Scott Rodger (Maverick) leaks Morrissey information and email re: Bonfire / Miley via X (October 17, 2023)

There's been drama!




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This might have been covered, but when this Ron Perry guy from Columbia emailed Scott Rodger saying "it shouldn't have gone to production without Columbia approval" this seems to imply that at some point Capitol were going ahead with the release even though they'd been told not to (assuming "gone to production" refers to the release process and not the recording process)? Were Capitol at some point going ahead with the release thinking they could clear up the contractual problems along the way, only to find that they couldn't? This would make even less sense of Morrissey blaming Capitol for blocking the release!

I'd love to see the whole email trail. Scott Rodger needs to stop drip-feeding us and tell the whole story!

But it must be a real bummer to record an album and be really pleased and excited about it and then it doesn't get released for bullshit corporate contract reasons. I can see why someone who digs their heels in over things like Morrissey does would be super pissed about it. What I don't get is why he's angry at Capitol rather than Columbia?
If I had to guess, this album was going into production upon the collective agreement her contributions were a secret. This happens all the time in the industry when permission can't be obtained. That said, it most likely became an issue when he started crediting her publicly or when he stubbornly decided she needed to be credited on the album. I love M, but this is clearly a foot in mouth situation.
But based on what we've heard, it's still probably a stronger album than Without Music...

I don’t find it funny at all. I’m just pointing out you seemed to be making a point out of the fact that he put up a photo of a woman he has a grievance with on his website. If it was a man there would be no issue. So I’m not sure what you’re getting at really, he hasn’t made threats, been offensive in anyway he’s just speaking his mind.
Speaking his mind? He knew it was a lie. Is he a psychopath?
No record company is ever going to touch him again after this shitstorm (that Morrissey himself has caused). Why would they? To sell relatively low numbers of an album to the ever-depleting number of fans he still has left?

This is the end.
He truly has committed the longest, most drawn out career suicide in showbiz history! The last 10 years has been agonizing.
Is anyone still surprised that for all the criticism, Scott still says that this is Morrissey’s best ever album?

A phantom project can sustain hyperbole given we haven’t heard it.

Morrissey sell the record on pay as you feel and I’ll give you a 100 x
It was that Terrance Stamp guy. He appears to have met Morrissey twice on this tour so I wonder if he told him what he'd done :straightface: Perhaps Mozi will ban him from future shows as this stunt has caused a lorra lorra trouble!
I think the 15/10 Central post with Michelle Jubilirer's photo was the catalyst, not Terrance's flight. Before we knew more about the 700% email chain, StampAir just appeared to be an expensive and loyal tribute to SPM. The flight banner was directed at Capitol. TS only got personal with his 17/10 guillotine tweet showing MJ.
Terrance describes himself as a "longtime Morrissey friend". With a little timeline fudging, Tez might be very useful to Moz here as scapegoat for Central's wrongs, stumbling into the storm like Billy Budd himself.
I am neither surprised nor disappointed, it just is as it is.

With regards to comments about it being a way of Morrissey getting into fans' heads rent-free/taking up head space, given the situations and people I have had to deal with in my personal life the last few years, Morrissey's residency is a welcome break! A little holiday!

I can't add anything new, it seems everything has already been said.

However, although I am considering the idea that Morrissey the artiste really wants to share this amazing piece of music with the world (credited or not), it is just not dignified for the focus to be on this 30 year old dyed blonde with a ton of make-up. In 2022 he said the album was his best work to date. So please let us hear, I love Saint in a Stained Glass Window. And I never thought I would start listening to MC music, as I have today. Surely she can't be that important to him. I hope it's not some silly crush!
So this was all Capitol did for Moz?
A guy sends one email statin' Miley won't do features
and it just ends right there?
Where's the emails tryin' to get the guy to reconsider?
Guess it was to much for Scott to type a email.
Guess it was too much for Morrissey to keep his mouth shut and stick to the original deal
If there was ever any doubt that it was Morrissey's fault,,,then you don't know Morrissey. Morrissey is the biggest "blamer" and "victim" om the planet. According to him he is always the victim.

Morrissey is the only artist i know that seems to like ruining his own career. Of course he does it it the name of not being a crashing bore, but does it none the less. New album..let block it for back ground vocals or one shows....let cancel them or leave halfway thru because it cold.....let have a 40 years of Morrissey concert....great idea, ill play 3 old songs and 10 ive played for the last 20 years and add a obscure country song to be witty.....

It always the same. Morrissey should take a page from Taylor swift. She had a career spanning concert and did 3-4 songs from every album...for 3 hours. That how you treat fans. Morrissey is a joke at this point and no-one believes him, because we know better!
It always the same. Morrissey should take a page from Taylor swift. She had a career spanning concert and did 3-4 songs from every album...for 3 hours. That how you treat fans. Morrissey is a joke at this point and no-one believes him, because we know better!
Another comparison is Madonna, who also currently touring her 40 years of hits under the moniker Celebration Tour. She is also known for playing her recent material over the greatest hits set she could easily put together, but this time she is really doing the songs the public wants to hear. The reception has been ecstatic. Here's the setlist:

Now, compare this to "40 years of Morrissey", which pretty much repeats the setlist from the previous tour, opened with a supposed (yeah, right) dengue fever cancelling a whole leg and now continues with Scott Rodger and Terrance Stamp making our "Mozi" a global laughing stock. Good going!
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Anyone else think that M's comment on stage at Washington is ironic after Mozigate? When you sing a song, it's a bit like taking a lie-detector test.....
It would have been 700% better if the album credit was "Miss Ann Coates Jr." or some similar fan-bait, and he'd always been "tight-lipped" when anyone asked who it was.
Yep, ya right.
Moz trusted Capitol and they dropped the ball.
On the contrary, Capitol have now lobbed the ball on Morrissey's side of the court. It has been two days since Rodger put out his tweets and "Mozi" has not shown any evidence to the contrary, even though he had a concert last night. If Capitol hasn't previously offered him the chance of returning his advance and getting BoT back, they have now done so in public. So whatever happens next, it's all down to Morrissey.
He doesn't really have a good option to respond at the moment I think. Scott Rodger made it clear, that he has more evidence and it already looks relatively bad. In any way he should really calculate his next step. Maybe that's why seemed to be on edge and easily pissed off on yesterday's concert. But anyway - it's Moz, so we never know what happens next, but my guess is, that they will just ignore it and maybe it goes away until the next crazed fan storms Capitol HQ demanding to get the recording himself.
Someone will have to explain exactly what's happened for him to respond properly & that's unlikely to come from his camp.

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