uses for a ramekin

Oh my god. it's Robby!

spontaneously luminescent

i know i can put custard in them
but what else?

I usually serve sauces in the smaller sizes of them, and I make molten chocolate cakes in ramekins...or I used to, before I lost the recipe...I'm still mad about losing that recipe... Yeah and anything baked really. I usually only use the smaller size ones so I'll make single serving baked dishes, like au gratin potatoes.
I use them for ketchup.....whilst my kids enjoy ketchup on their chips they hate it if the ketchup touches their chips without a formal invitation!
^^I use them for ketchup too. I put ketchup on everything, it's disgusting, and I'm a disgrace to Chicago because I won't eat a hot dog not smothered in the condiment.
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