Boz Boorer comments on this "blacklist"



Even in Dublin, Boz has time between getting cocked on cheap vodka and bumming cigarettes to write me an e-mail. I fear he may have been in an alcoholic fuzz while composing this:

"Hey Greasetit, I hope you make it to Dublin so I can smack you and eat your brains! Praise Allah! I will eat your babies and then eat you and then i will eat your head!!! Praise Allah-balaba!

I took me a lookies at the board and what the hell? I am ashamed that Morrissey has so many mostly must and so racist fans! Blacklist? A blacklist?

Sorry kids, but painting your face black and doing funny dances went out in the 30's. I have never been into Amos and Andy and when ted Danson did that I was so appalled and so disgusted by such random acts of vulgarity vulgarness I believe that going back and to the past unlike the rest of the stsatement is fully and deductibliyl hum dinger and those suck!

Blacklist!!! A blacklist? You childs need to know that dressing up like a perfectly cool black person is not perfectly cool. Hey, I wrote a haiku! Them Koreans are so cool, perfectly cool. But you know what is not? What if I dressed like a Chinese man and shouted Ir's Godzilla? I guess that is a yellowlist.

Blacklists are bad and I say that's not cool. The only list you guys should have are two: A list of coolest things I wear and A list of all the bastards that are polluting this board. I would start with this bugger I am writing. Greasecheese. He sucks!!!"

...Thanks Boz.
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