Morrissey interview in El Mundo (Spain); cancer treatment mention

An anonymous person writes:

'Ya descansaré cuando esté muerto' - El Mundo

Notice this: "Me han raspado tejidos cancerosos en cuatro ocasiones ya, pero qué más da"-->using google translator: "I have been scraping cancerous tissues four times already, but who cares"

Media coverage:
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Re: New interviw: El Mundo (Spain) I have been scraping cancerous tissues four times already, but wh

I am an introverted loner. My dog is similar. I love dogs. And cats. And rats, bats.. He has often been pictured with dogs. He has a dog with tina, FYI. He has a cat AND a dog at his mothers. Stop assuming things.

In the distance, Barney cries.
Basically every single news source is taking one translated quote and spinning a story around it about how he is very sick. And all the stupid sheep believe it.
Re: New interviw: El Mundo (Spain) I have been scraping cancerous tissues four times already, but wh

maybe he claims it's cancer to invoke sympathy for all the shows canceled and for those that will be canceled. he's narcissistic enough.

No. That's disgusting. Why dont you just f*** off, given that your stupid and idiotic comment
above will probably never be deleted.

I just cannot believe that you could post something like that on a day
like this. Nor anyone for that matter.

Shame on you, you anonymous smidgen of blowfish shit, as the famous
saying goes.

Re: Morrissey cancer scare?

All assumptions and guesses aside, this is still f***ing horrible.
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Re: Morrissey cancer scare?

Given we live in an age of trolls, likes, clicks, shares, viral memes, utterly false rumours and the such... I have become hardened to most of the internet bilge and tripe I read (this forum really helped!) but as someone going through cancer treatment, I truly, truly hope this is not real.
Humbly yours,
Re: Morrissey cancer scare?

He looks great. He sounds great. Until he personally comes out and says, "I'm presently being treated for such-and-such cancer," I'm not going to worry. Even if that does occur, the man seems perfectly fine with the reality of aging, illness and impending death...which...of course...happens to us all.

Luckily, he has a substantially large group of supporters and well-wishers who will do anything to cheer him up or assist him should the rumors be true.
Re: Morrissey cancer scare?

Friend just sent me this -

Explains a lot, maybe we should all stop whining about cancellations this time?


It looks like the BBC may have bothered to contact the El Mundo author and ask for Moz's exact wording here, as it is a bit different from the Spanish (the "as I sit here today" and the "to the overall countenance" are not present in the Spanish version, and the "I'm not going to worry about that" was in the Spanish but not here) and it sounds much more like him:

"I have had four cancer-scrapings, but so what. If I die, I die," he wrote. "If I don't, then I don't. As I sit here today I feel very well."
In the exchange with Spanish journalist Javier Blanquez, he wrote: "I know I look quite bad on recent photographs, but I am afraid this is what illness does to the overall countenance. I will save relaxation for when I'm dead."

It is worrisome of course, but I don't think we need to be writing his obituary quite yet. Odds are that these "cancer-scapings" refer to precautionary biopsies, as others have said.
Homosexuality only brings, confusion, disease, despair, depression, and death.

Still Ill
Re: New interviw: El Mundo (Spain) I have been scraping cancerous tissues four times already, but wh

I'm vegan and I don't take a supplement. I keep track of everything I eat on an app, and I exceed all of my vitamins and minerals every day. If you eat mostly veggies and beans you don't need a vitamin.

That makes no sense at all and in this day and age with all the info you need just a click away I can say that that is simply not right at all. The number of people reported lacking minerals and vitamins is escalating and it is because of food these days not being as full of vitamins and minerals as they used to be.

The lifestyle of Moz explains a lot why he caught this.
Re: Apparenty it's cancer.

I feel like a loved one has just told me this news. I've had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach since I read this.

I've done a lot of research on 'The big C' manly because of my own curiosity and if I could give Morrissey any advice it would be to stay away from Hospitals and doctors and introduce some regular exercise and adopt a majority plant-based diet, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, smoothies, vegetable juices. And try and build up his immune system. Because contrary to what most people believe the tumour is not the cancer, it's the symptom of Cancer. So it doesn't matter how many tumours you shrink or remove from the human body. If you don't address the underling problem then these tumours can and do grow back. The cure for cancer has always been and will always be the Immune system. A healthy and strong immune system will not allow cancer to develop. It will destroy abnormal cells before the have the chance to mutate and multiply.

Sorry I know that was a bit off-topic but I just hope Moz has an open mind about this and is willing to look beyond so called conventional medicine. Because I'm sure I speak for all of us here when I say we would like to share this planet with our man for many more years to come.

Yes you are right and maybe Moz should read up on Candida as well, we all should to be honest.
Do you think the scrapings comment could have been Morrissey saying he's had four close shaves with cancer?
Given the extremely contagious nature of cancer, I would advise against touching him at the European gigs.
Given the extremely contagious nature of cancer, I would advise against touching him at the European gigs.

That is not correct at all but because of Ebola he may consider not shaking hands of people in the crowd.
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