Wilde being in the ranking. And neither did he as his scores were calculated posthumously based on historical data.

That you even actually thought I had anything to do with Wilde being in the ranking or that I am responsible for his score, makes me wonder how much crack you have been smoking to have killed off so many brains cells, that you have been left with absolutely no ability to reason.

Look at Geezer's results. Avoids conflict. Hahahahahahaha. My ass. She lives and breathes conflict. That shows you how unscientific this test is, in case you still had any doubt. Now calm down. Some psychopathic traits are actually very good to have... such as charm, charisma, fearlessness, risk taking, leadership ability, high energy, intelligence. I have a feeling you have no clue what psychopathology entails.
Look at Geezer's results. Avoids conflict. Hahahahahahaha. My ass. She lives and breathes conflict.

No I don't. You always start it. In real life I'm an apologetic kitten, you're the one who isn't talking to your sister and has zero friends.
Hey hey hey! i only posted the link to the test for fun purposes, it's obviously not that serious, don't take it as such :)
And I do feel very ashamed at my results when I look at yours... I am very close to my hero Oscar Wilde it seems. Oh well I can live with that!
Don't judge me... ;)
Hey hey hey! i only posted the link to the test for fun purposes, it's obviously not that serious, don't take it as such :)
And I do feel very ashamed at my results when I look at yours... I am very close to my hero Oscar Wilde it seems. Oh well I can live with that!
Don't judge me... ;)

Most revolutionaries, entrepreneurs, and traders score high on Hare's Psychopathology Checklist. So nothing to be ashamed of at all. :)
No I don't. You always start it. In real life I'm an apologetic kitten, you're the one who isn't talking to your sister and has zero friends.

You are a fat, ugly, pathetic excuse for a human being. You are also a hypocrite and a lying sack of shit. I threw out the olive branch. Even others noticed. And what do you do? Tell me I am a clavicle ridden, Charlie Rose with a dry vagina. Nice. You make me sick. Your sister is probably as stupid as you. No wonder you get along. And don't tell me about family pathology. Where were your mom and dad when you were 14 getting raped by a 45 year old man? My dad would have killed Evan. So would have my mom. Your parents failed you. No wonder you are one f***ed up individual.

The list of people you have and contine to have conflicts with is long.

Irregular Regular
Luke Action McClure
Misguided Angel

This is just in the last three months.
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