what made you frown today?

i have real trouble believing oscar wilde said this. not only have i never seen it attributed to him by any reliable source, nor do i believe "fancy car" to be a phrase likely to have been on his lips at any time in his life, but, also, it just doesnt sound like oscar. at all.

this offends me. whoever is attributing not just fake quotes but DUMB fake quotes to oscar should be shot, quite frankly.

also, although not anywhere near as familiar with the work of f. scott fitzgerald, i do have to wonder if it is possible he actually said something so trite and cliche and easily agreeable to massive amounts of dumb facebook users as this:

i suppose it's entirely possible that he did, but i sincerely hope that he didnt. in any case, he almost certainly wouldnt have put 4 of those 5 commas after the word beautiful.
i have real trouble believing oscar wilde said this. not only have i never seen it attributed to him by any reliable source, nor do i believe "fancy car" to be a phrase likely to have been on his lips at any time in his life, but, also, it just doesnt sound like oscar. at all.

this offends me. whoever is attributing not just fake quotes but DUMB fake quotes to oscar should be shot, quite frankly.

also, although not anywhere near as familiar with the work of f. scott fitzgerald, i do have to wonder if it is possible he actually said something so trite and cliche and easily agreeable to massive amounts of dumb facebook users as this:

i suppose it's entirely possible that he did, but i sincerely hope that he didnt. in any case, he almost certainly wouldnt have put 4 of those 5 commas after the word beautiful.

You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

Yes, when you are blind, but not when you are deaf.
That's why I too don't believe Oscar said it.
i have real trouble believing oscar wilde said this. not only have i never seen it attributed to him by any reliable source, nor do i believe "fancy car" to be a phrase likely to have been on his lips at any time in his life, but, also, it just doesnt sound like oscar. at all.

this offends me. whoever is attributing not just fake quotes but DUMB fake quotes to oscar should be shot, quite frankly.

Nooo, that's certainly not a Wilde quote. I agree with you. Grammatically, it is sloppy, and Oscar would never, ever sound so...er...American.


Quote from The Canterville Ghost, 1887.
I am all for it, the right to choose. I even believe you should be allowed to die in a clinic even if you don't have any medical or mental issues at all other than just wanting to die.

It is an evil world forcing us to live on and pushing people to suicide attempts that damage some for life.
it is entirely possible, and always has been, for an individual to arrange his own suicide. there are myriad ways to go about seeing to your own death, if you really want to die. if you're too afraid to do it on your own or fear any momentary pain (which would soon be over) than perhaps you dont really want it, perhaps death is not for you, perhaps it should be left to people who are too ill and too much in pain to organize such an event on their own, as opposed to an able bodied 41 year old, whose real problem is not a physical one, but a psychological one. should we start euthanizing all people with psychological illnesses?
i am not opposed to suicide; i am opposed to the cold, calculated evaluative judgements of a persons life, the weighing of whether it is worth continuing that life or not. im not opposed to a person determining their own fate based on an inner logic, but i feel opening something like the value of a persons life up for logical objective discourse is profoundly wrong, except, perhaps, in terminal illnesses where a person is in extreme pain.
I am all for it, the right to choose. I even believe you should be allowed to die in a clinic even if you don't have any medical or mental issues at all other than just wanting to die.

It is an evil world forcing us to live on and pushing people to suicide attempts that damage some for life.

The only problem is that sometimes people change their opinions.
There have been people in a very similar situation that got through.
They managed, don't ask me or them how, but they did, somehow.
When you have a family, a wife and children you are not the only one suffering, but they will suffer even more when you're gone.

I tell you, it is relatively easy for me to say so cause I am not married and I don't have children.
But if I had, I would fight till the last breath cause I have a responsibility towards my wife and children, otherwise I wouldn't have been married and I wouldn't have children.
Sometimes I wonder why people get married and have children when everything in me says, please don't.
You are going to suffer and other people will suffer too.
it is entirely possible, and always has been, for an individual to arrange his own suicide. there are myriad ways to go about seeing to your own death, if you really want to die. if you're too afraid to do it on your own or fear any momentary pain (which would soon be over) than perhaps you dont really want it, perhaps death is not for you, perhaps it should be left to people who are too ill and too much in pain to organize such an event on their own, as opposed to an able bodied 41 year old, whose real problem is not a physical one, but a psychological one. should we start euthanizing all people with psychological illnesses?
i am not opposed to suicide; i am opposed to the cold, calculated evaluative judgements of a persons life, the weighing of whether it is worth continuing that life or not. im not opposed to a person determining their own fate based on an inner logic, but i feel opening something like the value of a persons life up for logical objective discourse is profoundly wrong, except, perhaps, in terminal illnesses where a person is in extreme pain.
Free will, marxists don't believe in it.

No reason why a person should have to kill oneself and leave it to others to find him or her and give them a trauma for life.

We need private suicide clinics all over the world and the birth rates alone suggest we seriously need to cull the number of people on this planet in order to save it or wait are the marxists claiming that the weather changed from pollution suddenly not prepared to take measures in order to revert something they claim exists?

Back to the drawing board muppets!
Religion is what it is all about and a fear that too many would kill themselves to prove that God does not exist which he of course doesn't. Humans prefer suffering instead of dignity but people are helped to die before they should, my mother was one of them.

Religion is all about evil and nothing else and they prefer rape and murder and suicide and call themselves good people. Shame there is no hell cause that furnace would have been full.
well i told grocery store moz that i had been thinking and that he looks more like pasolini than moz. first let me say that i was impressed because he knew who pasolini was, but i was unimpressed when he refused what i thought to be the ultimate compliment, and insisted that no, it was moz he looked like. im more polished, he said. to which i said "what do you mean? pasolini was so stylish" and furthering my praise of pasolini i went on to expound upon his amazing cheekbones, which have these wonderful little nibs on the bottom front of them, and should really be profiled in national geographic as one of the wonders of the world, to which he said "my cheekbones are more like johnny depps." well, now i've heard everything. regardless of all this, im quite fond of grocery moz, as he reminds me of pasolini.
well i told grocery store moz that i had been thinking and that he looks more like pasolini than moz. first let me say that i was impressed because he knew who pasolini was, but i was unimpressed when he refused what i thought to be the ultimate compliment, and insisted that no, it was moz he looked like. im more polished, he said. to which i said "what do you mean? pasolini was so stylish" and furthering my praise of pasolini i went on to expound upon his amazing cheekbones, which have these wonderful little nibs on the bottom front of them, and should really be profiled in national geographic as one of the wonders of the world, to which he said "my cheekbones are more like johnny depps." well, now i've heard everything. regardless of all this, im quite fond of grocery moz, as he reminds me of pasolini.

I am somewhat impressed too he knew about Pasolini.
Ha funny he said his cheekbones are more like Johnny Depps!
That didn't impress you much, did it?
But still, as you describe him, he seems like a very nice guy.
I am somewhat impressed too he knew about Pasolini.
Ha funny he said his cheekbones are more like Johnny Depps!
That didn't impress you much, did it?
But still, as you describe him, he seems like a very nice guy.
it did not impress me at all! anyone can see that pasolinis cheekbones are way better than lame-o johnny depps! he's a nice guy. he's funny, he kept saying "as in PIER PAOLO pasolini" and im like "is there another pasolini? geeze, yes, PIER PAOLO pasolini..." im slightly worried though that he might be bothered by my telling him he looked like pasolini. he didnt seem bothered, other than disagreeing, but it's always annoying when someone tells you you look like someone you didnt really want to look like (although forgive me if i think not wanting to look like pasolini is crazy, someone obviously thinks much of themselves :rolleyes:), so hopefully he doesnt hate me now! hopefully i didnt, like, ruin his day by comparing him to a stylish sophisticated intellectual italian rennaissance man. god, what was i thinking?!:p
it did not impress me at all! anyone can see that pasolinis cheekbones are way better than lame-o johnny depps! he's a nice guy. he's funny, he kept saying "as in PIER PAOLO pasolini" and im like "is there another pasolini? geeze, yes, PIER PAOLO pasolini..." im slightly worried though that he might be bothered by my telling him he looked like pasolini. he didnt seem bothered, other than disagreeing, but it's always annoying when someone tells you you look like someone you didnt really want to look like (although forgive me if i think not wanting to look like pasolini is crazy, someone obviously thinks much of themselves :rolleyes:), so hopefully he doesnt hate me now! hopefully i didnt, like, ruin his day by comparing him to a stylish sophisticated intellectual italian rennaissance man. god, what was i thinking?!:p

I would surely feel good when someone said that to me!
But it's okay Rifke. I guess you are like that.
Spontaneous saying whatever you think at the moment and later on you go OMG why did I say that. Ha.
But at least you are honest!
That makes up a lot, I can assure you!

I know nothing about CERN and LHC, only that some scientists say that now they know a number of particles they didn't know existed before those experiments or tests took place. That must be great.
Anyway, all those kilometres of tunnels placed a lot of metres under the surface could be very useful in case of a nuclear war. Like a contemporary Noe's Arch. I imagine it would be appropiate to be near that spot when things go wild. Everything is very well placed near the vaults that guard the hidden wealth of the richest people of the world. Of course, we the common people will be mashed like potatoes. Armageddon come!

Everyone seemed so calm, the little girl at 3:36 with a smile too
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