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With the new folks in the band, all the songs are
gettin' a fresh new sound and feel.
I fecking agree x1000%
It was such a brilliant night. I think this tour is gonna be mega. It actually made me well up a few times. There is something fecking special about seeing M in the UK. He's home and he is at his best. I have seen him in a few countries since the 80s Smiths days and I have seen him in the USA fecking loads, including Moz Angeles. He does some good shows but he's rarely as good as when in the UK. Not being a fecking dick about it. Just sayings
In Leeds I met some young fans who reminded me, just how special M was to me and still is I remembered what was special about him, its the way he makes us feel and I cried like a blasted fecking baby. He isn't going to be around forever, we should try and project the positive feeling we have for him, rather than bitching about the fact he said something.
If someone leaves the band, rather than say "That's it, it's all fecking over now mate" and nasty fecking bollocks . We should wait and see what happens and show support. That's what the gig in Leeds reminded me. The fans I met don't come on here, they don't bother with M Central, and they don't give a fecking shiz about gossip. Lots are bright enough not to read his autobiography and have no interest in meeting any of M's friends or M himself. They know doing that ends up spoiling the world M created for them. They like the music and M universe and some follow M lore but that's fecking it. I was totally fecking totally fecking jealous.
On this site people slated M for letting AW and Gus go, but we don't know what was going on. Sure Jesse is meant to be a bad influence, but maybe Jesse is looking out for M. Maybe M didn't want AW in the band anymore . Who knows what was fecking going on? Jesse bad-mouthed Kristeen Young, sure, but he had a point didn't he? She spilt the tea to so many fans time and again. She let it known she was in the stealing fans business .
There may have been a good reason Jesse made it hard for AW. Maybe M wanted him to. Maybe M decided he wanted something new or maybe they weren't that happy about the way AW was doing a Kristeen Young trying to snag some of M's fans. AW's main angle is " AW Morrissey's ex guitarist " Look at his social media there are a few pictures, where you can feel AW is trying to channel M. Then he gets the old M band together and even enlists Craig Gannon. It's creepy as feck. If you're an artist why not do something new, why not do your own fecking thing? Why try and surround yourself in someone else's lore ? I mean, come the feck on, singing so many songs, you never wrote from a band you were never in and then working with someone from that band is a bit on the nose. Most artists try and move forward and move away from someone else's shadow. I get AW is trying to make bank, I get it, he has a kid and needs money. I get it, I'm not trying to be nasty
But maybe M is tired of that, he has had a hard time from the press and has seen a lot of fans leave and people he thought were friends turn their back. His Mums died
So, maybe he just wants someone to be there, for him .
Whatever. we should try and celebrate M more and give this new band a go. I think they are quite good already, they will be fire by the end of the year = if they are still going by then lol