anyone believe this email from the main board?

I think the word 'printing' is supposed to be interchangeable with 'typing'.
Suzanne said:
I think the word 'printing' is supposed to be interchangeable with 'typing'.

Must be another little-used Morrissean usage.

Anyway, the whole thing's blown open on the main board. I'm going over to check out the latest lawyer communique.

Trouble Loves Me: I can understand your feelings...But once it's out there, what can you do? As I said before, I don't think it harms Morrissey's reputation at all, but it's a distasteful invasion of privacy. But again, if it was carelessly left for a member of the public to find...well.

I still thought the Morrissey style came through 100% loud and clear, even though he wasn't as flowery as he can be in an interview context. I'm obsessed with his words. What can I say?
Theo said:
LOL! This is too f***ing funny reading all these posts from people who believe that's a real e-mail!!! No surprise Uncle Skinny was hooked though.

Also interesting is how many folks believe Morrissey said this: "G-enormous tabloid coverage of my animal rights comments".

Which would be an overt admission that animal rights comments are more about hyping his own products. I think an argument can be made that a lot of Morrissey's extemist political statements are related to marketing product, but I sure don't think he'd come out and say that. Yet it's interesting (and telling) that so many of his bigger sycophants would not raise an eyebrow at such an admission.

Good call.

zom said:
Good call.


how come he got into law school and i didn't?
King Leer said:
I was very proud of myself for resisting the urge to slate him, but thank you for that partial release.

To be honest, I just got back from vacation and read the start of the thread and then saw toward the end the bold claims made. I love stuff like that...

King Leer said:
I was very proud of myself for resisting the urge to slate him, but thank you for that partial release.

Me too. You can have a gut feeling, be circumspect, or you can wade right in and nail your flag to the mast. Guess we can see what happened there...

Best Wishes,

the email can still be read on the mainpage of ...

Well, couldn't it be that Morrissey & co wanted that rumour of such a letter to stop? And therefore the whole lawyer-thing... I mean, it could be taken for granted that when lawyers get involved the chance of the letter being real rises, but still...Well, who's got a strange feeling as well?
cossy said:
[Original comment has been removed because of copyright violation according to Morrissey's lawyer. Below is the request]:

This law firm represents Morrissey. I am authorized to act on his behalf with respect to his intellectual property rights. It has recently come to our attention that a user on your website has posted a letter from Morrissey to Merck Mercuriadis at Sanctuary Records. This violates Morrissey's copyright in his letter. The letter can be accessed via the following link on your website:

Use of the material in this manner is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law. As you are aware, under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Title 17 U.S.C. §512(c), having now been informed that this infringing material can be accessed via your website, you will be liable for copyright infringement should you refuse to remove the offending material. Please confirm immediately that you will cooperate and remove the offending material from your website.

Thank you for your anticipated prompt cooperation.

The information provided herein is accurate under penalty of perjury.

/s/ Gregory Gabriel

Gregory S. Gabriel
Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldisert LLP

Hello cossy! Did you think you was gonna get such a response from your thread?! Wow - it has really taken off!

What happens when those numbers are phoned?!

Ms. Lazy Sunbather
Girlfriend said:
mjp - I LOVE YOU

Ms. Lazy Sunbather

Thank you, I don't blame you, but please do tell me why you have chosen this moment to declare this?
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