The Drivel Thread

I didn’t write morning pages yesterday because I was preoccupied with applying thyme oil to the skin infection, and this morning I couldn’t complete morning pages because I’m too worried and distracted to. I didn’t paint last night because of being freaked out by what that technician did. I hope I will paint today despite being in a bit of pain, and worried. I’m having coffee, then getting ready to go to the walk in clinic with the idea from a little research, that it might be “cutaneous leishmaniasis”. I can’t believe the bad luck I’ve had. But it could have been worse. At least I made it to hearing Morrissey sing my name and then try twice to be with me.
I had my appointment at the walk in clinic, and was given a cream to try, and a prescription for oral antibiotics to fill if the sore doesn’t improve in 5 days. The nurse and the doctor were kind, good listeners, and intelligent.
1.5 hours since applying the antibiotic cream, and I see no improvement, but it hurts less, or else I’ve just gotten used to the pain. I’ve been trying again to write morning pages but am too agitated by how I knew that technician was sadistic, just by his body language in the food court, and yet I chose to let him get his surgically gloved hands on me, out of decorum.
The sore has been looking worse, and hurting. I called the centre that did the heart test, and made a formal complaint. The woman I spoke with said that the supervisor isn’t in, but that she will relay my message and they will get back to me next week.
I can’t believe my f***ING EYES, what I have just read! You have some f***ing nerve, and although I haven’t necessarily always agreed with other people’s delivery style, the messages that multiple members here have consistently communicated to you have been nothing but spot on. You are a constant shit stirrer and attention seeker, and indeed, your schizophrenia diagnosis is NO excuse for ANY of your abhorrent and constantly selfish behavior.

You were already told by one person, that irritation from the glue on the pads is not uncommon after ECG tests. No one else added more comments to further concur, because a) it was unnecessary, and b) because no one cares. But so far in this entire mess of a thread, what that poster told you was a statement of fact.

You then proceeded to deliberately ignore that comment, and to instead do your absolute damndest, to turn a COMPLETE non-issue and what was nothing but a small surface irritation from some adhesive remnants on your skin, into a disgusting gouged out hole and lesion which you deliberately created yourself, so that you could have something else to fabricate stories around! And now you are using something you are deliberately responsible for, to also deliberately cause harm to others! You are not some harmless person, like Audrey assumes you are. You are dangerous, and you are also the worst kind of manipulator, and you have shown your true colors in many ways already here, plain to see for anyone.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that you sit there in your putrid armchair that you’ve said is stained with curdled milk, day in and day out, to assault everyone on this site with stories of rape and diseases that no one is obligated to hear or to read, as far as anyone here can see you have all the time in the universe yet you contribute absolutely nothing to society except this atrocious, incessant “nell waaaaant” mentality, and then you have the f***ING NERVE to go and make a FORMAL COMPLAINT against someone who trained for a job that they probably have to make many sacrifices for; a job which I have NO DOUBT they f***ING NEED. All because you’re a stupid bored bitch with nothing to do??!!!!!!

HOW f***ING DARE YOU try to destroy someone else’s livelihood? You malicious, stupid bottom feeding CRETIN!

Thyme oil is FULL of phenols and it is EXTREMELY irritating to skin and for that reason it is NEVER to be applied directly to skin. I have NO doubt that you already know this! Which is EXACTLY why you did what you did to yourself! Including after someone else already TOLD YOU that it was nothing, and to not worry, and to leave it alone.

NONE of that concerns me. I couldn’t give one single flying f*** about ANY of your incessant idiocies. But what you have done, is that you have now CROSSED THE f***ING LINE, in trying to set wheels in motion for a formal process that can destroy someone. We hope that doesn’t happen, but this is what you WANTED to put into motion, and this is WHAT YOU KNEW YOU WERE PUTTNG INTO MOTION.

You should be locked up for what you just did! READ THAT AGAIN, and let that sink in!

Then after you’ve absorbed everything I’ve said you to you in this post, what you should take away from this is that now there is a clear post on a public website that serves as proof of the fact that people were watching what you do here, and anyone with half a brain can read you a mile away.

So when your mental health workers find out about this latest chain of events that you’ve now deliberately set into motion out of sheer malice towards humankind, what do you think will happen? What do you think about the fact that you created your own paper trail here? Admitting and even documenting in photos, exactly what you’ve just done? Not very smart, was it?

What do you think your psychiatrist would say, about everything you’ve just done? And your desire to drag an unwitting and unwilling INNOCENT participant into your SCENARIO of INVENTED ACCUSATIONS?

Let me tell you exactly what’s going to happen next. So that you don’t have to even figure it out for yourself.

You are going to call that hospital and you are going to RETRACT everything you said, and you are going to leave that person alone, and you are NEVER going to threaten his, or anyone else’s, job, or livelihood, or well-being, ever again. Do you understand?

That could be the end of it.

If you do not do this right now, everything you’ve done is clearly documented here. By you, in fact. Do you understand that?

So I don’t even need to suggest to you that your mental health workers could easily find your diabolical behavior here for themselves, or that any individual on this entire website could just as easily simply scan into a single email all of your posts and all of your photos documenting what you’ve just deliberately done to yourself here, so that you could MAKE FALSE ACCUSATIONS against some innocent individual who did NOTHING to you. All it would take is for any one single person here to email all of this to every hospital in your province. Or to one single police station.

So what I STRONGLY suggest is that you get off this website right now, and go call back whomever you called, and retract everything you said IMMEDIATELY.

I hate this entire f***ing website, but you have really taken the f***ing cake.

I could vomit right here!
I can’t believe my f***ING EYES, what I have just read! You have some f***ing nerve, and although I haven’t necessarily always agreed with other people’s delivery style, the messages that multiple members here have consistently communicated to you have been nothing but spot on. You are a constant shit stirrer and attention seeker, and indeed, your schizophrenia diagnosis is NO excuse for ANY of your abhorrent and constantly selfish behavior.

You were already told by one person, that irritation from the glue on the pads is not uncommon after ECG tests. No one else added more comments to further concur, because a) it was unnecessary, and b) because no one cares. But so far in this entire mess of a thread, what that poster told you was a statement of fact.

You then proceeded to deliberately ignore that comment, and to instead do your absolute damndest, to turn a COMPLETE non-issue and what was nothing but a small surface irritation from some adhesive remnants on your skin, into a disgusting gouged out hole and lesion which you deliberately created yourself, so that you could have something else to fabricate stories around! And now you are using something you are deliberately responsible for, to also deliberately cause harm to others! You are not some harmless person, like Audrey assumes you are. You are dangerous, and you are also the worst kind of manipulator, and you have shown your true colors in many ways already here, plain to see for anyone.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that you sit there in your putrid armchair that you’ve said is stained with curdled milk, day in and day out, to assault everyone on this site with stories of rape and diseases that no one is obligated to hear or to read, as far as anyone here can see you have all the time in the universe yet you contribute absolutely nothing to society except this atrocious, incessant “nell waaaaant” mentality, and then you have the f***ING NERVE to go and make a FORMAL COMPLAINT against someone who trained for a job that they probably have to make many sacrifices for; a job which I have NO DOUBT they f***ING NEED. All because you’re a stupid bored bitch with nothing to do??!!!!!!

HOW f***ING DARE YOU try to destroy someone else’s livelihood? You malicious, stupid bottom feeding CRETIN!

Thyme oil is FULL of phenols and it is EXTREMELY irritating to skin and for that reason it is NEVER to be applied directly to skin. I have NO doubt that you already know this! Which is EXACTLY why you did what you did to yourself! Including after someone else already TOLD YOU that it was nothing, and to not worry, and to leave it alone.

NONE of that concerns me. I couldn’t give one single flying f*** about ANY of your incessant idiocies. But what you have done, is that you have now CROSSED THE f***ING LINE, in trying to set wheels in motion for a formal process that can destroy someone. We hope that doesn’t happen, but this is what you WANTED to put into motion, and this is WHAT YOU KNEW YOU WERE PUTTNG INTO MOTION.

You should be locked up for what you just did! READ THAT AGAIN, and let that sink in!

Then after you’ve absorbed everything I’ve said you to you in this post, what you should take away from this is that now there is a clear post on a public website that serves as proof of the fact that people were watching what you do here, and anyone with half a brain can read you a mile away.

So when your mental health workers find out about this latest chain of events that you’ve now deliberately set into motion out of sheer malice towards humankind, what do you think will happen? What do you think about the fact that you created your own paper trail here? Admitting and even documenting in photos, exactly what you’ve just done? Not very smart, was it?

What do you think your psychiatrist would say, about everything you’ve just done? And your desire to drag an unwitting and unwilling INNOCENT participant into your SCENARIO of INVENTED ACCUSATIONS?

Let me tell you exactly what’s going to happen next. So that you don’t have to even figure it out for yourself.

You are going to call that hospital and you are going to RETRACT everything you said, and you are going to leave that person alone, and you are NEVER going to threaten his, or anyone else’s, job, or livelihood, or well-being, ever again. Do you understand?

That could be the end of it.

If you do not do this right now, everything you’ve done is clearly documented here. By you, in fact. Do you understand that?

So I don’t even need to suggest to you that your mental health workers could easily find your diabolical behavior here for themselves, or that any individual on this entire website could just as easily simply scan into a single email all of your posts and all of your photos documenting what you’ve just deliberately done to yourself here, so that you could MAKE FALSE ACCUSATIONS against some innocent individual who did NOTHING to you. All it would take is for any one single person here to email all of this to every hospital in your province. Or to one single police station.

So what I STRONGLY suggest is that you get off this website right now, and go call back whomever you called, and retract everything you said IMMEDIATELY.

I hate this entire f***ing website, but you have really taken the f***ing cake.

I could vomit right here!
I just got back from the pharmacy with oral antibiotics that I will start taking if the topical cream doesn’t reduce the sore. I’m giving it the weekend to hopefully begin to heal without the oral antibiotics. I looked at it 15 minutes ago and it seems a little better than before I went to the pharmacy. I told the doctor I saw this morning that I first used lavender oil, and then thyme oil on the sore, and he said that his mother uses both oils and swears by them, so I told him about having cured my lichen sclerosis with thyme oil decades ago. Hoping the cream he gave me will be enough and that I won’t need to take the oral antibiotics. Maybe in the morning the sore will look and feel better.
It hasn’t been hurting since the last application of the cream, about half an hour ago. Maybe it’s finally healing.
I just got back from the pharmacy with oral antibiotics that I will start taking if the topical cream doesn’t reduce the sore. I’m giving it the weekend to hopefully begin to heal without the oral antibiotics. I looked at it 15 minutes ago and it seems a little better than before I went to the pharmacy. I told the doctor I saw this morning that I first used lavender oil, and then thyme oil on the sore, and he said that his mother uses both oils and swears by them, so I told him about having cured my lichen sclerosis with thyme oil decades ago. Hoping the cream he gave me will be enough and that I won’t need to take the oral antibiotics. Maybe in the morning the sore will look and feel better.
People use lavender and thyme oils in vaporizers to dissipate essential oil into the room, or they use them heavily diluted in carrier oils.

You knowingly took what is a very strong skin irritant and you deliberately gouged it into irritated skin, until you broke your own skin. And then you pressed it in nonstop for another couple of DAYS.

Now can you tell me again exactly at which point in the conversation, did the doctor say to you that their mother behaves like this?

Or at which point again, can you just remind me, did the doctor say that their mother “swears by” any essential oils to be abused in the way that you deliberately abused this application - for the explicit desired harmful outcome that you deliberately plotted against someone else? Someone whose only grave misfortune is that they were unlucky enough to cross paths with someone as insidiously set on causing them harm for no reason whatsoever, as you clearly are!

You KNEW exactly what you were doing, you could see you were making it worse, and you continued to do it!

Everything I typed above stands.

STOP harassing people to deliberately create problems in their lives and to cause them harm, and STOP falsely accusing people of having done anything to you when you know perfectly that they haven’t done any such thing.

If I had the misfortune to cross paths with someone like you in real life, someone who for some inconsequential passing nothing of an interaction with me, decided to try to wreak absolute havoc on my life by trying to insert their false, accusatory lies into my life? I would have zero capacity to deal with something like this right now, because guess what life is really hard for a lot of people! Newsflash! Not just for selfish old you, who does NOTHING but sit around talking and thinking about selfish old you, all the ding dong, live long day!

I imagine that’s how a majority of people would feel, that something like this could easily be the straw to break the camel’s back, because no one deserves to be on the receiving end of this kind of bullshit because of someone like you, who just has nothing better to do!

You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to try to deliberately cause mayhem and potentially severe hardship in ANY other human beings lives, just because you’re bored and because you don’t feel like you’re getting enough attention.

I’m disgusted beyond anything words can even describe. Have you called to retract yet? The NERVE, to think that you have the right to play with other people’s lives! People who have nothing to do with you, and who have done nothing to you! This is why you’re dangerous.
People use lavender and thyme oils in vaporizers to dissipate essential oil into the room, or they use them heavily diluted in carrier oils.

You knowingly took what is a very strong skin irritant and you deliberately gouged it into irritated skin, until you broke your own skin. And then you pressed it in nonstop for another couple of DAYS.

Now can you tell me again exactly at which point in the conversation, did the doctor say to you that their mother behaves like this?

Or at which point again, can you just remind me, did the doctor say that their mother “swears by” any essential oils to be abused in the way that you deliberately abused this application - for the explicit desired harmful outcome that you deliberately plotted against someone else? Someone whose only grave misfortune is that they were unlucky enough to cross paths with someone as insidiously set on causing them harm for no reason whatsoever, as you clearly are!

You KNEW exactly what you were doing, you could see you were making it worse, and you continued to do it!

Everything I typed above stands.

STOP harassing people to deliberately create problems in their lives and to cause them harm, and STOP falsely accusing people of having done anything to you when you know perfectly that they haven’t done any such thing.

If I had the misfortune to cross paths with someone like you in real life, someone who for some inconsequential passing nothing of an interaction with me, decided to try to wreak absolute havoc on my life by trying to insert their false, accusatory lies into my life? I would have zero capacity to deal with something like this right now, because guess what life is really hard for a lot of people! Newsflash! Not just for selfish old you, who does NOTHING but sit around talking and thinking about selfish old you, all the ding dong, live long day!

I imagine that’s how a majority of people would feel, that something like this could easily be the straw to break the camel’s back, because no one deserves to be on the receiving end of this kind of bullshit because of someone like you, who just has nothing better to do!

You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to try to deliberately cause mayhem and potentially severe hardship in ANY other human beings lives, just because you’re bored and because you don’t feel like you’re getting enough attention.

I’m disgusted beyond anything words can even describe. Have you called to retract yet? The NERVE, to think that you have the right to play with other people’s lives! People who have nothing to do with you, and who have done nothing to you! This is why you’re dangerous.
That's what i thought, scanty! But boy, if I didn't have the energy to type all of that!
And it just bothers me too because sooooooo many people in canada have real health concerns and don't have a doctor and can't get a medical appointment and she abuses the system in this way--because she's bored and lonely!
After napping, the sore looks quite a lot better, and feels better. I’m very relieved. Time moved slowly yesterday before noticing improvement.
After sleeping more, the sore shows further improvement. Going to go back to bed and sleep more.
Couldn’t fall back to sleep, so coffee’s brewing, and I’m going to write morning pages. Mild headache, from caffeine withdrawal probably. I expect it’ll be gone in 15 minutes as I get my caffeine fix shortly. I’ve been meaning to go off caffeine, but this happened and that happened, and I couldn’t stay off it. After this bag of coffee beans is finished, maybe I’ll try to withdraw again for good. My right lung is not hurting, though there’s just a little mucus coming up from it.
I hear the song of a small bird from the open window. I’m not sure if the sore is healing. I think it is, I hope it is, it might be, but tonight hopefully I will be more certain it is. I hope to begin writing fiction for the first time this evening, and of course to paint. The headache’s gone just like I thought it would be after drinking coffee. I’ll probably bathe, re-apply the antibiotic cream on the sore, and go for a walk this afternoon, to at least get some exercise and hopefully see a few knowing smiles, or at least one to take home with me in my memory. My right lung’s not hurting, and it’s stopped churning up the trace of mucus. I think I’ve got the best attitude I ever have, and I’m hoping to put it to good use.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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