Johnny - I don't think that's really a surprise that I would disagree with what Morrissey's saying

Blatant Racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Transphobia, and so on and so forth, page after page-

2019 is a joke. I hope that all of the people who have tattooed themselves with his ugly mug or scribbled autograph can feel comfortable in their skin. The cover up industry is cracking their knuckles and ready to put ink over your ink.
I am the opposite of a paedo apologist. This person is an evil little TROLL who probably kills hamsters for fun.

If you are the opposite of a paedophile apologists then why did you excuse Jack Renshaw; claiming he was stitched up by the establishment? In doing so you dismissed the abuse of young boys at his hands. Your original comment and defence of that comment are clear for all to see in one of the Anne Marie Waters threads.

On Friday of last week you then go on to accuse LGBT people of inciting paedophilia. You are a hate machine.

You often claim free speech and right to expression but not for LGBT people - they should return to the shadows. Or, are you suggesting, as I belueve you are that free speech and freedom of expression can only be done in a manner you find palatable?

As for you racism .... you wear that like a badge of dishonour.

You are an entryist, a dog whistler.

You are loneliness expressed as frustration.
.... and there you have it. Hatefountain, Hatemann and IKnowHowIGotMyHate all asserting that LGBT people are paedophiles. AND ... they have photographic 'proof': yes, 3 guys dressed up for Pride, equates with paedophilia. This is how dog whistling works in it's attempts to spread hate and discontent.

Each of them has argued vehently for 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom to expression'. It seems LGBT people are not to be afforded those freedoms, neither is anyone else who disagrees with them.

These 3 are the same people that have actively defended Jack Renshaw a convicted racist, paedophile and attempted murderer. Why have they jumped to his defence? Because he's one of their alt-right heroes.

For almost 2 years (as alt-right entryists) they have been pervasive with their racist hatred into this forum, now comes another 'prize' that the alt-right detest: LGBT people. All 3 are aspiring white, middle-class (the claim to be working class - like Farage they're just like 'ordinary ' people) trolls. They claim to be Morrissey fans. Peculiar then that they all joined directly after Morrissey's endorsement of alt-right individuals/organisations? Peculiar also, that their topics of conversation in a Morrissey fan forum are of all but exclusively about race, immigration, hatred, homophobia, islamphobia, anti-immigration and so it goes on .....

Are you seeing a pattern emerging? I am. They hate: black people, Jewish people, LGBT people, asian people. Don't let any of them assist you onto a train.
What am I so afraid of ? Why did I bottle it?

For those tuning in late ... Hoffmann claimed he was a fan and would post Morrissey tickets stubs as proof. As expected, ticket stubs came there none.

He never would or could simply because he can't. He's not a Smiths or Morrissey fan - never have been, never will be. His purpose in the forum has been outed. He is a racist, homophobic entryist!

What is he so afraid of? He said he had proof? He threatened to post it? When confronted what did he do? He attempted misdirection and avoidance. Typical. It doesn't take too much to make of lair of him, just a few very simple questions.
When you know that humans are stupid and think no stupidity can shock you anymore.
Then you learn there are homophobe Morrissey fans. Oh my.
Did she now? I'd like to see this comment.

You asked to see comments? These appear in the most recent Anne Marie Water’s threads (still visible).
Below is but a few statements made by Reelfountain, in defence of the convicted alt-right, paedophile, Jack Renshaw. Following several challenges to her initial statement there was an attempt to excuse herself by claiming conspiracy. Her conspiracy theory quotes are also below. No matter what she now squaks Reelfountain dismissed the evidence of abused young boys in favour of a convicted paedophile and alt-right activist.


"Re: Jack Renshaw. Young, gay and in the closet. Another confused young man. Another target for MI5".

“He might not have even been aware that the boys he was sexting were underage. They might have even been MI5 pretending to be boys to frame him.”


"He seemed to be quite an immature person. I'd say mentally he felt about 16 tops. He seemed a little careless. "

“What I have been saying is that he was obviously set up for his eventual downfall.”

“Jack Renshaw's main crime was going down to the Wetherspoon's with his mates and drunkenly saying he was going to do someone over. It's called youthful bravado. “

“You call Renshaw a paedophile. Is that because a prosecution lawyer said so? Do you believe the justice system is actually fair, that it's not just a competitive game of chance between clever lawyers? Where's the real evidence?"


"Police who seized his phone as part of that investigation discovered evidence that he had groomed underage boys online.

"A court heard that he set up two fake Facebook profiles and contacted the boys, aged 13 and 14, between February 2016 and January 2017."

"The former British National Party youth wing leader boasted to the youngsters that he was rich, could give them jobs and offered one of them £300 to spend the night with him. He also requested intimate photographs of the pair before one of the boys reported the messages to his tutor and the police were contacted."

Source: The Independent (similar articles appeared in most of the UK dailies)

As of Friday, last week, Reelfountain is asserting that LGBT people (particularly those who attended London Pride) are encouraging paedophilia? Her homophobic trope that attempts to assert that gay men are, by defintion, paedophiles is what I have come to expect from this angry, ignorant and disturbed woman and her alt-right cabal: step foward Hoffmann and IKnowHowIGotMyName. Her disgust of LGBT people and their right to freedom of expression is palpable. However, in Reelfountain's world, it's apparently ok to be a convicted alt-right paedophile.
What a shower of creeps. Yes I've seen similar stuff on twitter - the paedo element is getting more pronounced each year. They will get in there surreptitiously wherever they can and they've obviously infiltrated the Pride movement. You watch. The schools will be officially celebrating Pride each year soon.

Rancid homophobia masquerading as concern for children's welfare. Dog whistling at it's worst.

2 entryist, racist, homophobes spewing bile in order to further their alt-right agenda. This is what hate looks like! The tired and dangerous credo of LGBT people are paedophiles, or that they conspire with paedophiles, is hatred of the most horrendous kind. Once again, with these hateful protagonists, we move into the area of encitement. An area they have exploited in regards to race. For every LGBT person assaulted or killed think Reelfountain. Think Hofmann. They have encited it, they have condoned but they'll never own their homophobia or racism. Alt-right haters never do.
The schools will be officially celebrating Pride each year soon.

Explain the problem you clearly have with children being taught about and celebrating diversity in schools? I guess to you the repeal of clause 28 was a backwards step?
You asked to see comments? These appear in the most recent Anne Marie Water’s threads (still visible).
Below is but a few statements made by Reelfountain, in defence of the convicted alt-right, paedophile, Jack Renshaw. Following several challenges to her initial statement there was an attempt to excuse herself by claiming conspiracy. Her conspiracy theory quotes are also below. No matter what she now squaks Reelfountain dismissed the evidence of abused young boys in favour of a convicted paedophile and alt-right activist.


"Re: Jack Renshaw. Young, gay and in the closet. Another confused young man. Another target for MI5".

“He might not have even been aware that the boys he was sexting were underage. They might have even been MI5 pretending to be boys to frame him.”


"He seemed to be quite an immature person. I'd say mentally he felt about 16 tops. He seemed a little careless. "

“What I have been saying is that he was obviously set up for his eventual downfall.”

“Jack Renshaw's main crime was going down to the Wetherspoon's with his mates and drunkenly saying he was going to do someone over. It's called youthful bravado. “

“You call Renshaw a paedophile. Is that because a prosecution lawyer said so? Do you believe the justice system is actually fair, that it's not just a competitive game of chance between clever lawyers? Where's the real evidence?"


"Police who seized his phone as part of that investigation discovered evidence that he had groomed underage boys online.

"A court heard that he set up two fake Facebook profiles and contacted the boys, aged 13 and 14, between February 2016 and January 2017."

"The former British National Party youth wing leader boasted to the youngsters that he was rich, could give them jobs and offered one of them £300 to spend the night with him. He also requested intimate photographs of the pair before one of the boys reported the messages to his tutor and the police were contacted."

Source: The Independent (similar articles appeared in most of the UK dailies)

As of Friday, last week, Reelfountain is asserting that LGBT people (particularly those who attended London Pride) are encouraging paedophilia? Her homophobic trope that attempts to assert that gay men are, by defintion, paedophiles is what I have come to expect from this angry, ignorant and disturbed woman and her alt-right cabal: step foward Hoffmann and IKnowHowIGotMyName. Her disgust of LGBT people and their right to freedom of expression is palpable. However, in Reelfountain's world, it's apparently ok to be a convicted alt-right paedophile.

Beautifully put.
Explain the problem you clearly have with children being taught about and celebrating diversity in schools? I guess to you the repeal of clause 28 was a backwards step?

For those tuning in late ... Hoffmann claimed he was a fan and would post Morrissey tickets stubs as proof. As expected, ticket stubs came there none.

He never would or could simply because he can't. He's not a Smiths or Morrissey fan - never have been, never will be. His purpose in the forum has been outed. He is a racist, homophobic entryist!

What is he so afraid of? He said he had proof? He threatened to post it? When confronted what did he do? He attempted misdirection and avoidance. Typical. It doesn't take too much to make of lair of him, just a few very simple questions.

Listen Mr Obsessed troll (who isn't actually a Moz or Smiths fan)......I said I would, if you had the guts to stop being an anonymous troll but you were too scared to come out in the open. You keep bottling it. :D
.... and there you have it. Hatefountain, Hatemann and IKnowHowIGotMyHate all asserting that LGBT people are paedophiles. AND ... they have photographic 'proof': yes, 3 guys dressed up for Pride, equates with paedophilia. This is how dog whistling works in it's attempts to spread hate and discontent.

Each of them has argued vehently for 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom to expression'. It seems LGBT people are not to be afforded those freedoms, neither is anyone else who disagrees with them.

These 3 are the same people that have actively defended Jack Renshaw a convicted racist, paedophile and attempted murderer. Why have they jumped to his defence? Because he's one of their alt-right heroes.

For almost 2 years (as alt-right entryists) they have been pervasive with their racist hatred into this forum, now comes another 'prize' that the alt-right detest: LGBT people. All 3 are aspiring white, middle-class (the claim to be working class - like Farage they're just like 'ordinary ' people) trolls. They claim to be Morrissey fans. Peculiar then that they all joined directly after Morrissey's endorsement of alt-right individuals/organisations? Peculiar also, that their topics of conversation in a Morrissey fan forum are of all but exclusively about race, immigration, hatred, homophobia, islamphobia, anti-immigration and so it goes on .....

Are you seeing a pattern emerging? I am. They hate: black people, Jewish people, LGBT people, asian people. Don't let any of them assist you onto a train.

Why do you think I'm middle-class? Odd. It's interesting to discuss serious issues that the Moz is tuned into. I'm not going to blather on about the music, because i'm not that obsesssed with it anymore unlike others. I know it back to front. There's very little new to say regarding the music, unless it's a new release.
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Listen Mr Obsessed troll (who isn't actually a Moz or Smiths fan)......I said I would, if you had the guts to stop being an anonymous troll but you were too scared to come out in the open. You keep bottling it. :D

No you didn't. Read your own posts. You said you'd post them. I then asked you to do it. Then after my challenge you avoided the situation by requesting I provide you with a name? I knew you were lying. Now several others do too. You bottled it, big time!

So, if anyone was ever in any doubt that you are indeed a homophobe this post will put any remaining doubt to bed. As a Morrisey 'fan' how must you have felt while watching the video for Interesting Drug? Have you ever seen it?

Hoffman: Homophobe. Being racist wasn't quite enough for you, was it? I expect that when you next visit Jack Renshaw he'll have some 'interesting' photos to share with you?
Why do you think I'm middle-class? Odd. It's interesting to discuss serious issues that the Moz is tuned into. I'm not going to blather on about the music, because i'm not that obsesssed with it anymoreunlike others. I know it back to front. There's very little new to say regarding the music, unless it's a new release.

Little to say because you know so little about the music. Entryist!

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