What is your most prized Mozza possestion or memory?

for me for example my girlfriend made for me Morrisey sheets and blanket cover
With the big M logo from ring leader and on the pillow cases last night I dreamt that somebody loved me.
And of course my Mozza shirts.
Mine would be his YvesSaintLaurent shirt.

And my favorite memory is him shaking my hand and accepting my bracelet! He gave it a funny look like he was thinking "What is this?" and then threw it into the air and caught it. That was the best.
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my most prized moz memory-being the first to grab his hand after irish blood, english heart at ann arbor this past may.
My most prized memory is that I was at his first ever full solo gig with his new band at the National Stadium in Dublin.

The first ever solo gig in Wolverhampton with Joyce, Rourke & Gannon only had a few songs and wasnt really counted as a full gig. His first full gig was in Dublin.

Brilliant, wild and a bit scary!
at the moment its these two tickets I have for Boston Saturday night..... hope the show goes on!
I will always remember the first time I heard of the Smiths. It was January 1988, and a guy I had a massive crush on sang a few bars of Girlfriend in a Coma- I couldn't believe anyone had written such a clever, sweet, mean, funny song. I cut school the next day to go to a record store and buy the tape (it was 1988, we still had such things as record stores and tapes!) The guy didn't last.

Now I've added to that the memories of the first time I saw Moz live, and the time I stood in the front row of the pit at the Indy show... both just a couple of months ago! Such a brilliant, brilliant man. He makes me happy.
My most prized memory....I was in the front row center the first night in Sparks, NV. During "Life is a Pigsty" when he sang "Every second of my life I only live for you" He grabbed my hand. I nearly died!! :D
Watching him perform 'There is a Light that Never Goes Out' At Liverpool Royal Court 2004.
Seeing "Irish Blood, English Heart" video for the first time and falling in love with him all over again. My Man was back!
It's a tie between being front row at the Auditorium and having him wear my ring during the Indy encore. I'm going to go with the ring, though, since I can't even think about it without cracking a huge smile.
Oh, Desloge, it was you with the ring? Cool- I was just opposite you, on the other end of the stage! I watched that happen. Too bad there is no video of Indy.
finding out about him with you are the quarry, at the right time in my life

me too,
and the way i can still feel his hand gripping mine, (as he did at palladium last year, my first gig!!:eek:) it comes at random times, especially when HSIN is playing and it gets to the bit where he reached for me, even if im not conciously thinking about it. i get the feeling...
I have two pieces of MOZ's shirts, one from Hollywood bowl, and one from Ventura, thanks to Dann Coulter :)

Most beautiful memory: There is a light that never goes out at the hollywoodbowl. tears in myeyes

and shaking his hand during "the boy with the thorn in his side"

I can die happily now
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