Moz on George Best

Violence excites men. Few would admit it, but they probably secretly think his wife deserved to be hit.

That is, like, so true.

"I released a single called 'Boxers' and everybody thinks I'm an authority and I'm not. I'm not an expert on the manly art or the sweet science as it's called. I just enjoy the violent aspect of it. I think it's quite glamorous. I long for my chance to join in."
We disagree about the Diana thing. We agree that it is essential to express and cry. But the ability to suppress is supported as a good thing by many top psychologists. Proper scientific studies have strongly suggested that counselling can simply prolong unhappy feelings. The two approaches can be balanced.
Modern politics is pantomime.
Best wishes.
You're generalising too much, not all men are like each other. That's like saying all women are materialistic, plastic people, it's untrue.

no sorry I'm not sure if I've made myself clear, when I speak of 'misogynist idiots' that's exactly what I mean it's not a code for men or something :o I just don't see how certain men, ie. sexest bastards or even the 'female chauvenist pig' can be attracted to moz, when all he's ever done is promote feminist ideology
I'm amazed at the complete ignorance and inability to think on this thread.

Why do you think Morrissey cited George Best as one of his heroes?

Do you honestly think he was talking about the middle aged man who got drunk all the time? Do you think that's how Morrissey remembers him?

Morrissey is 47 not 22. He remembers things you don't.

George Best to him is the working class kid who came from the streets of Northern Ireland and became his childhood hero through playing amazing football for the club just up the road to him. Your childhood heroes stay with you.
.Violence excites men. Few would admit it, but they probably secretly think his wife deserved to be hit.


A lot of women are excited by violence aswell but perhaps more when it's on the screen than actually happening, but the thought someone would get excited by the pain of a person whose being completely victimised is pretty sick
I'm amazed at the complete ignorance and inability to think on this thread.

Why do you think Morrissey cited George Best as one of his heroes?

Do you honestly think he was talking about the middle aged man who got drunk all the time? Do you think that's how Morrissey remembers him?

Morrissey is 47 not 22. He remembers things you don't.

George Best to him is the working class kid who came from the streets of Northern Ireland and became his childhood hero through playing amazing football for the club just up the road to him. Your childhood heroes stay with you.

Yeah, fine. But we were all discussing the entire life of George Best. Besides, even as a young man, George Best was a womanising piss-head.
I'm amazed at the complete ignorance and inability to think on this thread.

Why do you think Morrissey cited George Best as one of his heroes?

Do you honestly think he was talking about the middle aged man who got drunk all the time? Do you think that's how Morrissey remembers him?

Morrissey is 47 not 22. He remembers things you don't.

George Best to him is the working class kid who came from the streets of Northern Ireland and became his childhood hero through playing amazing football for the club just up the road to him. Your childhood heroes stay with you.

Knock off the sensible talk, Danny. You're not fooling anyone. Just admit it. You want to run up behind the little old lady who lives next door and push her in front of a speeding bus.
A lot of women are excited by violence aswell but perhaps more when it's on the screen than actually happening, but the thought someone would get excited by the pain of a person whose being completely victimised is pretty sick

Meaning... you disagree with the statement?
Meaning... you disagree with the statement?

no sadly I agree with the statement, there probably are men who think victims of spousal abuse deserve it, but it can't just be put down to 'men who find violence exciting' because often violence is very exciting, car chases etc. but violence where a real person is put through horrible pain through no real fault of there own is sickening. I realise this is an obvious point :o
Violence is inevitable....
I mean, is it really a surprise that a jock beats his wife? I'd say no...
...but you know what is extremely surprising? Bing Crosby beating his wife!!!! and....NOOOooooOOOO..
It's impossible!
So what! How does someone being a womanising pisshead stop him from being a footballing hero?

It doesn't stop him from being a footballer, it doesn't even stop him from being an excellent footballer, but it does stop him from being a hero. To idolise someone who did so many atrocious things is just plain wrong, which ever way you try and look at it.
I wonder how many people would turn away from moz if we discovered something similar about him. And if we did we'd hardly write him off and say well all those great songs,and performances, and all those people he inspired meant nothing because he's a bastard
I wonder how many people would turn away from moz if we discovered something similar about him. And if we did we'd hardly write him off and say well all those great songs,and performances, and all those people he inspired meant nothing because he's a bastard

I can assure you if I found out Morrissey hit women, I would never buy another concert ticket or record of his ever again. On general principle. And I would be devastated that a person I thought so highly of would do such a thing. I could forgive him alcoholism, but hitting women, or squandering two liver transplants? No.
George Best was a hero to a lot of people.

I never met him but he appeared to be a complete arse, and although he was a fabulous footballer he was probably grossly over-rated.

What can't be denied is that he was iconic....scan back to the image on The Wedding Present album cover - that's iconic!

Iconic images just are - the person behind the image does'nt have to be popular. Morrissey is hugely iconic and how many people do you know who can't stand him?

It's the memory of Best at 21 that Morrissey remembers so fondly, not the circus act he spent most of his life being - a has-been laughing stock.
If I remember correctly, weren't the fights between George and his last wife reciprocal (i.e they both gave each other a good doing)? And if not, why are we always the victims? I'll never understand why women lie down and take the beatings, I mean does nothing snap inside them and make them think "How dare you!". Why don't they pick up something and smash his head in? Yes, men are stronger, but for f***s sake they're not indestructable robots. I'm sorry to go on, but it annoys me that we're never told to stick up for ourselves. If we're being beaten, we're told to seek refuge (and remain in fear forever), or if we've been raped, we're told to go to the police (and of course, he never gets caught). I remember reading about four women in New York who had been raped by the same man. They met each other through the police investigation. The man got away with it of course, so they decided to get together, find the guy, and they chopped his knob off (among other things). So f*** women's aid and moaning about being victimised - have some dignity, for christs' sake!
It doesn't stop him from being a footballer, it doesn't even stop him from being an excellent footballer, but it does stop him from being a hero. To idolise someone who did so many atrocious things is just plain wrong, which ever way you try and look at it.

So being a womaniser and a drunk is an atrocious thing?

I'm sorry, but I don't see those as deadly sins.

Being a wife beater is pretty bad but as far as I'm aware those allegations didn't come out until very recently.
If I remember correctly, weren't the fights between George and his last wife reciprocal (i.e they both gave each other a good doing)? And if not, why are we always the victims? I'll never understand why women lie down and take the beatings, I mean does nothing snap inside them and make them think "How dare you!". Why don't they pick up something and smash his head in? Yes, men are stronger, but for f***s sake they're not indestructable robots. I'm sorry to go on, but it annoys me that we're never told to stick up for ourselves. If we're being beaten, we're told to seek refuge (and remain in fear forever), or if we've been raped, we're told to go to the police (and of course, he never gets caught). I remember reading about four women in New York who had been raped by the same man. They met each other through the police investigation. The man got away with it of course, so they decided to get together, find the guy, and they chopped his knob off (among other things). So f*** women's aid and moaning about being victimised - have some dignity, for christs' sake!

So you're in favour of sterilising rapists then? Good.
So being a womaniser and a drunk is an atrocious thing?

I'm sorry, but I don't see those as deadly sins.

Being a wife beater is pretty bad but as far as I'm aware those allegations didn't come out until very recently.

He was one of the biggest whores of the sixties. But this is yet another double standard. A woman sleeps with 20 men and she is called a slut, a man sleeps with 200 and he is called a 'lad'. It's not on. It may not be a 'sin', but it's far from desirable behaviour, to a lot of people. He's not a mere drunk, either - he's a man who laughed in the face of two liver transplants. This makes him ungrateful, wasteful and selfish, causing pain and worry to those who (mystifyingly) cared about him.
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