relationship with somebody who is not over his/her ex

A lot of people get into relationships/marriages/have children purely because they feel that's what you're supposed to do, regardless of whether that person makes yer heart go boom or not.

This is the very part that I have never understood about other people, because the sheer thought of being stuck with another person like this gave me sheer panic attacks, because I never wanted to be in such a relationship when I meet somebody I'd really love and felt I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
thats just it tho she wants more than just a few stolen moments now she wants proper relationship.

You seem to like talking about your "friends":rolleyes: situation a lot.You sound like a bit of a mischief maker to me.
This is the very part that I have never understood about other people, because the sheer thought of being stuck with another person like this gave me sheer panic attacks, because I never wanted to be in such a relationship when I meet somebody I'd really love and felt I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

people make mistakes, and they shouldnt be judged for wanting to get out.
they have a consunces (know that spelt wrong but i pissed long story) and it is difficult to tell the injured party that they are not loved anymore :( hence the fact alot of affairs are long term too scared to escape from their miserable life;)
Two people in my work place, both married, have an affair. I feel really bad for them, I think it's really hard to be in their position. I happen to know their legal partners too, and all the four people involved are wonderful people. I wish this whole story will somehow have a happy ending.
Two people in my work place, both married, have an affair. I feel really bad for them, I think it's really hard to be in their position. I happen to know their legal partners too, and all the four people involved are wonderful people. I wish this whole story will somehow have a happy ending.

Does it work well for them? Do the legal partners know of the affairs?
Does it work well for them? Do the legal partners know of the affairs?

Their legal partners don't know about it. One of them works really near us, and it seems like everybody else notices it but him.
I don't know how it feels for them or what they plan to do but it's been going on and off for a few years know.
Their legal partners don't know about it. One of them works really near us, and it seems like everybody else notices it but him.
I don't know how it feels for them or what they plan to do but it's been going on and off for a few years know.

So they have the same value system and don't know that they have more in common than they are aware of. :D Maybe he does know and just does not care, because it is not important to him and they are both happy with their relationship and their affair as it is. I once saw a documentary about a community where people had multiple partners and they said it was all right for them.

I am not too concerned with people who share a lifestyle, because everybody gets what they want. It only becomes tricky if this is not the case. Like you want to be in a stable relationship with one person and then this person is not over another one, as in my original question.
So they have the same value system and don't know that they have more in common than they are aware of. :D Maybe he does know and just does not care, because it is not important to him and they are both happy with their relationship and their affair as it is. I once saw a documentary about a community where people had multiple partners and they said it was all right for them.

I am not too concerned with people who share a lifestyle, because everybody gets what they want. It only becomes tricky if this is not the case. Like you want to be in a stable relationship with one person and then this person is not over another one, as in my original question.

People having an affair outside their marriage is very different from consensual polygamy. I dare say that most people who have an affair are hiding it from their partners.
People having an affair outside their marriage is very different from consensual polygamy. I dare say that most people who have an affair are hiding it from their partners.

Is it? I would not know, I do not know the statistics and polls.
In any case, not what I want from life and what would make me happy. What I am looking for is a relationship that gives me an emotional home and that I feel happy in, where I just feel relaxed when I am with the person. Where I do not necessarily have to spend all my time with the person, but I know the person is there and happy to be with me, too. I know it is the kind of relationship that I cannot have with a person who constantly questions this relationship and does not stick it out with me, does not work things out and through with me, is flaky and walks off with the next person who gives him a bit of flattery.
It's easy to judge people for their mistakes but lots of relationships are a sham that people can't escape from for one reason or another.If you fall in love with someone else it can't be helped.I guess it's what you do with the situation.If you follow your heart or your head.
It's easy to judge people for their mistakes but lots of relationships are a sham that people can't escape from for one reason or another.If you fall in love with someone else it can't be helped.I guess it's what you do with the situation.If you follow your heart or your head.

Sometimes it might help to think twice, especially if other people are involved, and to become clear of your real priorities. There are an awful lot of people out there who think that they can get away with basically anything.
Sometimes it might help to think twice, especially if other people are involved, and to become clear of your real priorities. There are an awful lot of people out there who think that they can get away with basically anything.

Yup. Reminds me of this bloke who wanted to see me when his wife was pregnant! :thumb: (I know he was just panicking at the idea of becoming a dad for the first time but still. thought it was a bit much... :lbf:)
Yup. Reminds me of this bloke who wanted to see me when his wife was pregnant! :thumb: (I know he was just panicking at the idea of becoming a dad for the first time but still. thought it was a bit much... :lbf:)

This was not, by any chance, a German celebrity like sports star, politician or so, was it? It is a common thing amongst them and society gives them zero punishment for this. They are more popular than ever before once they have done this and got the other woman pregnant as well. Says a lot about what state the society is in, in my books one of the lowest things one can do.
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