Monumentally hard task but...

National Front Disco

but I LOVE Maudlin St., Maladjusted, Speedway, Nobody, Suedehead +many many more. It's tough.
Absolutely impossible for me to pick one favorite, really. I can't even pick one favorite if I narrow it down by album rather than his entire works. I can't even pick one favorite if you only give me two songs to choose from. But I suppose I can cop out and say "Dear God Please Help Me" for sentimental reasons.
Yes, monumentally hard!!

A lot of my tops are all on Bona Drag (Lucky Lisp, Playboys, Interesting Drug, November Spawned a Monster) but also love Why Don't You Find Out for Yourself, Speedway, Ammunition and Girl Least Likely To.

but if I have to pick the all-time, it's either November or Playboys.
It's almost impossible, but...

November Spawned A Monster
Hold On To Your Friends
Life Is A Pigsty

too hard to pick just one...
I agree, it's great to get away from all this NME stuff!

It's so hard to choose because I love them all and my appreciation of his songs changes according to my mood. But I love Tomorrow ("oh the pain in my arms!") and am surprised that no one's mentioned it on this thread yet. I also love National Front Disco from back in the day, and in terms of contemporary stuff I love, love, love You Have Killed Me. I love Jack the Ripper too. :)
seasick yet still docked was my first thought and im trying not to think about it at all otherwise i will never give an answer
already late night... and speedway are contesting that position
last time i said Everyday is like Sunday, today it is Life is a Pigsty...because it is. there is a Moz song for every occasion & mood.
late night maudlin street is my fave on viva hate and a faveorite of ALL. HOWEVER I dont think i could give a clear faveorite overall with out some SERIoUS thought and backtracking of mozzas career.i'll give you personal album bests I love sing your life and king leer on KU. He knows id love to see him is a big time love on bona drag .
Tomorrow YA
why dont find out for yourself - vauxhall
im not sorry/ camden - quarry
pigsty/work of art - ROTT
so basically i have obliterated all hopes of an all time faveorite mozza but you all understand the complexity of the decision im sure.x
You should apologize for not giving a descriptive title for this thread so people can know if they're interested in it before they click on it.

But I forgive you as "Late Night" is one of my faves too.

Sorry. Will duly amend title. EDIT: Oops! I can't.
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