Somewhere for the filth

The Cat's Mother

The Public Loo (seemed appropriate enough)

Usual rules to keep it dial-up and office-friendly; long posts and graphics behind a cut, worksafe warnings, blah, blah, blah.... otherwise, whatever.

Get an lj (easy and free and in no way such a pain as myspace) if you haven't got one already, here:

Get joined. I'll fancy up the layout tomorrow. I'm off to bed to jangle the handcuffs and look hopeful....

Edit: I should stress, following a slight case of misapprehension on LiveJoural, that the Public Loo isn't a Morrissey community; it's an adult community where you can bring the stuff like we had on the "kinky sex" and "length v girth" threads, and discuss them freely, without exposing the youngsters on these forums to rude conversations. I know the first topic was about "favourite bits of Morrissey", but as I stated in the link from this forum to the community, it was intended merely as a silly try-out topic, to get people over there to check out the place.


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So what is this (I'm only innocent!)?

Is it an external forum type place or a live community ala chat?
It's a forum thingy. Open membership (unlike most of my comms *snigger*). Anyone with an Lj can join in. I put up a few starting topics as examples, but any member can post their own. People will probably ignore it anyway, but it's there if anyone wants to run threads they don't want to expose the young 'un's to. :)
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