NOBODY asked me sincerely to leave in over 12 hours with the promise of me leaving for good

it's because we know you're just teasing. where would you go?
There would be no where for Broken to go

There would be no where for broken to go if he didn't have this place. It's the only place where he can feel a sense of false superiority. It seems quite a shame really, especially when many of his more verbose posts are direct copies of someone else in a google Morrissey fan forum. the ones he maily does are the childish vindictive ones that any old bored twisted "give up on lifer" could do. There would be a huge gaping void in his life if he didnt come here, he would have little else, or nothing to live for. The counter culture of the internet has become his reality, his life, his everything.

There is only one way to go when it gets to this stage.... and that is down.
You're a bit of a liar too I see.

Quite sincerely asked you twice with reasons and suggestions for if you do stay. Clearly you're delusional. Again I can say without a pinch of a lie I find your posts repetative and annoying. Please leave and don't come back or at least consider your words a little better. Just so there's no mix up's I'll add the first two posts I left you on the subject.


Posted By: Boy (19.146.203)
Date: Friday, 31 March 2006, at 2:25 a.m.

You ruin my experience here everyday in all seriousness, please do leave, thank you...


Re: I will leave this site forever, if someone indicates below that he or she wants me to. I promise

Posted By: Boy (19.146.203)
Date: Friday, 31 March 2006, at 4:16 a.m.

I doubt you'll live up to your word, so at the very least shut up about Greenwood and standard rock follow up and your usual blather. WE GET IT! And in my case,don't agree at all. ROTT is wonderful and the single b-sides are of the finest quality too. Moz is in fine form so either go (my first choice by a mile!) or find a new tune for YOURSELF!

So put up and or shut up. Sincerly, Roy "El" Boydelz (Pusan, South Korea)
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