people whose popularity i don't understand (other than TATU -- tee hee)

Re: Oy - you leave Gwyneth alone!

> i didn't like shakespeare in love at all. the first time i saw it, i was
> like, wow, that was cute. (i was caught up in all the miramax hype.) the
> second time, i was like, wow, that was overrated. it's an all right movie,
> not horrible, but it was definitely not the best picture of the year.
> haven't seen the other one and don't plan to. i've had about all the
> gwyneth i can take for a lifetime. thank god she doesn't seem to be making
> as many movies these days (she's too busy screwing every media darling of
> the moment).

Your taste in movies is your business. Fair enuff. But that's no reason to hate Gwyneth. Her performances in both films I've mentioned was flawless, and you REALLY should see the Anniversary Party. It's one of those low-budget handycam-filmed efforts with a whole bunch of big repuatble Hollywood names, fantastically conceived and marvellously executed.

And famous actors always run around banging one another. It's expected, dahhhhling!
We may not like it, but I think we all UNDERSTAND Tatu's popularity

Like Britney Spears - fabulously conceived marketing. You gotta hand it to them.
Play to universal male fantasies, add a sense of the prohibited.
I don't like the song, but it's admittedly one of the catchiest peices of trash-pop-fodder I've heard in some time.
> what is flashback lunch?

I often get "flashback lunch" after a few beers.
No-one has ever played "Every day is like Sunday" while it happened 'though.
That would be poetic and surreal.
Re: Oy - you leave Gwyneth alone!

> Your taste in movies is your business. Fair enuff. But that's no reason to
> hate Gwyneth. Her performances in both films I've mentioned was flawless,
> and you REALLY should see the Anniversary Party. It's one of those
> low-budget handycam-filmed efforts with a whole bunch of big repuatble
> Hollywood names, fantastically conceived and marvellously executed.

two decent performances is nothing. what has she done lately? additionally, as i've said before, i thought SIL was okay, at best. i thought her accent was pretty good (although renee zellwegger had her beat with her accent in bridget jones), but there's nothing really there, in my opinion. i chalk her success (at least initially) up to hollywood nepotism. i looked up the anniversary party and it doesn't sound like my cup of tea. thanks for the recommendation though. (i am extremely picky about movies.)

> And famous actors always run around banging one another. It's expected,
> dahhhhling!

obviously i know that, but jesus, i hope she gets herself checked.

she's still annoying.
Re: We may not like it, but I think we all UNDERSTAND Tatu's popularity

> Like Britney Spears - fabulously conceived marketing. You gotta hand it to
> them.
> Play to universal male fantasies, add a sense of the prohibited.
> I don't like the song, but it's admittedly one of the catchiest peices of
> trash-pop-fodder I've heard in some time.

i don't think you need to hand it to TATU -- more like their svengali-like manager. i think the song could get some moderate airplay, if released as a single, but it's not particularly catchy, in my opinion. maybe the music on its own is kind of catchy (in a really weird, annoying way), but damn! those voices are a deal breaker. i think if the song became a hit, it would be more along the lines of a novelty hit (i.e. forgotten in a couple months).
> i love robbie williams. moz should do a duet with him.

Is this your revenge for my 'al jolson was black' nonsense?

Hey, I apologised for that
> Oh oh. Prepare to be slaughtered by Patrick.

.....and if it's the last thing I ever do......:)
> Robbie Williams is a Sinatra-wannabe, with crappy songs that all sound the
> same, he doesn't even write his own songs! He gets that other bloke to do
> it for him. He is a goon, and when he's short on tunes he gets people in
> for duets. The way he latched onto Oasis when Take That split up was
> hilarious, especially when Liam and Noel said "everyone seems to
> think we're mates with Robbie Williams.We're not, to us he's just a fat
> dancer out of Take That",which sums the smug prick up perfectly.

> what is flashback lunch?

I don't care about the songs, voice, writing, or anything like that.

It's the face!!! I'd love to spend five or ten minutes slappng it. Preferably ten.
no, i seriously do like some of robbie williams's stuff and i think he himself is great.
and, dear patrick, don't hate me, but i also kind of like ronan keating. only one song, but even so. there's nothing like a well-scrubbed cherubic irishman to get a young american girl's heart beating a bit faster!
> and, dear patrick, don't hate me, but i also kind of like ronan keating.
> only one song, but even so. there's nothing like a well-scrubbed cherubic
> irishman to get a young american girl's heart beating a bit faster!

In the words of Mark Lamarr, "Ronan Keating carries a lucky charm around with him. Well it certainly works, cos he's the luckiest bastard in pop."

Ronan Keating should be incinerated.
i like that "love is a rollercoaster" song and i don't care who knows it.
Re: We may not like it, but I think we all UNDERSTAND Tatu's popularity

> i don't think you need to hand it to TATU -- more like their svengali-like
> manager. i think the song could get some moderate airplay, if released as
> a single, but it's not particularly catchy, in my opinion. maybe the music
> on its own is kind of catchy (in a really weird, annoying way), but damn!
> those voices are a deal breaker. i think if the song became a hit, it
> would be more along the lines of a novelty hit (i.e. forgotten in a couple
> months).

I'm talking about the single, not the cover (I haven't heard that yet). It's certainly true to its word ... "running through my head...", and that video is another peice of VERY smart marketing.
Re: We may not like it, but I think we all UNDERSTAND Tatu's popularity

> I'm talking about the single, not the cover (I haven't heard that yet).
> It's certainly true to its word ... "running through my
> head...", and that video is another peice of VERY smart marketing.

oops, my bad. i don't deny that its smart marketing, but it's sad when you're so untalented that you can't achieve legitimate fame and instead have to appeal to the dirty old pervert demographic.
Jennifer Lopez

Can't sing, can't act, all her films flop, and yet she keeps getting multi-million dollar advances!

She's only been in one decent film - The Cell, and that was all down to Tarsem!
Re: Jennifer Lopez

well, i thought the cell was crap. out of sight was pretty good though. but you are right. i despise jennifer hopez. i mean, i hate gwyneth, but even she is infinitely superior to jennifer lopez. my how low ben affleck has sunk.
> no, i seriously do like some of robbie williams's stuff and i think he
> himself is great.

I'm not biting.
> i like that "love is a rollercoaster" song and i don't care who
> knows it.

Aye, you're right Mind. He is indeed the spokesman for a generation.

'love is a rollercoaster' - wise words.
and if they don't believe me now, will they ever believe me?

i thought millennium was a brilliant song. i just downloaded it again last night. i think i shall pick up his american debut "the ego has landed" soon. i also like "let me entertain you," "let the love be your energy," "angels," and "rock dj."

also, i don't hate kylie.
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