morrissey frink thread!

Re: Awww...





(Photos by abzpunkphoto on Flickr)

So handsome!!!!

- ana

I know a pair of Spanish Morrissey forums, but now I'm at work and can't remember the links, then at home I'll post them for you ;)
(I haven't been able to enter lately)

there's a Brazilian one also, but I can't find it now...

Thanks girls, you are great. I don't need the Brazilian one though, cos I don't speak Portuguese, but thank you for the effort. *un abrazo muy fuerte de una co-frinker* :D
Yeah, when I see those lazy sunbather pix of Moz, I want to scream at him (in the manner the childlike scream to characters on tv or the movie screen): "Nooo! Get out of the sun! You're getting cancer and prematurely aging your beautiful skin!"

I have several fan photos of Moz in L.A. in the mid-90s where he's very sunburnt and redder than Lohan's cooch. When I tried to correct the photo (with a ham-fisted filter that did it to the whole photo) to make his skin less inflamed looking, the people around him looked ashy green :mad:

I hate the sun its is SO BAD for your skin.
Moz, please please darling stay out of the sun and use a good sunblock when you do have to be in it, (only short times though and not in the middle of the day).
"I've not been feeling myself tonight" - Morrissey
"Quit lying Morrissey - I've seen the cover!" - Mel Torment
"I saw him standing there by the record machine..."
"I've not been feeling myself tonight" - Morrissey
"Quit lying Morrissey - I've seen the cover!" - Mel Torment

I have a framed 6 foot by 4 foot one of these on the wall in my kitchen!

Lucky you! I don't remember having seen this pic *blushes, ashamed of her ignorance* and it's sooooooo gorgeous! :p

"I saw him standing there by the record machine..."

I thought I knew all the pics from your website.... :rolleyes:
Yes, it was frinky indeed. But it broke my heart too. He made the audience sing "international" in International Playboys - which made me think: maybe he couldn't sing the higher notes. Awwwww, poor baby, he must be exhausted, he's been touring for too long :( Just makes me want to make a nice tea for him, with honey, and serve it to him while he's in bed.... :rolleyes:

at the live in dallas 91 dvd he let the audience sing international, he i guess he always did that?
Lucky you! I don't remember having seen this pic *blushes, ashamed of her ignorance* and it's sooooooo gorgeous! :p

I thought I knew all the pics from your website.... :rolleyes:

I just added these ones today - I had misplaced the CD's and finally stumbled across them yesterday.

Here's another newly scanned one:
Alma, does it still make you smile every time you see it? and how have the family accepted it now?

I don't think my husband or the kids really notice it's become "part of the furniture" I guess...I still notice it of course...and it does make me smile daily...and it's a great conversation piece at parties and family gatherings!
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