English Teacher cover "Bigmouth Strikes Again" in Manchester (May 24, 2024)

Not the best cover, but who gives a shit? I'd like to see some people criticising it here start a band and see if they can do it any better. They're a young band, playing an iconic song on the city that birthed the Smiths. Good on them. They got a great reaction. Looks like they had fun.
Yes, of course luxo is right. This site is only for criticizing Morrissey, and for criticizing Morrissey songs, when they are sung by Morrissey.

God forbid anyone point out when a band gives their rendition of a beautiful song with a cover that is less than lackluster, poor technically, and a disaster in execution and in all other aspects.

How stupid everyone here is, who didn’t exclusively make their assessment on the presentation of a song based on whether a band or singer is “having fun” or not.
Yes, of course luxo is right. This site is only for criticizing Morrissey, and for criticizing Morrissey songs, when they are sung by Morrissey.

God forbid anyone point out when a band gives their rendition of a beautiful song with a cover that is less than lackluster, poor technically, and a disaster in execution and in all other aspects.

How stupid everyone here is, who didn’t exclusively make their assessment on the presentation of a song based on whether a band or singer is “having fun” or not.

Yes. True. In regards to assessments, I think there are two different things going on here. Which I hope I made clear in my other posts. Maybe not to some.

But I agree with Luxo, in that it’s easier to criticize than to get out and do. And because of band chemistry, it’s not easy starting one, but it’s far more difficult keeping one together.
Yes. True. In regards to assessments, I think there are two different things going on here. Which I hope I made clear in my other posts. Maybe not to some.

But I agree with Luxo, in that it’s easier to criticize than to get out and do. And because of band chemistry, it’s not easy starting one, but it’s far more difficult keeping one together.
You were clear and you were also super nice about it, so I’m not sure why any comments apart from the laudatory ones have to be a problem. But i guess these are many of the same people who highly prefer Rick Astley’s Morrissey impersonation to the Smiths. Some of them probably entirely also prefer any of the tribute bands to the Smiths as well.

I think there’s this widespread (completely false) belief these days amongst a VERY large majority of the population, that anyone should devote themselves to any creative endeavor whatsoever, no matter how great their complete lack of talent, skill, or ability might be. Why??

Obviously I’m segueing into making a broader comment than just commenting specifically on this cover by this band, but I’m not someone who thinks everyone needs to have a voice/stage/audience for anything they’re doing/making/painting/singing/writing/whatever, just because “it’s creative”. I mean, please. It’s why we have the word “hobby” in the dictionary, for a start.

I think there are a LOT of people who should really learn a little more discernment, and never more so than when considering their own efforts.

There is so much terrible “art”, but for some reason, everyone seems to think that 7+billion people all need to be mollycoddled into believing that every person’s ability and efforts are ALL GREAT OMGPONIES!!!!!111!!!

The girl from the Sound of Music with the spaghetti western band being another great recent example.

I really don’t know how people aren’t terminally mortified to publicly ruin someone else’s song; whether it be Morrissey’s, or any other song on earth. I think a lot of people have been brought up to think - or for some unknown reason, they just simply believe- that they’re very, very, special little flowers.

And then, there’s no accounting for taste, so yes, there actually will be some form of an available audience for literally anything. So it’s a self fulfilling cycle.

But never mind all that! All that matters here is that anyone who can’t sing or who totally wreaks absolute havoc on what were gorgeous, spellbinding songs to begin with, are “having fun” with a bunch of other drunk people who also equally have zero ability for discernment.

Again, before people jump all over my comment and lose their wigs all over again, I segued into and qualified that this what I already think about all of the arts and people making “art” in general.
Yes, of course luxo is right. This site is only for criticizing Morrissey, and for criticizing Morrissey songs, when they are sung by Morrissey.

God forbid anyone point out when a band gives their rendition of a beautiful song with a cover that is less than lackluster, poor technically, and a disaster in execution and in all other aspects.

How stupid everyone here is, who didn’t exclusively make their assessment on the presentation of a song based on whether a band or singer is “having fun” or not.

Hey, not saying I'm right or wrong, chief. Just pointing out that it's easy to criticise when we aren't putting a band together and getting out there. It takes a lot of bravery to do that, never mind singing a very famous song, knowing full well that you'll get some stick for doing so, from people who couldn't necessarily do any better.

By all means, criticise the performance. I didn't think it was great either. I just think we should have some perspective and admit that they're doing a much better job than most of us could do.
You were clear and you were also super nice about it, so I’m not sure why any comments apart from the laudatory ones have to be a problem. But i guess these are many of the same people who highly prefer Rick Astley’s Morrissey impersonation to the Smiths. Some of them probably entirely also prefer any of the tribute bands to the Smiths as well.

I think there’s this widespread (completely false) belief these days amongst a VERY large majority of the population, that anyone should devote themselves to any creative endeavor whatsoever, no matter how great their complete lack of talent, skill, or ability might be. Why??

Obviously I’m segueing into making a broader comment than just commenting specifically on this cover by this band, but I’m not someone who thinks everyone needs to have a voice/stage/audience for anything they’re doing/making/painting/singing/writing/whatever, just because “it’s creative”. I mean, please. It’s why we have the word “hobby” in the dictionary, for a start.

I think there are a LOT of people who should really learn a little more discernment, and never more so than when considering their own efforts.

There is so much terrible “art”, but for some reason, everyone seems to think that 7+billion people all need to be mollycoddled into believing that every person’s ability and efforts are ALL GREAT OMGPONIES!!!!!111!!!

The girl from the Sound of Music with the spaghetti western band being another great recent example.

I really don’t know how people aren’t terminally mortified to publicly ruin someone else’s song; whether it be Morrissey’s, or any other song on earth. I think a lot of people have been brought up to think - or for some unknown reason, they just simply believe- that they’re very, very, special little flowers.

And then, there’s no accounting for taste, so yes, there actually will be some form of an available audience for literally anything. So it’s a self fulfilling cycle.

But never mind all that! All that matters here is that anyone who can’t sing or who totally wreaks absolute havoc on what were gorgeous, spellbinding songs to begin with, are “having fun” with a bunch of other drunk people who also equally have zero ability for discernment.

Again, before people jump all over my comment and lose their wigs all over again, I segued into and qualified that this what I already think about all of the arts and people making “art” in general.

you make many points I agree with. But at the same time, and if their heart is in the right place, I’d rather see someone being creative and failing again and again, rather than doing what’s expected of them, and of most people, i.e., toeing of the line with what society
has determined what is acceptable and ‘correct’.
And because of band chemistry, it’s not easy starting one, but it’s far more difficult keeping one together.

Tried starting bands when I was a teen, and some of my friends did it with far more success than I could ever achieve on that front. It's bloody hard work just getting decent musicians to get together for a practice, never mind sustaining that practice long term, getting gigs, playing the gigs, building an audience, then sustaining THAT for the long term. Whether I like a band's music or not, I appreciate the effort it takes to do all that in an organic way from absolutely nothing.
you make many points I agree with. But at the same time, and if their heart is in the right place, I’d rather see someone being creative and failing again and again, rather than doing what’s expected of them, and of most people, i.e., toeing of the line with what society
has determined what is acceptable and ‘correct’.

Especially when what is "correct" is so subjective. There's loads of music that I cannot stand, yet some people clearly love it in their millions (e.g. Taylor Swift). I don't think anyone is right or wrong here, it just is what it is.
Yes, of course luxo is right. This site is only for criticizing Morrissey, and for criticizing Morrissey songs, when they are sung by Morrissey.

God forbid anyone point out when a band gives their rendition of a beautiful song with a cover that is less than lackluster, poor technically, and a disaster in execution and in all other aspects.

How stupid everyone here is, who didn’t exclusively make their assessment on the presentation of a song based on whether a band or singer is “having fun” or not.

Also, just wanted to say I agree with the sentiment you're putting forward about people criticising Morrissey. I have my criticisms of the guy, which I think are fair, but some here spend far too much time on a website dedicated to a man they heap criticism on. That's absolutely their right to do so, I just don't get it personally. I wouldn't go onto the Taylor Swift subreddit and spend every day of my life slagging her off. Waste of time.
Especially when what is "correct" is so subjective. There's loads of music that I cannot stand, yet some people clearly love it in their millions (e.g. Taylor Swift). I don't think anyone is right or wrong here, it just is what it is.

Unfortunately, yes, it is what it is.

But what I mean by ‘correct’ is, I’d rather see someone being creative & following their vision, even if it’s doomed from the start, rather than do what’s excepted of them, such as .. higher education, marriage, family, mindless consumerism, etc.

It’s not for everyone, and probably not right for anyone, IMO. But it is still to this day part of the program, one can see it reinforced in the daily bombardment of advertisements and the entertainment industry, capitalism at its finest.
Unfortunately, yes, it is what it is.

But what I mean by ‘correct’ is, I’d rather see someone being creative & following their vision, even if it’s doomed from the start, rather than do what’s excepted of them, such as .. higher education, marriage, family, mindless consumerism, etc.

It’s not for everyone, and probably not right for anyone, IMO. But it is still to this day part of the program, one can see it reinforced in the daily bombardment of advertisements and the entertainment industry, capitalism at its finest.

Absolutely agreed. If humanity feared doing what was considered "incorrect", many of the things we enjoy wouldn't exist, whether it be art, music, food, film, literature. I'd even say that The Smiths wouldn't exist if the lads took the "correct" route and played it safe with safe music. They were pretty "incorrect" in many ways, considering the cultural, musical and political landscape that existed in Britain at the time.
you make many points I agree with. But at the same time, and if their heart is in the right place, I’d rather see someone being creative and failing again and again, rather than doing what’s expected of them, and of most people, i.e., toeing of the line with what society
has determined what is acceptable and ‘correct’.

I don't want to speak for Miss Nocturne but what I took from her post is not so much that people should do what's expected or acceptable and correct, it's more that people don't take any pride in what they do anymore, people put no effort into what they do - it's all about having fun. Which is fine, but that's all it is. Just wanted to say that. :)
Absolutely agreed. If humanity feared doing what was considered "incorrect", many of the things we enjoy wouldn't exist, whether it be art, music, food, film, literature. I'd even say that The Smiths wouldn't exist if the lads took the "correct" route and played it safe with safe music. They were pretty "incorrect" in many ways, considering the cultural, musical and political landscape that existed in Britain at the time.

Unfortunately not all of humanity chooses to be fearless. Take for example a young teen within their circle of friends, who will not say no to Taylor Swift’s music simply out of fear of being ostracized. This also pertains to people’s expected roles in family and society. Then again maybe this is a good thing, in the sense that it gives others something to kick against.
And kicking usually results in great art.
I don't want to speak for Miss Nocturne but what I took from her post is not so much that people should do what's expected or acceptable and correct, it's more that people don't take any pride in what they do anymore, people put no effort into what they do - it's all about having fun. Which is fine, but that's all it is. Just wanted to say that. :)

Yes. And I think technology plays an important role in this. For example, anyone with some effort, can make ‘music’ on their computer. But back in the day, you really had to work your a$$ off, if you didn’t have label support, to get into a proper studio to record, this took sacrifice and determination, which is no longer needed, and that difficult process set up a kind of quality control. And so, in turn, because it’s much easier, lots of people are making really really bad music, IMO. But hey! It’s fun! so who cares if it’s actually good, it’s good enough. And as I said in another thread, someday AI music will be good enough for most.

To be fair, the singer said it was an ad hoc thing and it was unfortunate that after striking up the glorious riff the guitar immediately ran into technical issues scuppering the song but bless them they kept it going on pure energy and the crowd loves them for it.
With trepidation I played a couple of others - more technical issues threatened with roadie squeezing on trying to avert calamity - but it's all good:

And the crowdsurf!

What a great gig!
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