Morrissey Central "NEW GUITARIST" (April 13, 2023)

Carmen Vandenberg (below) will play guitars with Jesse Tobias in the new
line-up for Morrissey's forthcoming July concerts in Israel, Ireland and Britain.

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If the musicians of the original line-up leave (or pass away in the case of the Bunnymen), it is almost natural to see them replaced by younger ones because they are more readily available and use the experience and reference to build up their careers. They could add some energy, but I think the pace is set by the frontman, and I can’t see Morrissey, Ian McCulloch or Bernatd Summers jumping around on stage anymore.
Good point. Johnny Marr surrounded himself with a much younger band in Iwan Gronow on bass and Jack Mitchell on drums and they’re great together live. Not sure how old Doviak is, he’s a bit of a Stig-like enigmatic character.
Did you see them in 1991? Do you remember a thin rockabilly Boz running around the stage with a James Dean looking Alain Whyte or the coolest bassist since Paul Simonon, the one and only, Gary Day? I'm sorry, Morrissey needed those young guys to take his career to another level. We are just going to have to disagree, I think most people agree with me on this. Btw, Mick Jagger is turning 80 this year and his energy level is incredible. Morrissey has no excuse for being so lazy on stage today. Jagger is 14 years older than him, Springsteen has 10 years on him.
Morrissey was already kind of lazy when I saw him live in 99. The energy of Morrissey and band + his performance in 91 and 92 were outstanding. Your description fits like a glove.
Can someone tell me who the f is Kristeen? I feel well out the loop here.
She's the lightbulb girl here. I was intrigued to learn of her collaborations with Moz back in the day, along with Carmen Vandenberg you'd hope it might assuage the usual misogynistic barbs thrown his way. But sadly I don't think it went smoothly last time.

Alain leaving is such a downer for me. With all the crap going on in the world seeing him return against all the odds was such a wonderful thing.

What I really don't get is that people are constantly "shocked" that people on here are not super positive all the time.
This has been touched on before:
And yet, time and time again, fans come back for that experience of exhilarating disappointment...
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Do you know Kristeen or Morrissey like you’re implying?
I'm not implying anything. I just pay attention when these things come out into the wild. Deduction is a powerful tool. And when it is all confirmed years later, one can sit back and assess the next batch of chaotic situations and the common denominators from previous situations. In this case, it's Jessie and Donny.
Wasn’t Donnie also his tour manager during the 2011 - 2016 period, the period before Peter Katsis came on board? Matt Walker temporarily left the group in 2012, and his brother quit in 2014. But I wouldn’t say this period was extremely messy in terms of changes in the band line-up.
It was and is always extremely messy - same as it ever was
No proper goodbyes or thanks to any former band members
Won’t be going to Dublin - sad times
This thread is so utterly silly. Alain has his own website he can post anything on it he wishes including his reasons for leaving or being asked to leave. Alain is a grown man and I am sure he is fully capable of handling his career anyway he sees fit that is best for himself and his family. Carmen was chosen by Jeff Beck to help write and record the last record he ever made in his life and was in his touring band as a second guitarist. If she is good enough for Beck I would think she is good enough for Morrissey. She has a chance to tour the world, play music, and earn a living which is what professional musicians aspire to do. I wish Carmen all the success in the world! Morrissey is an old man now and his career is exactly where he wants it to be. I think he enjoys slagging off the music industry, not releasing his records, being interviewed in what comes across as a North Korean not daring to question her dear leader, and then endorsing the likes of Paul Watson on his official Morrissey-Central Website to back up his views. If the truth be told he clearly does not give a rats ass about his so called legacy. I saw a video recently of fans chanting Morrissey and trying to hug him on stage which was utterly embarrassing. As for Jessie, he has been with Morrissey a very long time and short of the guitarist being Johnny Marr it really does not matter very much one way or the other. Morrissey wrote in his open letter to Marr it is not "1982" anymore. He should take his on cue and realize "Suffer Little Children" was great in it's day, but "Bonfire of Teenagers" with rabid gun violence and Islamic extremism is not exactly a cool thing to sing about especially since the parents of those children will morn the rest of their lives. He could have made "Bonfire" a B side and named the record "Rebels without Applause" and his record most likely would have been out by now so all his fans waiting for his new music to be released can hear and enjoy it, but this is not what Morrissey is all about now is it?
This thread is so utterly silly. Alain has his own website he can post anything on it he wishes including his reasons for leaving or being asked to leave.
Not if he signed an NDA. We never got a clear statement of exactly why Alain left the band the first time round, or Boz or any other other musicians, so I doubt this time will be any different. In the absence of any clear statement from either party, all the fans have left is speculation.
Did you see them in 1991? Do you remember a thin rockabilly Boz running around the stage with a James Dean looking Alain Whyte or the coolest bassist since Paul Simonon, the one and only, Gary Day? I'm sorry, Morrissey needed those young guys to take his career to another level. We are just going to have to disagree, I think most people agree with me on this. Btw, Mick Jagger is turning 80 this year and his energy level is incredible. Morrissey has no excuse for being so lazy on stage today. Jagger is 14 years older than him, Springsteen has 10 years on him.
Haha. I remember Boz running around onstage. I also remember many people viewing it as embarrassing, and Morrissey himself having to put a stop to it.

You must remember that Morrissey sold out arenas BEFORE people had seen what the band were like. All those hundreds of thousands of fans bought tickets based on Morrissey's name and picture on the posters.

It was Morrisseymania in 1991 because it was his first solo tour. Fans across Europe, America, Japan etc. certainly weren't buying tickets based on the backing band. :lbf:
Am I daft for wondering if Carmen will set up and do the Veronica backing vocals?

Moz probably rates her ability, so might be happy for her to feature on the song.

Surely this is one way to get Bonfire moving again
Earlier this month Alain posted a video of he and Gustavo in the hotel in Paris, performing a great unplugged version of I Know It’s Over. Perhaps Tobias saw it and got angry that he wasn’t invited to the late night hotel jam session?
Very saddened by Alain's departure; he was adored by the fans. M has set a precedent with regard to falling out with people who are good for him.

I wish Alain all the best and all the success in the world. He's deserving of it. 💜
This thread is so utterly silly. Alain has his own website he can post anything on it he wishes including his reasons for leaving or being asked to leave. Alain is a grown man and I am sure he is fully capable of handling his career anyway he sees fit that is best for himself and his family. Carmen was chosen by Jeff Beck to help write and record the last record he ever made in his life and was in his touring band as a second guitarist. If she is good enough for Beck I would think she is good enough for Morrissey. She has a chance to tour the world, play music, and earn a living which is what professional musicians aspire to do. I wish Carmen all the success in the world! Morrissey is an old man now and his career is exactly where he wants it to be. I think he enjoys slagging off the music industry, not releasing his records, being interviewed in what comes across as a North Korean not daring to question her dear leader, and then endorsing the likes of Paul Watson on his official Morrissey-Central Website to back up his views. If the truth be told he clearly does not give a rats ass about his so called legacy. I saw a video recently of fans chanting Morrissey and trying to hug him on stage which was utterly embarrassing. As for Jessie, he has been with Morrissey a very long time and short of the guitarist being Johnny Marr it really does not matter very much one way or the other. Morrissey wrote in his open letter to Marr it is not "1982" anymore. He should take his on cue and realize "Suffer Little Children" was great in it's day, but "Bonfire of Teenagers" with rabid gun violence and Islamic extremism is not exactly a cool thing to sing about especially since the parents of those children will morn the rest of their lives. He could have made "Bonfire" a B side and named the record "Rebels without Applause" and his record most likely would have been out by now so all his fans waiting for his new music to be released can hear and enjoy it, but this is not what Morrissey is all about now is it?

I take umbrage at the Bonfire of Teenagers track causing you offence, because, as a Mancunian myself, I am still livid at what occurred in 2017, and the adopted ‘anthem’ of Don’t Look Back In Anger is a controversial choice in itself, with lyrics about choosing to turn the other cheek.

The senseless loss of 22 people in my home city of Manchester will always provoke an infernal anger that can’t simply be pacified by a John Lennonesque ‘Imagine’ singalong. It’s not cathartic when you’re forced to forego your anger for an old Oasis ballad that was fodder for Noel Gallagher to croon while Liam went for a wobbly wander every night.

So I applaud Morrissey for having the b*lls and courage to say what a LOT of Mancunians are still feeling. He’s merely reflecting much public opinion, of which his aligns with ours.

Don’t look back in anger? Do me a favour.

Morrissey had his finger on the pulse with that one.
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Wait, why? Is he "management"? Gustavo has been a force within Morrissey's shows since 2009. And he is fully loyal to him. I don't care THAT much but he doesn't seem to play with any other band or need the Morrissey brand to propel him forward anywhere else in music. He definitely shouldn't leave. He fits and works, writes, and Mozza obviously likes him. Why the hate?? Or are you just a jealous c**t?? o_O
Loyalty doesn't mean good music, his songs are low, so low. Maybe one exception, but the M career went down precisely after YOR. M himself has been telling about the little airplay, no support, etc. about his new music, so it's clear people doesn't like the new music. In a live show, crowd doesn't sing aloud new tunes, sings the 80s, 90s, 00s. And that's a fact.
So, keep crying you little small d**k, keep crying 🤣
PREDICTION! What are the odds this means that Alain, Boz, Gary Day and Spencer get together and do some live shows within the next year? The only questions is - who will be on vocals?

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