Singing along at concerts

That's silly.

Singing is something I would wish more people would do. It just feels like some sort of release.

I really don't see the problem with people singing. It really adds to the atmosphere I think.
I think its cool when everyone is caught up in the moment and singing along. Its a great feeling. Everyone united in their love for the man!
At the concert in Chicago I was next to this I hope drunk forty year old man singing everything into his wife's ear.I don't think she enjoyed it very much.
Nothing wrong with singing along, but it can get annoying. I dont like it when other people are trying to accentuate their singing abilities when I am trying to hear Morrissey's (in which his is quite exceptional by the way)
I sing along, but I try to do it softly. At Indy there was a woman next to me who was either completely drunk or just completely in love with Moz (possibly both) practically screaming along, but I let it slide. If people are having fun, I don't want to stop them.
As a somewhat related side note, I think it's amusing when he changes the words and people singing along get thrown off.
"Please, please, please, let me get what I....oh, umm...have who I want this time."
You are all a strange bunch! And, that's not bad! Most of us are here because we worship the lyrical GOD!

Because I'm a huge fan and want a long show people bash me all the time for hating the stage invasions that ruin shows. I think that is worse than singing. Some people are too loud, but I guess it's tough not to get caught up. People here say I am against dancing, hell no! How can one stay still during these songs?

Maybe, this will help some people out. Here is what I am against, and maybe you'll agree.

1-People who jump on stage, tackle Morrissey and kill the show. Handshakes are fine.

2-People who push and shove.

3-People who justify(like my poster friend from NYC who hates the music and just wants invasions) buying the cheap seats and then trying to push their way into the expensive seats(if full). The people who bought them deserve them.

Basic manners, a few, I repeat a few(like the assholes in Asbury in 2004) ruin a great event for all.
I didn't know how I would react when I saw Morrissey live. Hadn't thought about whether I'd sing along or not. However when the band busted out the first few bars of Panic, and 5000* people started singing, I couldn't help myself. It wasn't something I was consciously doing - just the euphoria of the moment.

Sorry to anyone had to listen to me sing most of the setlist. I don't exactly have a booming voice or anything, so I doubt I ruined it for those around me. In any case, they looked just as caught up in the occassion as I was.

As for other people singing badly (off-key, annoying voices, really f***ing loud, etc), I could only hear the crowd singing, not one particular person. Mind, I was so focussed on Morrissey that it even if William Hung was standing next to me with his own mic I doubt it would have bothered me.

To answer you question pandora_cocteau, I think it adds real energy to a concert when the crowd sings. Not just Morrissey gigs, any band.

(*correction on the number: 4900, I now know some of you were miming! :D)
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