It’s not about politics

Oh, you’ve left me alone, have you. You want nothing to do with me.

Like that last time you cut into a conversation to call me a cam whore - completely unfounded and unprovoked? (I have zero social media presence, have never even taken a selfie in my life.)

Oh, those false allegations made against you. You know exactly what alts you've had and what posts and posters you have up-voted. We’ve seen what kind of person you are, seen enough. Now go away, and stop whining.

The saddest part is I am a leftie, would call myself a social democrat. But your argumentation, your behaviour and your tone throughout this thread make me want to have nothing to do with the left.

So the last time I commented to you was in JANUARY where I called you a cam whore. It's May now. Maybe time to get over it? How many posts had you rated that day or in the weeks before or since?
And no, I don't know exactly what I did. You said that you did and then you came up with this.
The "saddest part" is that you still follow me around the board and it's been two years. The "saddest part" is that you even care that I called you a cam whore four months ago.
The "saddest part" is that I must have made you feel as stupid as I think you are and something I said to you must have really hit home. It can't have been the "cam whore" thing.
Hopefully you will get over it. Or not.
Honestly I don't like you but I'm able to see that I don't know "you" and the person I believe you to be is only an impression of you that I have formed. So, knowing that, I will try to forget this nonsense for a minute and say that I really think you would be happier if you did not interact with me.
You don't know me either but I will confirm that you're correct that I can be a real f***ing asshole and once someone has managed to put me in that mode, whether it's their fault or not, I kind of enjoy making them feel like shit. That's why you think I'm a troll. Because your personality is the type to instigate and then play the victim, and my personality is the type to hurt your feelings and give you something to feel victimized about.
But I'm tired of it. It's over. I haven't sent you any little notes since January? Maybe it's time to get a new relationship. I think we should see other people.
So the last time I commented to you was in JANUARY where I called you a cam whore. It's May now. Maybe time to get over it? How many posts had you rated that day or in the weeks before or since?
And no, I don't know exactly what I did. You said that you did and then you came up with this.
The "saddest part" is that you still follow me around the board and it's been two years. The "saddest part" is that you even care that I called you a cam whore four months ago.
The "saddest part" is that I must have made you feel as stupid as I think you are and something I said to you must have really hit home. It can't have been the "cam whore" thing.
Hopefully you will get over it. Or not.
Honestly I don't like you but I'm able to see that I don't know "you" and the person I believe you to be is only an impression of you that I have formed. So, knowing that, I will try to forget this nonsense for a minute and say that I really think you would be happier if you did not interact with me.
You don't know me either but I will confirm that you're correct that I can be a real f***ing asshole and once someone has managed to put me in that mode, whether it's their fault or not, I kind of enjoy making them feel like shit. That's why you think I'm a troll. Because your personality is the type to instigate and then play the victim, and my personality is the type to hurt your feelings and give you something to feel victimized about.
But I'm tired of it. It's over. I haven't sent you any little notes since January? Maybe it's time to get a new relationship. I think we should see other people.

There have been several occasions since January where you addressed me and harassed me completely unprovoked, and you know it (and you even admit it above, saying how much you enjoy being an asshole and provoking me - no need to call you out on your lies and bullshit because you're doing a pretty good job at calling yourself out). I quoted the one from January because it was particularly vile and because I clearly to told you to leave me alone with your stupid shit then. It’s incredible how you want to spin this as me being obsessed with you, or following you or something.

Again, trolls have a penchant for spinning “truth”.

Edited to say that you are an even bigger f***wit than I thought you were if you believe that anything you say to me on here hurts me. It takes a special kind of arrogance to assume something like that. The only thing your comments do is reflect badly on you, that's all.
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There have been several occasions since January where you addressed me and harassed me completely unprovoked, and you know it (and you even admit it above, saying how much you enjoy being an asshole and provoking me - no need to call you out on your lies and bullshit because you're doing a pretty good job at calling yourself out). I quoted the one from January because it was particularly vile and because I clearly to told you to leave me alone with your stupid shit then. It’s incredible how you want to spin this as me being obsessed with you, or following you or something.

Again, trolls have a penchant for spinning “truth”.

Edited to say that you are an even bigger f***wit than I thought you were if you believe that anything you say to me on here "hurts" me. You'd have to possess a special kind of arrogance to assume something like that. The only thing your comments do is reflect badly on you, that's all.

I'm not harassing you in that thread you linked to. I'm discussing the topic. You posted your opinion of the article and I disagreed. I talk only about the article in discussion.

If being in disagreement with you is some kind of violation I plead guilty.

This is very stupid and it's off-topic. If you want to gather your evidence and post it in off-topic I will respond. What you've posted here is some nonsense and I'm really sorry that being called a cam-whore in January affected you so much that you're still hurt by it. I mean, you say you're not hurt but you also call it particularly vile which tells me that either you're confused or that you're unreliable. Either way, thank you. I think you've proven my point. Again, off-topic is the place for this if you find you'd like to continue. I will understand if you don't.

This thread is morphing into a preview of Drama Johnnys new album, Call the Comet:drama:
which includes the new single, the Tracers:drama:
Available soon nobody seems to know exactly when, probably whey DJ finishes stamping the CDS.

What the fook is a 'cam whore?' I hope its not what I think it is......
Now taking selfies at the Petting Zoo, for sure that doesnt seem right.
It's not about politics.
Now, after all of that, again, the point is that the right is embracing "free speech" because they want to say things about Islam on Twitter (for one example) and have the freedom to do so. Notice that no one locked him up for saying it. Twitter has the right to take his account away. Right or wrong he can still say it but he can't say it on Twitter.
The case with the dog giving the nazi salute is remarked upon just because of how rare it is
. These things will happen from time to time. Maybe the judge didn't get the joke. I'm sure that there are larger problems in the world though and I'm not quite ready to sign the petition saying that people should be able to teach their dogs to give nazi salutes. There are bigger problems. I mean, it's pretty stupid and I can see how it might seem like a symbol of intolerance or something but I think I'll need to see it become a trend before I get too worked up about it.

In all of this what bothers me is when people try, unsuccessfully, to "deceive, inveigle, obfuscate" because I take it as an insult when someone like Derek pretends to be speaking about one thing but is actually speaking about something else. I know I'm stupid but I like to pretend I'm more intelligent than to fall for that.
The people from the right (most of them) that talk about "free speech" are not for "free speech." Most of them want everyone to speak English to begin with. They're the type of people who,. like Morrissey, (remember, this thread is about Morrissey) are going to talk about people's accents and speech patterns.

There was a lot in your post and you've laid it out thoughtfully, however it being the weekend I can only reply to so much of it, LOL. The right is embracing 'free speech' because they can see how quickly and easily it can erode away. Just check out how difficult it is for a conservative to speak on America college campus these days. Have you ever watched one of Milo's campus speeches? He trolls, he cracks afew feminist and fat jokes and I can see how those on the progressive left might not like his content. However to label him literally Hitler or smash up a campus starting fires is simply too much. Let him speak, wait in line during the Q&A and then debate the shit out of him and expose the shortcomings in his thinkings.

The Cato institute have some really interesting and thought provoking stats as it pertains to how we view free speech and hate speech from both sides:

I have bolded the one part as I once again attempt to make the point that it all begins somewhere. You say these things happen 'from time to time' yet I feel like we are seeing an increasing amount of these types of crazy cases growing by the day. The professor in the elevator that asked for the lingerie dept is another case in point. It doesn't concern you as much as coming from the left side of aisle they haven't come for anyone you like..............................yet.
There was a lot in your post and you've laid it out thoughtfully, however it being the weekend I can only reply to so much of it, LOL. The right is embracing 'free speech' because they can see how quickly and easily it can erode away. Just check out how difficult it is for a conservative to speak on America college campus these days. Have you ever watched one of Milo's campus speeches? He trolls, he cracks afew feminist and fat jokes and I can see how those on the progressive left might not like his content. However to label him literally Hitler or smash up a campus starting fires is simply too much. Let him speak, wait in line during the Q&A and then debate the shit out of him and expose the shortcomings in his thinkings.

The Cato institute have some really interesting and thought provoking stats as it pertains to how we view free speech and hate speech from both sides:

I have bolded the one part as I once again attempt to make the point that it all begins somewhere. You say these things happen 'from time to time' yet I feel like we are seeing an increasing amount of these types of crazy cases growing by the day. The professor in the elevator that asked for the lingerie dept is another case in point. It doesn't concern you as much as coming from the left side of aisle they haven't come for anyone you like..............................yet.

Okay, again there are two distinct issues. One is pretending to be for free speech when really you want to make hateful divisive comments and then complain when someone responds by calling you a racist. (Not "you" but various people I have observed.) I call that out and I love calling people on the right "snowflakes" and asking if they feel someone isn't respecting their "safe space."
Neither side has a monopoly on whining.
As far as the protests you're talking about I'm divided.

But I 100% agree with you that most people do deserve a chance to be heard. They don't deserve to force other to listen, which is a subtle distinction but really that is how I would look at things like Milo. If I'm attending Berkeley or my child is attending Berkeley and Milo is speaking in a public area where hearing him is unavoidable I think a case can be made against his right to speak. If he is inside a lecture room or auditorium where you know what you're getting into I'm all for his right to speak regardless of his content.
Like I said before if something he says is illegal, if he is making threats or inciting a riot, there are already laws against that.

And I 100% agree that it's better to not only let people speak but to encourage them to speak and then to debate their message. The people that don't want to do that are either afraid there might be some truth to what the other side is saying or they don't think they have the skills to debate. But at a prestigious university there ought to be someone capable of debating anyone regardless of the opposition's charisma or skill. Stopping them from speaking allows them to not only play the victim, the martyr, and to use this as a means to manipulate their followers potentially, and at least to give the impression that "they won't let him talk because he is exposing them."
It also allows them to control their entire narrative. They will find a way to say what they would have said at Berkeley but they will be able to control the venues they say it in, find sympathetic hosts to interview them, and work with a team of people to carefully craft every sentence. For those who lack the ability to think spontaneously or whose message is weak this may extend their career as a spokesperson for whatever cause far beyond the point that a simple series of debates might have ended it.

I have argued for the rights of people to speak on campus when I did not agree with their message. Just one actually but it was the only one I was aware of. One day after an art history class I was walking with the professor and in front of the library there was a man sitting with a folding table. He had books for sale and he was giving out booklets and flyers. I liked this professor but she was the type who had political bumperstickers forming a patchwork all over the back of her car and I always felt like it was too much. Anyway I don't know if she had dealt with this guy before or recognized his books but she actually physically took him by the collar and marched him to the parking lot. I really felt like he could have claimed it was an assault. You can't really touch someone or grab their clothes if you're not a cop.
Well he was a holocaust denier. I don't know if he was the type to say it wasn't really six million Jews that were murdered, or if he said it never happened at all. Out of curiosity I've listened to some of these theories but my grandfather was part of a force that liberated one of the camps and actually saw it. People can reconstruct history all sorts of ways, and I imagine if we have enough time left on this planet eventually people will debate whether Hitler ever actually existed. The point is that I completely agree that the thing to have done would have been to allow this man the opportunity to debate some of the history professors.
He actually had a little crowd of about twenty people listening when we walked up.
I told her that I thought he should be able to speak depending on what the actual rules were. I know you can't just roll up to a school and start having a nazi rally but in the very short time I got to form an impression of him I believe he was a lot more subtle than that.
I think it's fair to suspect the motives of a person who has taken the time to research and publish a book claiming the holocaust never happened but I'm not a mind reader and I'm not sure motives matter when discussing the veracity of a belief.

So I'm not against free speech regardless of which side of the aisle I may be on. I used to vote for the Democrats but they abandoned me and anyone who thinks I support Hillary or Obama just because I think Trump is dangerous reality show clown who is in way over his head is just making assumptions based on their own limited Belief System.

Like I said at the start though if the right simply wants the right to be offensive and to shut up anyone who is offended.
If the right believed in free speech peaceful student protests that end with the police pepper spraying students as they sit passively would have also triggered them. If the right believed in free speech they wouldn't be running over protesters at Black Lives Matter events and wouldn't be so triggered that they find the phrase "Black Lives Matter" to be offensive.
Your side has its own snowflakes.
Whenever someone starts using that rhetoric now I just think they're a clown. I am a Social Justice Warrior. Aren't you? Shouldn't we all be? Are we against social justice? Are we for inequality?
I love to flip those terms and f*** with those people because most of them have been given a small toolkit to work with and if they encounter any situation outside of their expectations they start flailing and reveal themselves to be really unable to sell their rhetoric.

Enjoy your weekend. :thumb:
Derek17 cares about the TRUTH! (Except when the going gets too heavy for him so he pretends to be a gay black man to weasel out of answering questions.)
Remember when you fabricated a Morrissey tour date schedule for Canada? That was about as real as Qanon's posts -- is that where you got the inspiration?

And by the way: Scanty Bit of Thing and Calamine Lotion > 12" on the Slack and Rifke.
I might not agree with Calamine Lotion about everything ('toothless hicks' etc.) but they wrote entertaining posts while a member, linked to good songs, and special shout out to Scanty Bit of Thing who is an incredible writer.
This is in stark comparison with the writing of 12" on the Slack, Rifke, and Derek17 which has often left me feeling violently ill and about ten IQ points stupider.

But the very worst thing about you Derek, is that you're a coward. If you just came out and said what you really think then you might earn some grudging respect from me and others. Instead, you do the dance of the seven veils because you have no conviction in your beliefs, you're too afraid of what people will think of you (your current M.O. is worse though), and I believe you wouldn't be able to defend your views even if you did state them outright -- which is why you resort to the weasel tactics I mentioned earlier.

I'm glad to see you siding with 12" on the Slack in this thread, because from what I've read he (the camera hog) and Rifke (the future Nobel laureate) are both on your level, so it makes sense for you all to begin associating with each other. You just need one more member and you'd be like a bizarro version of the cast of Mean Girls.
Derek17 cares about the TRUTH! (Except when the going gets too heavy for him so he pretends to be a gay black man to weasel out of answering questions.)
Remember when you fabricated a Morrissey tour date schedule for Canada? That was about as real as Qanon's posts -- is that where you got the inspiration?

And by the way: Scanty Bit of Thing and Calamine Lotion > 12" on the Slack and Rifke.
I might not agree with Calamine Lotion about everything ('toothless hicks' etc.) but they wrote entertaining posts while a member, linked to good songs, and special shout out to Scanty Bit of Thing who is an incredible writer.
This is in stark comparison with the writing of 12" on the Slack, Rifke, and Derek17 which has often left me feeling violently ill and about ten IQ points stupider.

But the very worst thing about you Derek, is that you're a coward. If you just came out and said what you really think then you might earn some grudging respect from me and others. Instead, you do the dance of the seven veils because you have no conviction in your beliefs, you're too afraid of what people will think of you (your current M.O. is worse though), and I believe you wouldn't be able to defend your views even if you did state them outright -- which is why you resort to the weasel tactics I mentioned earlier.

I'm glad to see you siding with 12" on the Slack in this thread, because from what I've read he (the camera hog) and Rifke (the future Nobel laureate) are both on your level, so it makes sense for you all to begin associating with each other. You just need one more member and you'd be like a bizarro version of the cast of Mean Girls.

Hello Scanty! Welcome back!
Okay, again there are two distinct issues. One is pretending to be for free speech when really you want to make hateful divisive comments and then complain when someone responds by calling you a racist. (Not "you" but various people I have observed.) I call that out and I love calling people on the right "snowflakes" and asking if they feel someone isn't respecting their "safe space."
Neither side has a monopoly on whining.
As far as the protests you're talking about I'm divided.

But I 100% agree with you that most people do deserve a chance to be heard. They don't deserve to force other to listen, which is a subtle distinction but really that is how I would look at things like Milo. If I'm attending Berkeley or my child is attending Berkeley and Milo is speaking in a public area where hearing him is unavoidable I think a case can be made against his right to speak. If he is inside a lecture room or auditorium where you know what you're getting into I'm all for his right to speak regardless of his content.
Like I said before if something he says is illegal, if he is making threats or inciting a riot, there are already laws against that.

And I 100% agree that it's better to not only let people speak but to encourage them to speak and then to debate their message. The people that don't want to do that are either afraid there might be some truth to what the other side is saying or they don't think they have the skills to debate. But at a prestigious university there ought to be someone capable of debating anyone regardless of the opposition's charisma or skill. Stopping them from speaking allows them to not only play the victim, the martyr, and to use this as a means to manipulate their followers potentially, and at least to give the impression that "they won't let him talk because he is exposing them."
It also allows them to control their entire narrative. They will find a way to say what they would have said at Berkeley but they will be able to control the venues they say it in, find sympathetic hosts to interview them, and work with a team of people to carefully craft every sentence. For those who lack the ability to think spontaneously or whose message is weak this may extend their career as a spokesperson for whatever cause far beyond the point that a simple series of debates might have ended it.

I have argued for the rights of people to speak on campus when I did not agree with their message. Just one actually but it was the only one I was aware of. One day after an art history class I was walking with the professor and in front of the library there was a man sitting with a folding table. He had books for sale and he was giving out booklets and flyers. I liked this professor but she was the type who had political bumperstickers forming a patchwork all over the back of her car and I always felt like it was too much. Anyway I don't know if she had dealt with this guy before or recognized his books but she actually physically took him by the collar and marched him to the parking lot. I really felt like he could have claimed it was an assault. You can't really touch someone or grab their clothes if you're not a cop.
Well he was a holocaust denier. I don't know if he was the type to say it wasn't really six million Jews that were murdered, or if he said it never happened at all. Out of curiosity I've listened to some of these theories but my grandfather was part of a force that liberated one of the camps and actually saw it. People can reconstruct history all sorts of ways, and I imagine if we have enough time left on this planet eventually people will debate whether Hitler ever actually existed. The point is that I completely agree that the thing to have done would have been to allow this man the opportunity to debate some of the history professors.
He actually had a little crowd of about twenty people listening when we walked up.
I told her that I thought he should be able to speak depending on what the actual rules were. I know you can't just roll up to a school and start having a nazi rally but in the very short time I got to form an impression of him I believe he was a lot more subtle than that.
I think it's fair to suspect the motives of a person who has taken the time to research and publish a book claiming the holocaust never happened but I'm not a mind reader and I'm not sure motives matter when discussing the veracity of a belief.

So I'm not against free speech regardless of which side of the aisle I may be on. I used to vote for the Democrats but they abandoned me and anyone who thinks I support Hillary or Obama just because I think Trump is dangerous reality show clown who is in way over his head is just making assumptions based on their own limited Belief System.

Like I said at the start though if the right simply wants the right to be offensive and to shut up anyone who is offended.
If the right believed in free speech peaceful student protests that end with the police pepper spraying students as they sit passively would have also triggered them. If the right believed in free speech they wouldn't be running over protesters at Black Lives Matter events and wouldn't be so triggered that they find the phrase "Black Lives Matter" to be offensive.
Your side has its own snowflakes.
Whenever someone starts using that rhetoric now I just think they're a clown. I am a Social Justice Warrior. Aren't you? Shouldn't we all be? Are we against social justice? Are we for inequality?
I love to flip those terms and f*** with those people because most of them have been given a small toolkit to work with and if they encounter any situation outside of their expectations they start flailing and reveal themselves to be really unable to sell their rhetoric.

Enjoy your weekend. :thumb:

Yes a 'Holocaust' occurred, if by Holocaust you mean between 200,000-300,000 Jewish people dying of starvation and typhus in camps where they were being held while waiting to be deported to Madagascar.

It was jumped upon by Zionists as a way to bring about the ratification to the creation of Israel, which had been in limbo for 30 years.

Winston Churchill doesn't even mention a 'Holocaust' in his books about WWII.

The 'six million' figure has special significance and goes back a long way, I have New York Times articles from 1900s-1920s where Jewish leaders were warning that six million Jews faced possible genocide in, for one example, Russia.

Netanyahu even said a few days ago during his meeting with Putin that Iran wants to kill another six million Jews.

I don't know what the Jewish fascination with the six million figure is, but they've been using it for over 100 years.

I don't doubt what your grandfather saw -- people starving, because there were plenty. There was a war going on, Russian and Allied forces were closing in, food supplies were limited. The Madagascar Plan wasn't abandoned until 1944, after which the people in those camps were neglected. They died of disease and malnutrition, which is awful, but so was the Irish famine/genocide, the Holodomor, and the Armenian and Bosnian genocides and we don't have entire industries devoted to and built around them; at least not in a way that's interwoven into our psyches.

A couple of years ago there was a New York Times article about how the copyright for The Diary of Anne Frank was nearly up, because Anne had been dead for 70 years after which it would go into public domain, but family members of hers came out and said the Diary had been co-written by her father so the copyright could be extended for years longer.

With time it will come out how comprehensively we've been lied to and for so long, first the Diary will fall away, then the whole notion of gas chambers, and maybe eventually we'll arrive somewhere approaching the truth.

Although we might be in for a hell of a time until then from those for whom the Holocaust is big business, trying with every fibre of their being to keep the official narrative -- deeply established and firmly entrenched in the minds of Europeans and Americans, though not for those in countries closer to Israel, like Iran -- alive. The modern order depends on its survival. One thing in their favour is that modern European historians probably aren't brave enough to confront that question; it's become a modern form of blasphemy, resulting in jail terms for heretics. And you say 'right-wingers' have beliefs that don't hold up under scrutiny?
I'm not harassing you in that thread you linked to. I'm discussing the topic. You posted your opinion of the article and I disagreed. I talk only about the article in discussion.

If being in disagreement with you is some kind of violation I plead guilty.

This is very stupid and it's off-topic. If you want to gather your evidence and post it in off-topic I will respond. What you've posted here is some nonsense and I'm really sorry that being called a cam-whore in January affected you so much that you're still hurt by it. I mean, you say you're not hurt but you also call it particularly vile which tells me that either you're confused or that you're unreliable. Either way, thank you. I think you've proven my point. Again, off-topic is the place for this if you find you'd like to continue. I will understand if you don't.

You are still going on. You are still harassing and you’re probably not even aware of it. You are still trying to push this meme that your cam whore comment hurt me (do you have a problem with your reading comprehension?). Again, you asked me to give examples of when you have harassed me and I provided you with one of the crassest. Then you keep this “awww that must have really hurt your feelingsssss so it must be true and must have hit a nerve” shit going. What is this? Kindergarten? I haven’t seen methods and argumentation like this since I left primary school. And then you sort of “finish” the conversation (while reserving the right for yourself to have one last word about it) by declaring I proved your point. Um, I proved my point that you are the harasser while you maintain that you are being followed around and harassed. I have not addressed you in a very long time other than to respond to your provocations that you even admit to enjoying further up the page.

You really are truly vile.

No, disagreeing with me is not a violation, but your disagreement is always personal and always aggressive. You don’t get to redefine harassment just because you sometimes post as Judge Judy or Dr Phil, you’re not in a position of authority here, although you’d like to believe you are. You don’t get to make your own definitions of harassment, you don’t get to tell the people you harass what qualifies as harassment and what doesn’t. You obviously didn’t think your repeated fat c*** / stupid c*** / fat sow comments that got you banned constituted harassment either. You admit above that you enjoy being an asshole, enjoy provoking, enjoy hurting. Hell, you even started a thread in order to specifically target and bully a certain poster (and I’m not talking about me). I guess this fulfils a need in you, you insecure little wanker.

Derek’s assessment is absolutely correct: you try to make yourself feel superior by wikigooglecopypasting things, then making a disparaging comment about your opponent. I disagree with a lot of the things Derek17 says but he never resorts to bullying or nastiness.

Now be gone you argumentative, vindictive, scornful, disagreeable little person and phony liberal with a google PHD and ketchup-stained jeans.
Derek i have a question for you.

I remember you suggesting some time ago that perhaps somebody like Trump was needed because he is anti-establishment and powerful and rich enough to stand up to the establishment (correct me if I misrepresent your position). I do think that’s a fair point (although, of course, I still think he is a horrible person and some of his policies are disastrous).

What are your thoughts regarding the fact that he has gone from “if you elect me I’ll tell you the truth about 9/11” to his complete silence on the matter now that he has been elected? He was one of the first to come out after the attacks saying he believed there was controlled demolition / bombs involved and that relatively small amounts of jet fuel couldn’t possibly melt steel, but later adapted the official “impact and jet fuel brought the towers down” version. Why this u-turn?
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You are still going on. You are still harassing and you’re probably not even aware of it. You are still trying to push this meme that your cam whore comment hurt me (do you have a problem with your reading comprehension?). Again, you asked me to give examples of when you have harassed me and I provided you with one of the crassest. Then you keep this “awww that must have really hurt your feelingsssss so it must be true and must have hit a nerve” shit going. What is this? Kindergarten? I haven’t seen methods and argumentation like this since I left primary school. And then you sort of “finish” the conversation (while reserving the right for yourself to have one last word about it) by declaring I proved your point. Um, I proved my point that you are the harasser while you maintain that you are being followed around and harassed. I have not addressed you in a very long time other than to respond to your provocations that you even admit to enjoying further up the page.

You really are truly vile.

No, disagreeing with me is not a violation, but your disagreement is always personal and always aggressive. You don’t get to redefine harassment just because you sometimes post as Judge Judy or Dr Phil, you’re not in a position of authority here, although you’d like to believe you are. You don’t get to make your own definitions of harassment, you don’t get to tell the people you harass what qualifies as harassment and what doesn’t. You obviously didn’t think your repeated fat c*** / stupid c*** / fat sow comments that got you banned constituted harassment either. You admit above that you enjoy being an asshole, enjoy provoking, enjoy hurting. Hell, you even started a thread in order to specifically target and bully a certain poster (and I’m not talking about me). I guess this fulfils a need in you, you insecure little wanker.

Derek’s assessment is absolutely correct: you try to make yourself feel superior by wikigooglecopypasting things, then making a disparaging comment about your opponent. I disagree with a lot of the things Derek17 says but he never resorts to bullying or nastiness.

Now be gone you argumentative, vindictive, scornful, disagreeable little person and phony liberal with a google PHD and ketchup-stained jeans.

Skimmed through this and I see that you are accusing me of thinking I'm in a position of authority.
You accused me of barging into a conversation months ago to harass you.
That's exactly what you've done in this thread. I wasn't talking to you or about you. Out of the blue you post a bunch of lies about me. Now you're saying I am harassing you because it didn't work out.
You also claimed that I harassed you in another thread and posted a link to a thread where I'm discussing an article about Morrissey and don't mention you at all.

I think you're the one who thinks you have special privileges and I'm tired of this dragging on. Like I said if you want to post your evidence that I made racist or homophobic posts or upvoted others who did please do so. You're not allowed in life to make those kinds of charges and then say "you know what you did."

I'm not bothering you. I'm responding to what you wrote to me. I was posting in the thread. You were posting in the thread. I wasn't commenting on your posts or referring to you in any way. Is that what bothers you?
Obviously you're an attention seeking person who also seeks validation and I've made you feel stupid. I really do regret that, not because I was wrong, but because you really care what I think and I don't care about you so it's annoying after all this time to be dragged back into this. It's embarrassing for me and it should be for you if you had any self awareness.
Anyway, you say you want it to stop so stop. It hasn't ever worked out for you.
Yes a 'Holocaust' occurred, if by Holocaust you mean between 200,000-300,000 Jewish people dying of starvation and typhus in camps where they were being held while waiting to be deported to Madagascar.

It was jumped upon by Zionists as a way to bring about the ratification to the creation of Israel, which had been in limbo for 30 years.

Winston Churchill doesn't even mention a 'Holocaust' in his books about WWII.

The 'six million' figure has special significance and goes back a long way, I have New York Times articles from 1900s-1920s where Jewish leaders were warning that six million Jews faced possible genocide in, for one example, Russia.

Netanyahu even said a few days ago during his meeting with Putin that Iran wants to kill another six million Jews.

I don't know what the Jewish fascination with the six million figure is, but they've been using it for over 100 years.

I don't doubt what your grandfather saw -- people starving, because there were plenty. There was a war going on, Russian and Allied forces were closing in, food supplies were limited. The Madagascar Plan wasn't abandoned until 1944, after which the people in those camps were neglected. They died of disease and malnutrition, which is awful, but so was the Irish famine/genocide, the Holodomor, and the Armenian and Bosnian genocides and we don't have entire industries devoted to and built around them; at least not in a way that's interwoven into our psyches.

A couple of years ago there was a New York Times article about how the copyright for The Diary of Anne Frank was nearly up, because Anne had been dead for 70 years after which it would go into public domain, but family members of hers came out and said the Diary had been co-written by her father so the copyright could be extended for years longer.

With time it will come out how comprehensively we've been lied to and for so long, first the Diary will fall away, then the whole notion of gas chambers, and maybe eventually we'll arrive somewhere approaching the truth.

Although we might be in for a hell of a time until then from those for whom the Holocaust is big business, trying with every fibre of their being to keep the official narrative -- deeply established and firmly entrenched in the minds of Europeans and Americans, though not for those in countries closer to Israel, like Iran -- alive. The modern order depends on its survival. One thing in their favour is that modern European historians probably aren't brave enough to confront that question; it's become a modern form of blasphemy, resulting in jail terms for heretics. And you say 'right-wingers' have beliefs that don't hold up under scrutiny?

It's true that the Holocaust has been used for political means to silence critics of Israel. I think that with their policies against the Palestinians they are losing that as they appear to have policies that are genocidal.
But this is really not my area. I could discuss 9/11 a little bit but the Holocaust is different. I did say that I think those who want to discuss the facts of how it happened should not be silenced but I'm not qualified. I am not motivated either because whether it's true or not discussing the Holocaust critically is associated with somehow minimizing the actions of Hitler's policies.
But like I said if people were going to debate these things I would watch the debate or at least support the idea that these things should be debated. It's legal to discuss it where I live so I think that using physical force to remove someone from a campus is bad form. Other than that, I mean you're saying gas chambers didn't exist. There are people who claim to have seen them. I wasn't there. I don't know what happened and I can't prove what happened. I can't prove that any source I might find is correct.
So I would watch you or someone who believes as you do debate it with someone who supports the official version. I think that's important. I know that even allowing it to be questioned makes some people fearful, not that lies will be exposed, but that it's some kind of weakening of this tool that was used to stop fascism, but of course that is a different form of fascism and I do respect free speech.
Yes a 'Holocaust' occurred, if by Holocaust you mean between 200,000-300,000 Jewish people dying of starvation and typhus in camps where they were being held while waiting to be deported to Madagascar....
...With time it will come out how comprehensively we've been lied to and for so long, first the Diary will fall away, then the whole notion of gas chambers, and maybe eventually we'll arrive somewhere approaching the truth.
Disgusting post. Hang your head in shame for peddling these awful, malicious lies.
Derek17 cares about the TRUTH! (Except when the going gets too heavy for him so he pretends to be a gay black man to weasel out of answering questions.)
Remember when you fabricated a Morrissey tour date schedule for Canada? That was about as real as Qanon's posts -- is that where you got the inspiration?

And by the way: Scanty Bit of Thing and Calamine Lotion > 12" on the Slack and Rifke.
I might not agree with Calamine Lotion about everything ('toothless hicks' etc.) but they wrote entertaining posts while a member, linked to good songs, and special shout out to Scanty Bit of Thing who is an incredible writer.
This is in stark comparison with the writing of 12" on the Slack, Rifke, and Derek17 which has often left me feeling violently ill and about ten IQ points stupider.

But the very worst thing about you Derek, is that you're a coward. If you just came out and said what you really think then you might earn some grudging respect from me and others. Instead, you do the dance of the seven veils because you have no conviction in your beliefs, you're too afraid of what people will think of you (your current M.O. is worse though), and I believe you wouldn't be able to defend your views even if you did state them outright -- which is why you resort to the weasel tactics I mentioned earlier.

I'm glad to see you siding with 12" on the Slack in this thread, because from what I've read he (the camera hog) and Rifke (the future Nobel laureate) are both on your level, so it makes sense for you all to begin associating with each other. You just need one more member and you'd be like a bizarro version of the cast of Mean Girls.

My face while reading this post.
Yes a 'Holocaust' occurred, if by Holocaust you mean between 200,000-300,000 Jewish people dying of starvation and typhus in camps where they were being held while waiting to be deported to Madagascar.

It was jumped upon by Zionists as a way to bring about the ratification to the creation of Israel, which had been in limbo for 30 years.

Winston Churchill doesn't even mention a 'Holocaust' in his books about WWII.

The 'six million' figure has special significance and goes back a long way, I have New York Times articles from 1900s-1920s where Jewish leaders were warning that six million Jews faced possible genocide in, for one example, Russia.

Netanyahu even said a few days ago during his meeting with Putin that Iran wants to kill another six million Jews.

I don't know what the Jewish fascination with the six million figure is, but they've been using it for over 100 years.

I don't doubt what your grandfather saw -- people starving, because there were plenty. There was a war going on, Russian and Allied forces were closing in, food supplies were limited. The Madagascar Plan wasn't abandoned until 1944, after which the people in those camps were neglected. They died of disease and malnutrition, which is awful, but so was the Irish famine/genocide, the Holodomor, and the Armenian and Bosnian genocides and we don't have entire industries devoted to and built around them; at least not in a way that's interwoven into our psyches.

A couple of years ago there was a New York Times article about how the copyright for The Diary of Anne Frank was nearly up, because Anne had been dead for 70 years after which it would go into public domain, but family members of hers came out and said the Diary had been co-written by her father so the copyright could be extended for years longer.

With time it will come out how comprehensively we've been lied to and for so long, first the Diary will fall away, then the whole notion of gas chambers, and maybe eventually we'll arrive somewhere approaching the truth.

Although we might be in for a hell of a time until then from those for whom the Holocaust is big business, trying with every fibre of their being to keep the official narrative -- deeply established and firmly entrenched in the minds of Europeans and Americans, though not for those in countries closer to Israel, like Iran -- alive. The modern order depends on its survival. One thing in their favour is that modern European historians probably aren't brave enough to confront that question; it's become a modern form of blasphemy, resulting in jail terms for heretics. And you say 'right-wingers' have beliefs that don't hold up under scrutiny?

What further proof proof do you need , after reading this anti semitic screed, that Hitler was left wing?
If he Fuhrer was alive he would be all over the hate "the state not the people" line of bollocks; he would probably be a huge Roger Waters fan as well. Its hard to tell where Hitler and Socialists in practice disagree.:flamethrow:
Yes a 'Holocaust' occurred, if by Holocaust you mean between 200,000-300,000 Jewish people dying of starvation and typhus in camps where they were being held while waiting to be deported to Madagascar.

It was jumped upon by Zionists as a way to bring about the ratification to the creation of Israel, which had been in limbo for 30 years.

Winston Churchill doesn't even mention a 'Holocaust' in his books about WWII.

The 'six million' figure has special significance and goes back a long way, I have New York Times articles from 1900s-1920s where Jewish leaders were warning that six million Jews faced possible genocide in, for one example, Russia.

Netanyahu even said a few days ago during his meeting with Putin that Iran wants to kill another six million Jews.

I don't know what the Jewish fascination with the six million figure is, but they've been using it for over 100 years.

I don't doubt what your grandfather saw -- people starving, because there were plenty. There was a war going on, Russian and Allied forces were closing in, food supplies were limited. The Madagascar Plan wasn't abandoned until 1944, after which the people in those camps were neglected. They died of disease and malnutrition, which is awful, but so was the Irish famine/genocide, the Holodomor, and the Armenian and Bosnian genocides and we don't have entire industries devoted to and built around them; at least not in a way that's interwoven into our psyches.

A couple of years ago there was a New York Times article about how the copyright for The Diary of Anne Frank was nearly up, because Anne had been dead for 70 years after which it would go into public domain, but family members of hers came out and said the Diary had been co-written by her father so the copyright could be extended for years longer.

With time it will come out how comprehensively we've been lied to and for so long, first the Diary will fall away, then the whole notion of gas chambers, and maybe eventually we'll arrive somewhere approaching the truth.

Although we might be in for a hell of a time until then from those for whom the Holocaust is big business, trying with every fibre of their being to keep the official narrative -- deeply established and firmly entrenched in the minds of Europeans and Americans, though not for those in countries closer to Israel, like Iran -- alive. The modern order depends on its survival. One thing in their favour is that modern European historians probably aren't brave enough to confront that question; it's become a modern form of blasphemy, resulting in jail terms for heretics. And you say 'right-wingers' have beliefs that don't hold up under scrutiny?

I never thought the day would come when someone posted some truth in here based on personal studies and knowledge.

Anne Frank was way ahead of her time using a ball pen long before it was invented.


The jews have moved on a bit now and the dinosaur is now their big business and also their power symbol and it fits well with their smoke screen agenda cause dinosaurs never existed cause that has been proven beyond doubt.
Skimmed through this and I see that you are accusing me of thinking I'm in a position of authority.
You accused me of barging into a conversation months ago to harass you.
That's exactly what you've done in this thread. I wasn't talking to you or about you. Out of the blue you post a bunch of lies about me. Now you're saying I am harassing you because it didn't work out.
You also claimed that I harassed you in another thread and posted a link to a thread where I'm discussing an article about Morrissey and don't mention you at all.

I think you're the one who thinks you have special privileges and I'm tired of this dragging on. Like I said if you want to post your evidence that I made racist or homophobic posts or upvoted others who did please do so. You're not allowed in life to make those kinds of charges and then say "you know what you did."

I'm not bothering you. I'm responding to what you wrote to me. I was posting in the thread. You were posting in the thread. I wasn't commenting on your posts or referring to you in any way. Is that what bothers you?
Obviously you're an attention seeking person who also seeks validation and I've made you feel stupid. I really do regret that, not because I was wrong, but because you really care what I think and I don't care about you so it's annoying after all this time to be dragged back into this. It's embarrassing for me and it should be for you if you had any self awareness.
Anyway, you say you want it to stop so stop. It hasn't ever worked out for you.

There is not one thing I have said about you that is a lie, contrary to your cam whore assholery. Again, trolls tend to spin the “truth”.

You were banned for harassment. That is a fact.

You have since continued to harass a few select targets, me among them. That is a fact.

You have encouraged racist and anti-gay remarks by another troll. That is a fact.

You admit you enjoy being an asshole and hurting people like me. That is a fact.

The onus is not on me to provide further evidence.

Lying and deflecting is your last resort.

I do understand this is embarrassing for you.
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