Morrissey comments on Joy Division?



Anyone know of any morrissey comments on Joy Division or early New Order? Was wondering what he thought of those two groups.

Actually,I remember a few years back him commenting on New orders Technique album. he said he liked the electronic stuff and said that they were such a rich band. That was in an article i read I believe in uncut about 5 or 6 years ago.
yeah, there's video-footage of that

There's a video-recording of Moz from 1984 or so with George Michael in a british TV-programme commenting on a then new published Joy Division-Book. While George Michael surprisingly turned out as a huge Joy-Division-Fan, Morrissey was disgusted by the book and also by the band ("I saw them a few times... by accident"). As he said Joy Division was a band promoting a totally cold image, "which of course they weren't"or somehting alike, that's all I can remember from my mind.
Also, around 1990 he called Bernard Sumner a poor creature, disgusted about Johnny Marr working with him.
Re: yeah, there's video-footage of that

> There's a video-recording of Moz from 1984 or so with George Michael in a
> british TV-programme commenting on a then new published Joy Division-Book.
> While George Michael surprisingly turned out as a huge Joy-Division-Fan,
> Morrissey was disgusted by the book and also by the band ("I saw them
> a few times... by accident"). As he said Joy Division was a band
> promoting a totally cold image, "which of course they weren't"or
> somehting alike, that's all I can remember from my mind.
> Also, around 1990 he called Bernard Sumner a poor creature, disgusted
> about Johnny Marr working with him.

it seems he said he liked only bassist peter hook. And if you hear monaco songs, you understand that he was really responsible of 90% of joy division/new order songs!
Re: yeah, there's video-footage of that

> Also, around 1990 he called Bernard Sumner a poor creature, disgusted
> about Johnny Marr working with him.

Morrissey has a tongue full of poison! It was not the first or last time he calls people these kind of things: boring little man, poor creature, etc...
Joy Division/New Order

> There's a video-recording of Moz from 1984 or so with George Michael in a
> british TV-programme commenting on a then new published Joy Division-Book.
> While George Michael surprisingly turned out as a huge Joy-Division-Fan,
> Morrissey was disgusted by the book and also by the band ("I saw them
> a few times... by accident"). As he said Joy Division was a band
> promoting a totally cold image, "which of course they weren't"or
> somehting alike, that's all I can remember from my mind.
> Also, around 1990 he called Bernard Sumner a poor creature, disgusted
> about Johnny Marr working with him.

George Micheal has stated that his favourite album of all time is 'Closer', must admit it's one of mine aswell. I don't recall Morrissey ever saying anything complimentary about Joy Division or New Order. Certainly can't imagine him being into New Order. Personally I find Joy Division to be one of the most fascinating bands I've ever come accross, there are so many contradictions the more you find out about them. The biography of Ian Curtis 'Touching From A Distance', is a blinding read, and the one thing that struck me is the opinion that Ian Curtis had always wanted to committ suicide, or that his medication and personal affairs messed his head up. A combination of the 2 me thinks. From what I've heard of Ian Curtis, he wasn't that cold a person as the image which came accross, but had more of a quality that set him aside. His lyrics perhaps started of being more observational, and by the time of writing the songs for Closer, were definately directly as personal as Morrissey's lyrics are.

New Order and the various spin offs are embarressing nowadays though, since Technique, their best album IMHO, they have put out mostly complete and utter mediocrity, give or take the odd jewell here and there. Then again they aren't really important in this day and age, so there's no point looking at them from a critical point of view.

I don't think Morrissey rates many of the fellow Manchester contingent, except The Buzzcocks, Magazine, and James. Certainly not keen on the Likes of Stones Roses, Happy Mondays or The Fall.
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