The Drivel Thread

She just does it because she's bored because the government pays her to sit on her ass all day in the hopes that polite society won't have to deal with her (the "other income she has coming in" lol)

It's the tax payers money she uses to buy her supplies and the reason she has all the time in the world, so I don't see where she gets off charging for anything.

I didn't want her shit paintings anyway. One of them she even sent without my consent and I was super annoyed at having to go to the post office to pick it up.

I don't care.
Good day, Barking ! What ad ?

Whether you deem a painting good or not doesn't take from the fact it's still an artwork and should be charged for.
I don't know, I guess I like creative people...

The ad in the link I added...

Well I'm all for artists getting paid. I just got confused about the word "charge"... I see native speakers are not tho, so I'll just have to revise my English grandma this week end, I guess :)

... Which is fine as I'm not going to Manchester anyway :(
If ‘Theophilus’ is in his 50s, unmarried, childless, and lives with his mother, don’t you think ‘Jacinta’ probably believes he’s gay and that’s why she feels comfortable talking to him about her marriage? I’ve seen nothing which suggests that Theophilus is anywhere other than in the friend zone, and if he attempts to change that now by making a move on Jacinta he’ll destroy the friendship. Theophilus would be better off talking to single women online in his city/state and maybe he’ll hit it off with one of them and they’ll meet. At that point he’ll realise what a bad idea the whole notion of an affair with Jacinta was, which may have more to do with his proximity to Jacinta and lack of proximity to other women whom he could have a relationship with than any special profound love he feels for her.

i believe theophilus has a child (though i dont know how he squares having a child with his dislike of children) and simply looks after his mother who has dementia (as a good son would) but does not live with her.

I can't believe you think I'd have a child, nicky wire's legs. What would I call him? Bud? Little Timmy? Born to Harangue is correct, I live with my mother, and this is because you are correct, she is in "the dementia dimension," which is kind of like having a child, so maybe that's where the confusion came in. Jacinta knows that it's a case of my mother having to come live with me due to her condition, so she would not suspect that I live with my mother out of any kind of "repressed homosexual clinging to mother's apron" situation. She could still think I'm gay, of course. I've considered that. Or she could just, like any good moral married person, not give much sexual consideration to anyone besides her spouse.

I guess the upside about my possibly "making a move" and destroying the friendship is that my ineptness and fear of rejection cause me to always proceed with extreme delicacy and caution (or not proceed at all). I think I've recently been desperately hoping there might be a way to favorably interpret signs which aren't actually signs, because that Raveonettes concert is coming up soon and I've wanted some reason, any reason, to invite her. But that would be inappropriately forward to the point of being insane. If only she had never made that off-hand comment about it, because it filled my mind with thoughts of "two days and two nights in D.C." I waste a lot of my time thinking about things that will never happen.
I had nightmares of people trying to rape me and other people being angry with me for associating with an Asian man. They were bullying me. In both cases, they were gangs. I did my best to fight back. It was a never ending battle. The sore on my chest is healing I hope, but I worry that it’s cancer. It’s been hurting. Right now it’s just slightly uncomfortable. I have Bones UK’s song Won’t Settle playing in my head. I just walked over to the full length mirror and had a look at my chest rash. It seems to be fading. The sore was getting my attention as I looked at it in the mirror, because I noticed it was actually hurting a bit, and it was itchy. I scratched it and it got darkly red around the forming scab, in a spot where the skin was clearly fragile. I remember that medical technician, just after he pulled his arms out of my gown when I was busy on the treadmill, it felt like he had gouged, rubbed, then poked me, and then when he pulled his arms out of my gown, I felt stinging for two minutes at a tiny spot like a needle hole. It was after he pulled his arms out, that he suddenly got bored and asked me if I was done.
Can I write fiction? How long do I have to write a good story and post it somehow before I wind up dying in a hospice?
I just booked an appointment with my counsellor for the end of next week. She’ll probably be charging about $80, which isn’t bad. I had thought it would be $300 starting price, and then dropping down on a sliding scale. I wanted to see her today, but she’s all booked up.
My previous sessions were funded by a charitable organization. I maxed out their charity, so it’s up to me to pay for the sessions if I want to have them.
The counselling session will cost me about $130 including tax, it turns out. We’re still trying to get funding from victims’ services for more sessions. Managed to do a painting session. Maybe I’ll write in about an hour, for an hour, aiming for fantasy vigilanteism.
I can’t write fiction. At least not right now. I don’t feel so good. I’m going to take a week off from posting here, except for poems and painting.
I can't believe you think I'd have a child, nicky wire's legs. What would I call him? Bud? Little Timmy? Born to Harangue is correct, I live with my mother, and this is because you are correct, she is in "the dementia dimension," which is kind of like having a child, so maybe that's where the confusion came in. Jacinta knows that it's a case of my mother having to come live with me due to her condition, so she would not suspect that I live with my mother out of any kind of "repressed homosexual clinging to mother's apron" situation. She could still think I'm gay, of course. I've considered that. Or she could just, like any good moral married person, not give much sexual consideration to anyone besides her spouse.

I guess the upside about my possibly "making a move" and destroying the friendship is that my ineptness and fear of rejection cause me to always proceed with extreme delicacy and caution (or not proceed at all). I think I've recently been desperately hoping there might be a way to favorably interpret signs which aren't actually signs, because that Raveonettes concert is coming up soon and I've wanted some reason, any reason, to invite her. But that would be inappropriately forward to the point of being insane. If only she had never made that off-hand comment about it, because it filled my mind with thoughts of "two days and two nights in D.C." I waste a lot of my time thinking about things that will never happen.
Yes, it sounds just like a midday movie, Audrey! But midday movies are, alas, not reality. And yet women do have affairs with men all the time, and a lot of them are gross pigs and slobs, so there's no reason a nice mild mannered gent like you couldn't engage in something tawdry. The thing that turns me off from the affair thing is the idea that because you're romantically inept principles are a luxury that you can't afford.

If you were to do something like this, what would you expect to get out of it? Just sex and then go back to being friends? What if she wants more? What if she thinks you're in a relationship now. Are you prepared for that?

Has she given you any other signs AT ALL that she might be interested? Consider her personality: is she an extroverted expressive person? If she were interested WOULD there be signs? How do you know her? Not through work I hope?

Haha I thought you had kids because you once said something about needing to go feed someone that I took to be a child. I suppose it was your mother. There were quite a lot of assumptions attached to that, as it turns out. I naturally assumed that you were divorced and had shared custody and that the child was a girl. I had a whole narrative in my head about you audrey!

Oh--also, does jacinta have kids??
Has she given you any other signs AT ALL that she might be interested? Consider her personality: is she an extroverted expressive person? If she were interested WOULD there be signs?

I wouldn't say she's extroverted and expressive. She's direct in quotidian situations and conversation, but reserved when it comes to expressing emotions—which is part of what makes her so likeable because I find gooey, emotionally forward people rather unsettling. And when she does get emotional, it's usually a coiled impatience & contempt at the stupidity of randoms, peace be upon her. But emotional reserve sure doesn't help in terms of romantic signs, because even if she wanted to give me signs, I don't know what they'd be, or whether those signs would be overt or coy. I think what's happened here is that in my desperate yearning for signs, I had to find them in the most subtle and inconspicuous things where they (almost certainly) aren't. Thank you for putting in the consideration, but I don't think we need to discuss Jacinta anymore. Airing it has brought my folly into view. You're absolutely right about this: principles are a luxury I can't afford. But that's also because it's rare that anyone appeals to me like Jacinta does.

Haha I thought you had kids because you once said something about needing to go feed someone that I took to be a child. I suppose it was your mother. There were quite a lot of assumptions attached to that, as it turns out. I naturally assumed that you were divorced and had shared custody and that the child was a girl. I had a whole narrative in my head about you audrey!

Mention of a feeding was probably my cat. She has FeLV, which compromises her immune system. Because of this, she has stomatitis, a persistent gum infection, and on days when it's particularly bad, she can't chew and needs to be fed with a syringe. My mother can eat on her own, she just can't cook without someone around to vigilantly check in on the process, otherwise she'll put something on a burner, and two minutes later she'll completely forget all about it. There were a lot of burnt pans and boiled-over pots during the learning curve.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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