Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey Was Rejecting Toxic Masculinity 30 Years Before It Was Fashionable" (April 27, 2024)

Really? Embracing/fetishising skinhead culture, football hooliganism, boy racers and boxers counts as 'rejecting' toxic masculinity?
He explored these varieties of masculinity, aspects of which may be toxic, but mainly these are avenues for males to try out identities.
On X, 114 people liked Sci-Fi's "superb article". 8 offered compliments and 1 person was harsh. Which is just about the aveage rection of a new Moz album.
I am so done with people babbling on about toxic masculinity. Being ahead on this topic is nothing to brag about, especially bragging by proxy.
Diddy Dodders.

Everything she has written is correct. But she is trying to convey that Morrissey has been cancelled because of his views on gender, masculinity etc. He hasn’t. It’s because he called the Chinese a sub-species and supported far-right (fascist!) political parties.
Exactly this. She is trying to conflate two completely different issues. This article doesn't even mention the reasons why he actually got 'cancelled': his views on immigration, borderline-racist statements, and dalliance with far-right political parties. By all means, defend or excuse those views, but to ignore them completely is sycophantic madness.
Diddy Dodders.

Everything she has written is correct. But she is trying to convey that Morrissey has been cancelled because of his views on gender, masculinity etc. He hasn’t. It’s because he called the Chinese a sub-species and supported far-right (fascist!) political parties.

A glance at her other articles shows that she thinks Michael Jackson was innocent and a victim of the industry. Have a word, love.
But don’t forget he said it’s like the Chinese are a subspecies due to the way they treat animals. When you have the full context it’s not as bad, and actually rather true.
Since Fifi's tweet, Morrissey's cousin, Moz Crew Alex, has 'liked' tweets by Joey Barton, Laurence Fox's girlfriend, and morrissey-solo (!) but not this one of hers. Hope she gets the message.
Yes, there is toxicity of power abuse.

Well yeah, sorry to break Mrs Fifi Doeswell's heart again, but there is toxicity in sh!tloads of stuff, actually, including, sometimes, even, not so young hummussexual male vegan singing puttytat aficionados. -I knowww mind, like, dodally blown!!!-
Toxicity can take various forms.

Ever heard of something called "trolling"?
No? Well I guess it's lucky for you that Michael Jackson wasn't into it.
(Or that you weren't a little boy because he was into those.)
Since Fifi's tweet, Morrissey's cousin, Moz Crew Alex, has 'liked' tweets by Joey Barton, Laurence Fox's girlfriend, and morrissey-solo (!) but not this one of hers. Hope she gets the message.

I had no idea Joey Barton was Laurence Fox's girlfriend.
Seriously though, looks like Laurence completely misinterpreted "Master Gardener"...

That cousin lives in Sam's shadow, doesn't he. He should work on saying his own stupid things, instead of merely liking other people's. He's never going to be remembered otherwise. Looks perfectly capable.

Btw Fifi wouldn't get the message if it was delivered in person by Johnny Marr.
Or if Michael Jackson had a song called "Get the Message".
I had no idea Joey Barton was Laurence Fox's girlfriend.
Seriously though, looks like Laurence completely misinterpreted "Master Gardener"...

That cousin lives in Sam's shadow, doesn't he. He should work on saying his own stupid things, instead of merely liking other people's. He's never going to be remembered otherwise. Looks perfectly capable.

Btw Fifi wouldn't get the message if it was delivered in person by Johnny Marr.
Or if Michael Jackson had a song called "Get the Message".
Sorry, I didn't phrase that very clearly! I'm not sure what exactly Alex does as Moz Crew, but judging by his X account and the way he's sometimes been quicker than fans at posting Central messages to X, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed Central somehow. Kinda ironic that two of Morrissey's relatives most involved with him were DJs! And, yes, Le Fi doesn't seem to have taken note so far, although she was quick to erase the trail of her husband's comments about Jesse.
Toxic.. what? Not even going waste my time reading this article, because wtf is toxic masculinity? I hate anything to do with pointing the finger and calling one gender something so awful as toxic, or anything of the sort. Heavy words so lightly thrown... I hate all these stupid-ass terms society has been using lately to put each other down and keep us in our little assumed boxes. It's boring, distracting, and stupid. Feels like I'm in a middle school all over again. 😴 Except you can't escape it at home, it's all over our phones. I miss when phones were for phone calls only, LOL.
But don’t forget he said it’s like the Chinese are a subspecies due to the way they treat animals. When you have the full context it’s not as bad, and actually rather true.
I agree, completely. Things, when out of context, always sound worse (or better) depending on how you word it., or if you fail to mention key words.
Words sure are tricky, aren't they? 😏
Is it really wise to judge an entire race of people by the things some of those people do? No, it's not.
Let' see Morrissey judge Mexicans and South Americans by the rapists, gang members, murderers, drug lords and child traffickers pouring over the border in the US.
"Toxic masculinity" doesn't call every male toxic. It says that cultural norms for male behavior are toxic. At least judge poor Dodwell on what she actually claims: that Morrissey has gone against meat-eating machismo and been criticized as a delicate whiny effeminate softie because of it. "Bro" behavior is standard; "soy boys" are the exception.
Agree with the comments above that this sort of article is just not helpful for Moz. This nonsense is used to demonise men and boys, in particular white working class men and boys - who every research shows are the most socially disadvantaged group there is. She is kind of suggesting Moz was 'woke' way before it became fashionable. More helpful would be to point out just how crazy the modern left has become. How did we get to the point where it's the left that are in favour of cheap labour; it's the left who turn a blind eye to the abuse of women and young girls; it's the left who support the medicalisation and surgical disfiguring of children in the name of gender ideology. Moz is with the silent majority on these issues. And the silent majority isn't 'far right'.
i didnt read this thread so i dont know if its been pointed out but the title makes it sounds like toxic masculinity is now fashionable (but wasnt thirty years ago)! it should read "morrissey was rejecting toxic masculinity 30 years before it was fashionable to do so"
fiona dodwell

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