morrissey frink thread!

An Open Apology To Frinksters:

I'm sorry for blatently insinuating that any person on this thread should "shut up." I only chose those words in the spirit of humor and good fun and I hope that my lack of better judgement does not reflect poorly upon my character as a fellow member of the Frinks. I'm sorry.

Here's Moz hanging on a tree:


Apologises accepted ;)
He is indeed. Something I love. I am quite a sunbather as well, especially when the weather is perfect.

Are you lazy too? Hmmmmm? 'Cause I am. :)
Orange Juice By The Pool!
Yes, a perfect setting, wouldn't you agree?? Its a pity I can't drink OJ though...:(

Along with whatever it is he was eating. Some have said it's watermelon, because it's red.

And his musica too.
He seems to be a sunbather. I like that. A man that can relax.

No, it's a terrible thing that he's a sunbather. It's so awful for his skin. Mel and I were talking about this last week - how his skin got so leathery after he'd lived in L.A. for awhile. Stay out of the sun, Mozzer!!
No, it's a terrible thing that he's a sunbather. It's so awful for his skin. Mel and I were talking about this last week - how his skin got so leathery after he'd lived in L.A. for awhile. Stay out of the sun, Mozzer!!

Yeah, when I see those lazy sunbather pix of Moz, I want to scream at him (in the manner the childlike scream to characters on tv or the movie screen): "Nooo! Get out of the sun! You're getting cancer and prematurely aging your beautiful skin!"

I have several fan photos of Moz in L.A. in the mid-90s where he's very sunburnt and redder than Lohan's cooch. When I tried to correct the photo (with a ham-fisted filter that did it to the whole photo) to make his skin less inflamed looking, the people around him looked ashy green :mad:
Oh yes :) And the best kind of days are the ones that allow me to be.

here's some more - and to note wearing my 2 favorite colors; green on his trunks and blue flippy-floppers:


I fell in love with this thread for ever when I saw this pic. Just can't take my eyes off him. Absolute perfection.... Look at those shoulders (and chest) ! Oh, I think I have a thing for his shoulders (and chest).... By the way, is there a bodypart of his that we don't have a thing for?:eek:
Gals, do you know if there is a Morrissey-forum or thread in Spanish? I'd love to join it. It's not that I'm not trully faithful and committed to Frink but I'd like to work on my Spanish too....

And since it's the frink thread after all....
Gals, do you know if there is a Morrissey-forum or thread in Spanish? I'd love to join it. It's not that I'm not trully faithful and committed to Frink but I'd like to work on my Spanish too....

And since it's the frink thread after all....

I know a pair of Spanish Morrissey forums, but now I'm at work and can't remember the links, then at home I'll post them for you ;)
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