Morrissey in Rome with the band recording new album?

I've never understood why a person isn't supposed to like both. I've seen both live, with only a day in between one time, and enjoyed myself for greatly different reasons at both shows.

Because everyone knows one sucks and the other one doesn't.

Need I say more? :cool:
So I have to choose between an old Nazi and an old guy in lipstick? It's like Tinder all over again.

Who sang: I can have both, no need to choose?
Hint: it wasn't neither one or the other!
I've never understood why a person isn't supposed to like both. I've seen both live, with only a day in between one time, and enjoyed myself for greatly different reasons at both shows.
I completely agree.
My adolescent self didn't unfortunately.
The Smiths v Cure thing was very much at the time (80's) and now, with 'adult' ears, I regret not hearing The Cure live in the 80's due to ill-perceived loyalty.
The music magazines of the day helped whip up the idea that Bob and Moz disliked each other and if you were a 'devout' fan, you couldn't like both at the same time!
Just one of those things I guess.
I now own most of their back catalogue and enjoy them almost as much as The Smiths.
(I bought Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me in late '87 as The Smiths were changing in to Moz solo and really liked the album - I caught up with the rest gradually).
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I completely agree.
My adolescent self didn't unfortunately.
The Smiths v Cure thing was very much at the time (80's) and now, with 'adult' ears, I regret not hearing The Cure live in the 80's due to ill-perceived loyalty.
The music magazines of the day helped whip up the idea that Bob and Moz disliked each other and if you were a 'devout' fan, you couldn't like both at the same time!
Just one of those things I guess.
I now own most of their back catalogue and enjoy them almost as much as The Smiths.
(I bought Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me in late '87 as The Smiths were changing in to Moz solo and really liked the album - I caught up with the rest gradually).
I remember going into a record store with an ex girlfriend (thankfully short term because she was AWFUL) in the early 90's looking for Morrissey bootlegs. The record store clerk told her that they didn't have any new, but they'd just gotten in several Cure bootlegs. I lost lot of respect for her with the way she hissed and bitched at the clerk, and I gained two really good Cure bootlegs that day! :lbf:
I've never understood why a person isn't supposed to like both. I've seen both live, with only a day in between one time, and enjoyed myself for greatly different reasons at both shows.
And you didn't understand that the gif was all about film director Mike Leigh, born in Salford, always portraying Cure fans as nice vulnerable people and Smiths fans as complete bastards in some of his films.

That clip in the gif is from the Mike Leigh film "Career Girls".

We are many that loved both bands.
I completely agree.
My adolescent self didn't unfortunately.
The Smiths v Cure thing was very much at the time (80's) and now, with 'adult' ears, I regret not hearing The Cure live in the 80's due to ill-perceived loyalty.
The music magazines of the day helped whip up the idea that Bob and Moz disliked each other and if you were a 'devout' fan, you couldn't like both at the same time!
Just one of those things I guess.
I now own most of their back catalogue and enjoy them almost as much as The Smiths.
(I bought Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me in late '87 as The Smiths were changing in to Moz solo and really liked the album - I caught up with the rest gradually).
NME were behind building up this hate thing between Robert Smith and Morrissey. That sort of rivalry between artists has always been a very important factor when building a name for yourself.
I bought NME over the counter before I had a subsciption and the girl in the kiosk was a massive Cure fan always wearing their t-shirts so of course I went there wearing Moz and Smiths shirts and she just looked at me with a side glare.

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