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  • Haha ;) I think that's the main reason why I'm hesitant to finish school, then I'll have to decide what to do with my life. New Zealand might be a good choice for starters. I uploaded a photo with climate information :p
    Maybe I'll move to Australia. You're the first person to hear it. Though it could be New Zealand first until I get their passport, I'll see where it's easier to emigrate ;)
    Terry! I forgot to send you your yearbook photos, I'm cleaning up my desktop right now so I'll zip 'em up and upload them for you.
    good luck with the shelf;) Wish I could be there and help you!

    I should go to bed now. Good night! x-x-x
    sweetie-pie!:) Thank you! Only a little.. But some days are just not as great as others:o How are you sunshine?:)
    Make yourself eat at least a couple of bites of a balanced meal, you need to stay healthy! Do it for Obama :p See you later, ta ta!
    You're living dangerously! It happens to me to when I stop moving, have you been exercising lately? Have a bike ride and you must feel hungry afterwards!
    Aww, don't worry Terence, I'd be so terribly bored if I didn't have anyone to be mad at! So thank you, you're doing a noble deed by being that person :D
    I did not! It was all fiction, very interesting and well written, it just happened that the writers were communists. ;)
    I must say I've never been interested, though I had a friend who researched it. Send me the link anyways!
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